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NAMM 05 Day 2


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My head. Ouch. I'm suffering from this rare form of GAS overload that I've never had before. I saw so much gear today that I haven't a clue what I would actually ever buy and when and if I could ever afford it.


Today I met zeronyne and we hung by the Accugroove booth for a while with JeremyC and Whappo. Zeronyne and I also hung at a Keyboard Corner dinner, which I got invited to because I knew another guy that was going and whatnot. Good times.


I hung with Adrian for probably 30 minutes today at the Nordstrand booth and got to play his SUPER bad ass new bass that was just completed a few days ago. OH MY. If I get another custom bass anytime soon, it'll be a Nordstrand to those same specs. Talk about a fast neck with ridiculously low action. Oh my. The tone? Nothing short of fantastic.


Too much gear. Way too many thoughts dancing about in my noggin'. My single favorite moment today was experiencing a Modulus 5 string being played through their new 4x21" speaker enclosure. It was insanity. I believe a pod of whales off the coast were probably confused by the bass trying to "talk" to them. If someone else was buying it, and more importantly, transporting it; it would be a 'must have' for my rig. Oh, this cab was not intended to be a bass guitar rig, it's for PA systems (just to be clear).


Took many more pictures today. Must now watch Sportscenter and unwind a bit before sleeping.

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Wow. That's a whole lot mo' LDL luv goin' on.


Originally posted by Bumpcity:

I hung with Adrian for probably 30 minutes today at the Nordstrand booth and got to play his SUPER bad ass new bass that was just completed a few days ago. OH MY. If I get another custom bass anytime soon, it'll be a Nordstrand to those same specs. Talk about a fast neck with ridiculously low action. Oh my. The tone? Nothing short of fantastic.


And, imagine, that one's not even the Fish of Luv! ;):D


How were those fiber optics on A's bass?


I would think the ash body and maple 'board were right up your alley.


Thanks for the report.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Yeah, the show is the show, but the most fun is the after hours parties.


I ran into Billy Sheehan last night. He was playing at the Sabian party with Ray Luzier on drums, and Tak from the B'z (I think) on guitar. They opened with Shyboy, and did a bunch of fun stuff, including some material from Billy's new (yet to be released) CD. Billy mentioned he's going back out on the road with Vai pretty soon.


I also ran into vocalist Bobby Kimball (Toto) outside the Hilton bar. Bobby was so nice and we hung for about 30 minutes. It makes me sick that here I am with the honor of hangin' with this god-like vocalist and Toto can't get arrested in the States.


While a few true "Rock Stars" and many generally lesser known but still truly famous musicians are always out and about, the best people watching at NAMM is to keep your eye out for the breed of animal known as "The Wannabe" (Poserus Anaheimus). This species of (ahem) "musician" is usually one with marginal technical ability, but an uncanny knack for looking the part either due to a genetic predisposition, or intimate knowledge of small grooming and wardrobe details. This year was no exception. This year's "idiot of NAMM" award goes to a guy with a reverse mowhawk and two "micky mouse-like" something or others on each side. He looked absolutely ridiculous.


Another species well represented at NAMM is the "booth bunny" (Bimbous Biggus Rackus). Booth bunnies are fun to watch and best viewed from a slight distance. The reason is that it's absolutely hilarious to watch them interact with 30-40 something businessmen trying to rekindle their youth with inane pickup lines like "Here, would you like one of Eddie Van Halen's guitar picks?" Younger male attendees are also highly amusing with their own brand of pickup expertise which generally starts with "Duhh..uhh...uhh...how's it goin'?" While Booth Bunnies themselves can be quite a sight to behold, they are not known for their cunning intellect. In fact they are often bamboozled by the previously mentioned "Wannabe" (Poserus Anaheimus) and duped into the false belief that they've hooked up with a genuine member of the elusive "Rockstar" club... until they wake up in a studio apartment in North Hollywood!!! Some of this years best sightings of Booth bunnies on the show floor were (surprise!) at Dean guitars, where the '80's are alive and well. Also awesome Booth Bunny sightings at the Hilton bar last night. OMFG!!!!


