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I want a Warwick, but how? hmmm?


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Hey y'all.


I am currently thinking about indulging in a "proper" bass. I have my sights on a 5 String Warwick FNA Corvette Jazzman with Extra long neck, gold hardware, ebony fretboard, personalised inlay on 2th fret, maybe SIMS led's (if they're not to garish!) either way I want the works -to my specification.


Can I order this from Warwick?

Do I have to get one through a dealer?

Does anyone now a UK dealer?

If I go through a dealer can I be as specific as I like?

And more importanly this bass is gona hit me where it hurts when it comes to price, so is there a way I might get it from the US or an EU country at a lower price? :confused:


I'm a newbie to the buying market as my first 2 budget range were bought for me when i was learning.


Any help would be much appreciated and would bestow a new confidence in forums!!! :D


Warwick have been unbelievably unhelpful :bor: by not returning any posts at all so any help would be much appreciated and would bestow a new confidence in forums!!! :thu: Thanks lad's.

(In the voice of Samueal L Jackson) "Mmmm, That is a funky bassline!"
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Welcome to our forum.


Alex Claber is a Warwick playin' member from across the pond...lives in Brighton, according to his profile.


I'm hopin' he'll chime in here and offer advice about ordering 'wicks.


There's a fretless available we just discussed in this thread.


As long time Warwick player, I'd say you're gettin' into something good. IMHO, you'll do better with a pre 1991 than a new custom one (the old Warwicks had a LOT to offer.)


As far as the LED's (which add a LOT to the price) I've often wanted them installed. I do a lot of theater playing, and in the darkness of the pit, they would help.


Welcome aboard.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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There are some Warwicks in Denmark street, also at Bass Gallery in Camden and Bass Centre in Liverpool Street [all these are in London]. Warwick suggest to contact:


Salesoffice UK - Manchester

Rob Norton

Tel. +44 (0)1618390 666 Ext. 200

Fax. +44 (0)1612146161



I called Rob and he suggested:

Sound Control - Birmingham as perhaps your nearest store.


If you are new to the market, you should try as many basses as possible, as we always recommend.


Hope this helps


"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I would definitely be looking at an old warwick compared to a new custom model. I play a 90 warwick thumb and it blows the new stuff out of the water. And btw, warwick has been great to me even though i bought the bass used and it's warranty is probably up anyway, so i don't understand your predicament.
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Originally posted by musicfiend:

I would definitely be looking at an old warwick compared to a new custom model. I play a 90 warwick thumb and it blows the new stuff out of the water.

Substitute '87 Streamer and that's my experience. You pay a hefty premium for custom Warwicks, especially all singing, all dancing ones. I wouldn't order a custom instrument from any larger company, only from a specialist luthier with a flawless reputation - it all comes down to wood and if the wood isn't up to scratch you'll lose out.


My best advice is go The Gallery in Camden and play every bass there that's within or near to your budget. You will get A LOT more for your money that way. And if you don't like anything there, you could get Martin to build you a very nice custom bass, and he's one of the few luthiers that uses the wood that gives the Warwick sound: wenge - that's where it's at!



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Thanks for all your help lad's but I must say I'm looking for a modern machine and I've played the newer one's and they're for me!


So thanks to Davo-London, and everyone else who replied.


When you have your heart set on a bass, it's very hard to budge.



(In the voice of Samueal L Jackson) "Mmmm, That is a funky bassline!"
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That's cool. Have you played many other basses around that price range - I know it seems like Warwicks are the only £1500+ basses you can find in the UK. Obviously the new Warwicks are great instruments but if you're comparing them to your existing budget instruments then that's not too objective.


When you say extra long neck, are you talking about longer scale lengths? What kind of music to you tend to play? (And what rig are you going to be playing this monster through?)



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Hey Alex,


I have played spector, the fender's, warwick's musicman etc.


Warwick do an "extra long" thing whereby it has a longer scale neck i.e. bigger fret-spacing.


I play a fusion of hard rock, quirky funk and mellow spacey grooves. This is the reason I'd like a bass that could muster any tones that I need.


Are there any suggestions for a make that I should check out?


When it comes to a rig, as I have said previously, i'm currently upgrading, as it stands I have an older MK5 400w head and a 2x 12 witrh compression horn and a 1 x 15 with black widow driver.


I have have a few effects too.


So back to my question, any suggestions?


Keep it real, keep it smooth funky.

(In the voice of Samueal L Jackson) "Mmmm, That is a funky bassline!"
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Dude, ive played the model your thinking of getting i think, or a version of it. I think Sound Control is a warwick dealer but i dont know if there are stores in England, i recon so though


Much Love :thu:


"I am just an instrument cos the lord is playing this funk"-T.M Stevens
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