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Amp / Cab shootout ala PJR & Friend


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Just yesterday , I took a short ride to a fellow Bass player / friend of mine. His name is Ben , and like me , loves high end gear and such.


The reason for our get together was primarily for me to try out a Epifani 2-10ul , which I was interested in buying from him to add to my 4-10ul.


I brought some gear : My Aguilar DB750 , My Epi 4-10ul ( to compare to the 2-10ul ) and my Eden wt400 ( for which I intend to use to power the 2-10 when I need to go small )

Basses I brought were : My Wal Mach II custom , MTD 535 , and Stingray 5 ( w/ piezo )


Basses he had present were : Fodera Emperor Elite 5( not 100% on this model....I do know it was devine !! ) and his one of a kind FoderaWal 5 - A Fodera built specifically for him ( by Fodera )using Wal electronics......33" scale. This bass is not only a pleasure to look at and hold and play ,but possesses one of the tightest, fullest B strings I have ever heard....regardless of the scale length. But more on that later.....


Ben had a surprise for me. The 1st Epifani Ul-115c Combo. This amp combo combines the new 502 bass head from Epifani with a 1-15 neo in one of their Ultra light cabinets. Specs / info Here !!


Now , as you can imagine ( or maybe you can't ) ...with all that gear and cabs and amps....we were destined for a full day of A / B / C'ing.......


1st we tried out the 2-10ul with the 4-10ul powered by the Aggy DB750. As expected , this combination had much potential for all the room shaking bass most anyone would need . The Aggy was creamy and very potent thru the upper lows and all important midrange. Just what I'm used to with the 4-10 alone....but with added depth and power, ....and the mids seemed to speak a bit better with the added 2-10.


The 2-10ul alone. Man.....this lil cabinet is very ,very impressive . Deep.....very deep. The 'B' string reproduced with great authority. So much so , that I had to check and make sure the 4-10 was not still hooked up. I couldn't believe my ears or eyes. In fact....when we did a direct comparison: 2-10ul vs 4-10ul . The lil 2-10 did indeed sound fuller and deeper than the 4-10 !!

Now......the 4-10 was definately louder , and a bit more pronounced in the low mids and up....but that 2-10 definately seemed to go just a bit lower than the 4-10. Come to find out shortly afterwards....that this particular 2-10ul was just recently re-ported by Nick ( Epifani ) to do just that. ( in fact...I'm probably goingto take my 4-10ul back to him to do the re-port thingy on that also.)


Through out the day we tried out all the basses.....I loved his Fodera Emperor...it's an older one made with single coil Bart jazz p/ups... man is that thing a breeze to play ...with tone and growl to die for. I'm normally not a fan of jazz p/ups....but for some reason ( unknown to me ) this bass simply spoke to me. Nice.

I tell you....there was simply too much stuff ...all good stuff....to play.


Next I tried out my small wt400 w/ the 2-10ul. I stoof the cab up on its end....and wha la....a very small , very portable system that I could carry in on one trip ( with bass on back ) !!!


This little combo rocked !! Loud , deep and with Eden's tonal shaping abilities....we were both able to coax most almost anything needed .

I was extremely impressed with this setup....so much so , that I may try it out at my next gig on the 15th. ( smallish club....hold prolly 100 max )

I'm all for big , deep loud bass.....but if i can get away with that in such a small package without giving up too much.....I'm there !!


So.....I'm sold on this 2-10ul cab....I'm buying it...and plan on taking it home with me.


"Wait" .....say my friend Ben ( at least i though he was my friend... :) )

" We have to try out the New Epi Combo "


Honestly.....I was interested in hearing it....but was thinking it would be a step down from the 2-10ul + 4-10ul driven by the powerful Aguilar DB750.


Boy....was I mistaken.


More to come soon....... :)



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Originally posted by PJR:

...and his one of a kind FoderaWal 5 - A Fodera built specifically for him ( by Fodera )using Wal electronics......33" scale.

Ah, the famous FoderaWal! I've seen some pics via talkbass and it is an impressive beast, even more so because Wal won't sell their electronics separately. So somewhere out there, there's the poor donor Wal which selflessly gave up its pickups and preamp for the greater good of a newborn Fodera...


If bass amps are anything like cheese, these Epifanii (is that the plural?) should be truly divine - they've had enough time to mature!



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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....i need my fix


somebody put up pictures of ther elusive foderwal.


GOSH............I am such a GAS junky...............i guess thats the way the cookie crumbles

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

"Soon" is a relative term, Monsieur Claber. :D




Im soon to be your relative unless we see some pictures :mad:


Sorry, this was a gasoholic who needed his fix....

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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