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Happy Valentine's Day LowDowners!

Connie Z

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I love you all! :love:


I wish you each a wonderful day with your Sweetie and if you are in-between relationships, then I hope that you enjoy the love of the family and friends who love you!


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Sweet :) I went to my gf's house after I came back from school to give her a rose. I'd already given her a big Garfield with a heart on it (caught it at an amusement park when I was on vacation :) ) but that was "for no reason". And I'm too much of a romantic to skip Valentine's Day altogether ...


Couldn't stay though, we both have work to do :cry: Anyway, we agreed to go out for dinner some other (and cheaper) day :D Anyway, back to my books now ... :(

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I had to UPS my valentines day presents to my girlfriend. She's going to school in Virginia...and I'm still in New York.


But its all good! UPS delivered them at 11am this morning. :P

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Originally posted by 57pbass:

LD'ers.... I am sitting here in my white boxer shorts with the big red hearts all over them.. :D

Now THAT's an image I could've done without... :P


Ditto to you Connie and everyone else!



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Thank you all! You've been a light, in a dark time!

Instead of allowing yourself to be unhappy, just let your love grow as God wants it to grow. Seek goodness in others. Love more persons more--love them more impersonally, more unselfishly, without thought of return. The return, never fear, will take care of itself.


(1 John 4:7-12)

7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.


Excuse the verses if they offend anyone but, they help me be the person I feel I need to be.





"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

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Connie, Happy Valentine's Day. :love:


Lady Bo and I will be back in New Orleans in April to play the Pondersa Stomp again. We'll play on Tuesday, April 26 and will fly in the day before and out the day after.


I just got home from work in San Jose and will get to spend the rest of the evening with my lady. Tomorrow we leave for Reno again. We'll be gigging up there this week at the Rapscallion, a seafood restuarant.. They've added a night, we'll be playing Wed.-Sat. It's great when we get to spend the whole week together.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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So much LOVE here! :love:


You are all the BEST people in the world! :thu:



Originally posted by tnb:

my wife and I are coming to the New Orleans for our 5th anniversary in August. Hopefully, you will be gigging somewhere while we are there.

Coooooool! I hope we are gigging too! Although, down here in Nu Awlins in August... we mainly like to sit around on the veranda and drink Mint Julips, cause it is HOT . (Just kidding, I like Luzianne Iced Tea... Mint Julips are yucky! :D )



Originally posted by Wally Malone:

Lady Bo and I will be back in New Orleans in April to play the Pondersa Stomp again. We'll play on Tuesday, April 26 and will fly in the day before and out the day after.

Yay! Maybe we can finally have our GUMBO on the evening before if you are free. And I am fairly certain that I'll attend the Stomp again, cause it was really a blast last year. Such a cool concept... bringing all of those talents together. I had the best time watching and listening and dancin' to you and Lady Bo!!! Y'all are cool man! :cool::thu:


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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