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Genz-Benz NEOX400-112


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I was at a guitar shop with a friend over the weekend (he was buying, I was hanging) when I came across a new Genz-Benz combo, the NEOX400-112. Very nice.


Check it out.


I'm already a Genz-Benz fan, as I've had their ML200-112 combo for a couple of years now. The NEOX400 combo has everything I like about the ML200, only it's even better. It puts out 300 watts, & 425 with an 8-ohm extension (for 4 ohms total). Yet it only weighs 59 lbs. (about the same as the ML200), because of the lightweight magnets (hence the "NEOX").


What I like best about this amp (aside from the cool blue lights) is the preamp section. It has tube & SS functions, which are fully blendable. Like the ML200, it has the very handy array of 3 push-buttons to boost bass, scoop mids, & boost highs; but it now offers a level knob for each of these functions, & playing around with the combinations gave some sweet results, and quickly & easily. It also has 5 bands of active EQ (low, low-mid, mid, high-mid, high). Plus nice little features like a switchable limiter, & a tilt-back foot.


Unfortunately I didn't get to give it a full test drive. That's partly because of limited time, but also because the first thing I tried was a deep, smooth, scooped sort of sound (I've been practicing Steely Dan tunes all week), and was so pleased I just kept trying more variations on that. But I did find that with minimal tweaking very bright & growling tones were easy to find, so it should be versatile, sound-wise. And it should be versatile, venue-wise, as it can easily be used either for monitoring or for stage volume in lots of places where 200 watts, say, is too little, & where a huge rig would be overkill. Plus, just 59 lbs., with 2 beefy handles mounted on the top side-edges.


I want one! Anyway, thought I'd share this, for the benefit of people looking for this type of amp. My shop was asking $899 for it, & I've seen both higher & lower than that during a quick Google.

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GB makes good stuff. If/when you get it, I will have to live vicariously through you, as I can't justify any more amp GAS to the wife. Coe to think of it, wasn't I supposed to sell my GB head and 2x10 (heavy non-neo) when I bought the Carvin stack last summer? Hmmm... never got around to that. What she doesn't know... lets me play with my choice!

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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I have a Genz Benz practice amp. I love it. I had the opportunity to play through one of the very same amps you are dreaming of about 3 weeks ago. Very schweet. Just not beefy enough for me to ditch my 410.
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Man. I love that cabinet design! $900 is also a decent price if it lives up to its press.

I wonder who makes the driver and how much it will really take?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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