Speaking of Dean Guitars, Vinnie Paul made an appearance at the booth which was very emotional for a lot of Pantera and Damageplan fans. Kudos to Dean for a very cool tribute to Dimebag Darrell.


ALl BS aside, part of the fun of NAMM is the parties, performances and cool hangs after hours. While a lot of business gets done on the show floor, a lot gets done after hours too.

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Bump didn't mention that Dr Robert Moog stopped by the table to say hello and chat. For us keyboard players, it was a divine moment.


I saw a huge gaggle of celebrities today...Tony Levin and Don Schiff at the Stick booth, Nathan East and Michael Anthony at the hotel, and of course, the real gods: Carey Nordstrand, Mike Lull, Jens Ritter, etc.


For those of you interested in keyboards, too, it was a good year to hobnob. In 90 minutes, I had serious discussions with Bob Moog, Dave Smith (Prophet 5, Evolver), Roger Linn (Linndrum, Adrenalinn), and Marcus Ryle (Matrix 12, Line 6).


Drummers would have had heart attacks today...you could get in line at the Yamaha room and get autographs from roughly 30 endorsees at once.


Bump, Jeremy, Monsieur Whappo, and Adrian, it was a pleasure to meet you all.


EDIT: I forgtot to mention that I also slammed into Bunny Brunel full force on the convention floor. It hurt.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

How were those fiber optics on A's bass?


I would think the ash body and maple 'board were right up your alley.

The fibre optics are bad ass. A very cool addition to a very cool bass.


The body/board on that bass where indeed right up my alley. I totally dig his new bass and I'm glad he gave me the chance to play it for a while. I am in true GAS lust for one of my own.

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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Bump didn't mention that Dr Robert Moog stopped by the table to say hello and chat. For us keyboard players, it was a divine moment.


I saw a huge gaggle of celebrities today...Tony Levin and Don Schiff at the Stick booth, Nathan East and Michael Anthony at the hotel, and of course, the real gods: Carey Nordstrand, Mike Lull, Jens Ritter, etc.


For those of you interested in keyboards, too, it was a good year to hobnob. In 90 minutes, I had serious discussions with Bob Moog, Dave Smith (Prophet 5, Evolver), Roger Linn (Linndrum, Adrenalinn), and Marcus Ryle (Matrix 12, Line 6).


Drummers would have had heart attacks today...you could get in line at the Yamaha room and get autographs from roughly 30 endorsees at once.


Bump, Jeremy, Monsieur Whappo, and Adrian, it was a pleasure to meet you all.

Ah yes, meeting 0-9 was great fun. He is a wonderful person and I truely enjoyed hanging with him!


The Dean booth was a sobering experience to visit. They had a huge tribute to Dimebag set up, complete with candid photos, drawing designs of guitar ideas, some of his guitars, a new prototype of a guitar that they were working on, etc. I really thought it was fitting. Very good on Dean's part. I spent a good 30 minutes walking around looking at the Dimebag stuff. I'm sorry that today I didn't have my camera with me to take pictures.


Originally posted by LizzyD:

Originally posted by Bumpcity:

My single favorite moment today was experiencing a Modulus 5 string being played through their new 4x21" speaker enclosure. It was insanity.

That sounds like a candidate for Dr. Sweet Willie's "outrageous rigs" thread! :D
Like you wouldn't believe. Two of those 4x21 cabs, a bunch of other wonderful Bag End cabs, about 10,000 watts to drive it all. It would be the best bass rig ever. Expensive too! I'd never want to transport it, or pay for it, but WOW, would it be cool! :D:D


I saw Tony Levin yesterday and today. Nice guy. Like coffee.

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Originally posted by Gospel5theZealot:

is namm an annual event or a semiannual event? is there a website where one could get info on namm?



There are two big annual industry shows; NAMM in Anaheim, and a show in Nashville. I don't know what the Nashville show is called or if it is the same as NAMM.

