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Aguilar GS 112


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Have any of you had experience with using a pair of the Aguilar GS112 cabinets? If so what was your impression? I already have one of these cabinets but am considering another one or maybe even adding the GS 210 to the mix! Let me hear some thoughts on this.



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Welcome to the Low Down!


Look at the upper right of the screen and you'll see the word "search" - when you click it, you can see what lots of folks have said. Some as recently as November in this case. I searched for "GS112" and got a boatload of threads.


THIS ONE looked like it might be of interest.


If you check some of the history and have a more specific question, please post it and we'll try to help (well - those with 2 GS112 will try).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Thanks Tom!

I am new here and I should have used the search feature. Thanks for your input though. I will just say that I really do like the one GS 112 that I have. When I bring it out to gigs sometimes guys laugh until they hear it. Then they are amazed at the sound that comes from that little cab.

This is my current gear list:


Fender Jazz- 1977 model

Modulus Quantum 5 w/EMG's

Ampeg SVTIII Pro

JBL Compressor

Alesis Midiverb 4

Shure Wireless

Countryman DI

Furman Power Strip

Rack Tuner





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hb -- unless you think there is something lacking in the GS-112 (for example, cut), then you may want to experiment with other cabinets. however, if you just want more of the same, be encouraged to buy another GS-112.


i know that many folks with they had a little more cut from their GS-112s and go for a GS-210. you wouldn't be alone in that combination. but it's really up to your goals for your sound.



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I read that the combo of a 112 and 210 in the bergie cab held its own against 410s.....while te 210 and 112 from aggie wont be tuned to work together like the bergir cab, they should still sound similar....similar as in good :thu:
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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I play with 2 AG 1x12s all the time. I do think they make as much noise, fill the room as well or better than my 2 - 2x10 Edens that I used to play with. For what it's worth, the keyboard player in the band (always on the far other side of the stage) said he thought the 2 12s cut better.


My take is that the 10s were a little tighter, but the 12s a little fuller/rounder.


To be honest, I bought the 12s because each cab weighs 40 lbs compared to the 60 lb Edens. What can I say, I'm a whimp.


Playing outside last summer with the whole mess (2 - 1x12s & 2 - 2x10s) was also very nice.

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Originally posted by robb.:

hb -- unless you think there is something lacking in the GS-112 (for example, cut), then you may want to experiment with other cabinets. however, if you just want more of the same, be encouraged to buy another GS-112.


i know that many folks with they had a little more cut from their GS-112s and go for a GS-210. you wouldn't be alone in that combination. but it's really up to your goals for your sound.



This was a really nicely stated post. I just wanted to recognize that.


It was a focused and useful response.


Mad props to the Man from P.E.A.V.E.Y.





PS: Do keep us posted on where your search takes you, hb.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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