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Got an audition Sunday: Update (report)


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I answered an ad posted on a local music website, in which a band composed of a guitarist, a pianist, and a percussionist were looking for a bassist to play Jazz standard, some funk and latin music. After speaking on the phone with the guitar player I learned that: these guys meet once a week and want to gig sporadically (once a month or something like that). However there is no drummer and they want to keep the level quiet. He insisted that they want this to be very laid-back. The interesting part is that two of these guys (piano and guitar) are classically trained and former professional musicians. Therefore I understood that the level of musicianship is going to rather high and it is going to be a stretch for me, which is exactly what I am looking for. I was candid with the guy regarding my level: I consider myself as being at the intermediary level; no classical training on my part, although I took lessons; can read and interpret a chart; I mentioned that I can't sight-read a staff, but I answered yes when he asked me if given a staff with a written bass part and I would be able to work on it and play it at the next practice; above all: I am really interested in playing jazz with good musicians. He phoned me back and told me that I had the spirit or attitude (I dont remember) they were looking for. He spoke to three other bass players and I am the only one he decided to give a try.


So I am invited to play with them on Sunday afternoon. I am pretty excited, and hope that it turns out well. I am really looking forward playing with musicians that are at a higher level than me, although I hope that the gap will not be too large. Language might be an issue since those guys are all English-speaking, and for me English is only a second language, but hey, what can you do Anyway, we will see that on Sunday. Ill keep you posted. Wish me luck.

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Good luck with the audition. I love playing with musicians who are at a higher level than me because I always learn something and take a tiny step up to the next level myself with each experience.
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Keep that great attitude and sense of honesty that you obviously have. Are you playing electric or upright? Prepare as much as you can as early as you can, then give yourself a rest and only play a little the day before. Well-rehearsed = confident and rested = relaxed! Good luck!



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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From what I can tell the audition went well.

They did not give me anything to prepare, so it was basically "plug and play". As I expected, the musicanship level was very high. We are talking well educated musicians with lots of experience. The guitar player especially amazed me. I have never played with a better one. His solos were particularly good, nothing flashy although he could have done that, but extremely melodic and well "written" (for lack of a better word). I am sure that I have paid money to see lesser guitarists. The pianist, who is the initator and leader of the band was very nice to me and is also a "future ex-bass player" in a cover band. He grew tired of playing rock and roll, and of playing with ear-protection. Selling his bass and concentrate on this jazz thing... There was a guy playing small percussions, although he was not the regular percussion guy and not very good either. The regular one plays mostly congas, but could be there that day.


The atmosphere was good, very relaxed and friendly. We basically browsed through the real book. Lots of latin stuff in which I did particularly good (although this is not my favourite music) a couple of 3\4 (... my prince will come) a couple of bluesy ballads, a very nice Mingus piece (Nostalgia in Times Square), Footprints, which I had never played before that. My strategy was to play the roots to begin with, and then progressively build on this by adding chord tones, fills, some walking lines or rythm patterns. At some point I had the definite feeling that I really locked in with the guitar player during his solos - rythmic interactions, answers to some phrasing... When they called up a reggae (I shot the sheriff :rolleyes: ) I had to admit that I never played reaggae (did not say that there was a good reason for that...) but after a couple of bars I caught up, which was duely noted by the pianist. As a general comment, he mentioned that he really appreciated my playing, and that I was adding something to the music. They have to audition two other guys who contacted them after me.

My guess is the following: I really proved to them that I could make it and that I could grow within that context. However, one of the other guys might be better than I am. There's nothing I can do about that... All in all, even if it does not lead to anything, this had been a positive experience. I kind of got an idea of the things I need to work on to get to the next level.


I'll keep you posted.


Thanks for your interest and support.

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Dude, good report. You should definitely let the guys know that you thought it was a very positive experience. I gather that working with this group would be VERY motivational for you...you should let them know that as well. I'd generally take someone who has most of the skills and a strong desire to learn and grow over someone who thinks they already know it all. Just my thoughts...


Good luck!


Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Congrats on the good audition Bassric. I hope that it works out for you. I think that you have the right attitude no matter what happens.


Well done!

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Originally posted by bassric:

My guess is the following: I really proved to them that I could make it and that I could grow within that context. However, one of the other guys might be better than I am. There's nothing I can do about that...

Bassric, it doesn't necessarily matter if the other guy is better or not ... They may just give you the gig because they may find you more flexible than someone who's "better" but more set in his ways.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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