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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Originally posted by robb.:

i have heard that summer namm is moving to austin. but that's after thiss summer in indy. i have also heard it will be somewhere different every year.



I woner who they're hiding from......maybe pjr,stevec, or anyone else who might try to buy the whole stock of the year and cause NAMMdemonium
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Originally posted by zeronyne:

...but he had been preempted by some hack keyboard guy...Rick Wake-somthing... :D

Hmmmmmmmm....definitely mysterious, no? Errr, I mean, YES?!... :D


Glad you NAMMers are havin' a good time. I'm sure you're representing the LDL with style, grace, and panache. Panache? I obvously need to have some coffee... I shouldn't be bandying words like "panache" around this early in the morning -- especially when I'm approaching redundancy in its use.


Oh, by the way, my home is surrounded by quite a pile of snow. I'm lookin' at some quality shovel time this afternoon.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Best product of the show:




The rockstrap (www.rockstrap.com)


Self-explanatory, no? They customize each one fully. Colored leather, buckles, rivets...they'll even make a codpiece version.


$549.00 base price.


I wonder if they make one for Steinberger basses.


As much as I wanted to really make fun of this product (which I did heartily with Bump and JeremyC), I have to admit that it is a lot handier than trying to get a big wireless mic back on the stand.


So order one today and thell them that "the weird Asian guy who kept asking about codpieces" sent ya! :D

"For instance" is not proof.


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There was also another booth that had a fan-fretted double bass. I didn't exactly channel Mingus on it, but I could actually play a tune on it, which could hardly be said even on electric.


Clevinger had a tiny EUB that sounded fantastic. It must've been about 33" long, and it was mounted on a camera tripod.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I met absolutely nobody from the lowdown today. I was so bumed. I had a good time at NAMM saw some friends and some cool gear. I went with my grilfriend and my drummer. I made them stop almost every other booth. I'm sure they were not liking it. But hey, this is my 9th NAMM, I know how to get around most of it in 4 hours to my satisfaction. I saw those mic holders by the way. My girlfriend thought they'd be good for holding sex toys. Umm. Sex should never be that expensive though. Any who. Just walking around, I heard some great players performing or just trying things out. Umm Chuck Rainey being one of them. Damn that's cool. I left the NAMM when they closed and realized I forgot to check out a few places. Tech 21 being one of them. Some booths had the same old same old. Fender, Boogie, etc. but always required to check them out. Otherwise, I caught pretty much what I wanted to see. Except some lowdowners. DAMN!!!!!

Mike Bear




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It was great meeting Bump, we sat next to each other at the BassQuake event. We were both taking pictures but somehow neither of us thought about taking a photo together. I just got home last night and am taking care of my San Jose union business today and leaving for Reno again tonight so it may take me some time before I can post about my experiences this year at the show, hopefully I can do it this next weekend.


I sorry that I missed a few other Lowdowners including zeronyne.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Right now I'm working on setting up my NAMM pictures and stories on a web page. I'll have it done in a day or so.


It was the usual, higher, louder, faster! :D


No actually, I spent most of the time hanging out with wonderful people:


whappo, wally malone, bumpcity, zeronyne, Steve Lawson, bassaddik, from here and many other old and new friends.

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I'm curious--were there any Wendler instruments on hand?


Now THERE is a luthier bass I could definitely handle. I was scouring his site again last night with a guitar player friend...wow. When's the secret gonna be out?

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Bumpcity, it was great meeting you, man! thanks for the kind words about the bass, I am loving it! serious funk tones in single coil mode which i don;t remeber if you checked out but for some reason i am getting tons of bottom in sc mode with my gk.

Jeremy, ALWAYS a pleasure to see you, sir.

I also got to hang with Wally Malone a bit and met Lady Bo, who was very, very nice. They are a lovely couple.

Always cool to hang with Whappo, one of the coolest people in the biz. Still spinning from the sensory overload!!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by bassaddik:

...serious funk tones in single coil mode...

...i am getting tons of bottom in sc mode with my gk...

Carey's Fat Stacks in single coil mode are awesome.


Are yours the Fat Stacks or the duals?






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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