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Anyone remember King's "Love & Pride?"


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I sure didn't, considering that I was 6 years old when it was released. It's on the Steps in Time album, and was apparently King's best song. It just came up in the random play function on my LaunchCast.com player and boy howdy, did I sit up and take notice.


I hunted it down on AllMusic.com and it seems the bass player was a guy named Tony Wall, whose only other credits on AMG are miscellaneous engineering or mixing credits (including some live KISS releases). Was this some young guy who caught a break playing for a short-lived new wave pop act and then went on to a quiet life in a studio? Nary another bass credit, which is a shame because his playing on "Love & Pride" is tight, energetic, driving, and funky.


Worth a download on iTunes for funk or new wave fans, though...

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I bought that album (used - in LP form) during a school trip some 7 years ago, because of that song.


Even my teachers were bewildered that a 'youngster such as myself' (especially given my taste for metal t-shirts :D ) would buy vinyl. Little did they know :D

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I remember the video, a lot of long haired men dancing around a quarry wearing spray painted D.M boots.


Am I right?


Can't remember the bassline though, I was VERY young. Ohh, and D.M boots impressed me then...

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Originally posted by Cup:

I remember the video, a lot of long haired men dancing around a quarry wearing spray painted D.M boots.


Am I right?


Can't remember the bassline though, I was VERY young. Ohh, and D.M boots impressed me then...

If that's the one I remember it. As a matter of fact it stuck in my head for years. I've tried to get others to remember it but only got stange looks in return. I didn't want to respond because I though "No... couldn't be...".


That was on heavy rotation on a UHF (yes UHF) channel in the NYC area called U68. It was probably one of the 20 videos they played.


Thank for the name of the group! If I recall they had another video at the same time, all I remember was my friend saying "what's up with spray painting their boots in their videos?".

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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