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holy crap! just got a new mp3 player

The Fonz

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i just bought my first ever mp3 player. how the hell did i ever live without one of these things. i got a 20g rio karma. this friggin thing is tiny and i can't seem to fill it.


the rio karma... highly recommended.

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I dunno... I like having cd's and picking out a cd to listen to and i'm the same with books. I like digging through my cd collection and picking out what I play. They are cool though :thu:
Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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you're missing out gord.


i really enjoy cycling through my electronic library and picking a song out.


I also enjoy letting my library surprise me with it's "shuffle" option...can your collection do that?




edit: my mp3 player has also cleared up the residual acne from my teen years.


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Yeh, for me it just kind of takes away the whole 'album' thing and turns listening into more of a 'song' based thing. Not that i want everything to be a concept album or anything but I think a good album has a certain flavour to it (i.e is more than a sum of all its parts). This type of consumption I find pushes us into 'who can write the catchiest song' territory instead of giving artists a chance.


Or I could just be talking bollocks and being an old fart at the grand age of 20 :D

Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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hey, you can still have albums on an .mp3 player. particularly if you get a smaller one (256MB to 1GB), on which you can only fit so many songs. i bought an iriver iFP-599T for my wife for christmas. it's 1GB and fits around eight to ten albums worth of music. you can't really get as much out of the random experience as you can if your entire record collection fits on it. and the songs are all filed as an album, in a folder, so you can set it to play just that one folder, and then you have to choose another one. or you can do the car stereo thing and have it automatically repeat at the end of the album until you change it. it's everything you love about CDs and so much more.


the most revolutionary thing for me, though, is having music everywhere, in places it's never been conveneint to have music. i'm not going to take a cd player and a couple cds -- trying to predict my mood and what i really want to hear beforehand -- when i go to the supermarket without my wife to buy food for the next week. however, i can take the .mp3 player, which is considerably smaller than my mobile phone and holds more music than i could possibly listen to in two days of "real life". it's been incredible life-changing for me, the few days i've been able to get the .mp3 player from her.


now i just have to devote the time to ripping my entire CD collection to my computer. to this point, it's mostly been my emusic downloads that have populated the .mp3 player.



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I rec'd an iPod as a gift. It's 40GB. I don't know if I'll ever fill it!


I don't know how I lived without it. It is suddenly my best friend on my 30-minute train commute twice a day.


Even though I can listen to single songs, I find myself playing the "albums" anyway. Guess I'm still doin' the ol' skool thang w/ a new school gadget.



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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Even though I can listen to single songs, I find myself playing the "albums" anyway. Guess I'm still doin' the ol' skool thang w/ a new school gadget.

pretty much. i've done both, and while random has its place, it's much more gratifying for me to listen to albums in a continuous fashion.


i think multi-disc changers, to some degree, can also bear some of the criticism for disintegrating the album, but how often do you listen in random when you're not hosting a party?


that's what i thought.



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I have a Rio Forge, which is a sport model (I use it for working out), which is cool. It's reaaaaaaaallly small and holds a decent amount of music (256 megs, though a small little 1 gig expansion card can be found that will slide in right next to the AAA the runs the thing).


It doesn't have as much space as an iPod but that doesn't bother me since loading up songs from my computer is a simple process and I don't tend to work out for 72 hours at a time ;)


I, too, like the whole "album" appeal... but then I just upload the whole thing on my Rio. If I'm at home, I'll often just pop the disc into the player anyway.

- Tom R.
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Another option is the CD-players that also play MP3 files, if you don't mind "burning" CDs yourself. I've had good luck with the Sony - plays MP3s and ATRAC. This option also lets you play conventional audio CDs.


On the upside, you can get a good CD-player that holds 650Mb for about $80. On the down-side, you can't just copy files to it via USB.

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At some point I hope to get one of these things. I've been using my computer on the train, and it's a bit bulky.


Robb's post reminded me of one aspect of these things. They isolate you. Sitting on the train it's not such a big deal, but people avoid interaction with others when they've got "things" in their ears (music/phone/whatever). And there are places in the world where people still like to say hello to strangers, or pass a word with an acquaintance. I would be tempted to listen in the supermarket, but I'd also like to say "good morning" once in a while (when they aren't running my over with the carts).


Think about it.




Acoustic Color


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I bought an iRiver 180T about 2 years ago. It really helps to have my favorite music whenever I'm in the gym beating my brains in with a dumbbell...



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My 40GB iPod doesn't hold my whole collection, so I've had to be choosy in what gets put onto it. That means kicking something off when I want to add a new CD purchase to it.


I love having my whole collection handy like that, but at the same time it can be too much to choose from on the fly. Kind of like when you look in the closet full of clothes and say "I have NOTHING to wear!" Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to listen to, and putting on shuffle makes me just skip through when a song comes up I'm not in the mood for.


What I really need to do is look at the collection in iTunes, and organize some playlists.

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Originally posted by Ace Cracker:

i just bought my first ever mp3 player. how the hell did i ever live without one of these things. i got a 20g rio karma. this friggin thing is tiny and i can't seem to fill it.


the rio karma... highly recommended.

Got myself a 5g Rio Carbon - just love it!!
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I'm addicted to my 30 gig iPod. It doesn't hold my whole collection either and I have to keep rotating stuff in and out.


I just tried to fit a bunch of russian avant-garde jazz stuff on there and it wouldn't fit. Arrg! :mad:

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I've had a CD-R based MP3 and CD player in my vehicle for several years. I get 100+ tunes on a CD-R, so that's not bad at all...better than flipping CD's 10 songs at a time!


I've been thinking about snagging one of the little "thumb drive" type MP3 players...you know, it looks just like one of the tiny plug-in USB storage devices, but it's got a headphone jack on it. These are usually only a few hundred Mb, but still that's some major portability. I could swear I've seen one that can transmit an FM signal, which means I can play it in my vehicle by merely putting the stereo on 87.1 or some other unused frequency. I can't find it again, or I would have already bought that sucker....!



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- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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