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Eden vs. Acme - new 4x10 - any thoughts?


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Suggestions for a 4x10 cabinet lighter than my 95 pound Eden 4x10T (NOT the XLT) that sounds as good/loud/clean, etc.? (I've heard Edens are the loudest cabs out there.)


I heard Acmes are great cabs (both performance and price). Having never heard an Acme cab, how does the Acme B4 compare with the Eden 4x10T - tone, volume, durability etc. I need "about" as much volume as the Eden, though. I shouldn't need more than a 4x10 now, as I don't play out that often.


My impression from posts on the Acme sound is: clean tone without coloration, flat response throughout, and bigger low end than Eden. How about volume-wise? Studio sounding rigs are great in the studio, but on the gig, I need volume because I play with a very loud, but great, guitar player. My basses are Modulus Q5, Modulus VJ4, and G&L ASAT fretless.


I've played my trusty old (white logo) Eden 4x10T 8ohm 500W cab for 15 years. For louder gigs, I coupled it with an Eden 2x10T 250W 8ohm cab. I recently bought an F1X/PLX1602 and love it - 1000W into 8ohms. Sounds a LOT better than my SWR SM400 ever did.


So I'm selling the 210T (55 lbs.) and SM400, because I won't use or need them now.


Acme vs. Avatar, EA, BagEnd, Aguilar, etc.?


Thanks a lot,



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I'm a click away from ordering a B-4.


I love my Low B-2 (with a Demeter Pre and a PLX 1602), but I play so many different kinds of rooms that end up being "'tweeners". Too big for the B-2 and too small for a 1X15 and the ACME. It's not a volume thing, as much as it's a 'presence - in regards to tone' thing.


A B-4 might be perfect to fill that void?


...And I'd have that option of going 6X10 with both - just to drive my apartment building co-habitants over the edge... not to mention using it in larger venues.


Epifani/Accu/Berg/Eden/BagEnd/et al/ have something to compete. I guess it comes down to how our ears hear/percieve the difference. Maybe someone can offer a personal perspective?


My guess - Here comes that "2X12" discussion again.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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I sold an Eden 410XLT and an Eden 210 XLT to get my Accugroove Tri-112. Now that Accugroove makes their Tri-210L it might be worth a listen. I know a few guys that own two of them and on most gigs only take one. This seems like a good alternative to the 410.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Hey Jim,

"It's not a volume thing, as much as it's a 'presence - in regards to tone' thing."


Exactly!! Wondering how much "volume" (pushing air?) difference, if any, is there between an Eden 4x10 and an Acme B4? Virtually everyone, including Andy Lewis, says the Edens are the loudest cabs out there. Seems like the better low-end response from the Acme would provide enough "presence" as the Eden? Your thoughts?



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I just recently acquired a used Bergantino HT322 (2x10 + 1x12 + horn). It's about the same size as one of my Carvin RL-410T (about 2" taller and 20 lbs heavier), but it easily replaces both Carvin RL-410T's (that's both as in two 410 cabs!). Seriously...both in terms of sensitivity (ie. volume) and tone quality. If you can find one locally, I'd strongly suggest checking these out. I also tried a Berg HT-212 locally, and was just as impressed with it. They are discontinued in lieu of the HT-322, so you might be able to find one used at a decent price.


I seriously considered the Acme's, but the really low sensitivity seemed like a little too much of a trade-off...of course, you've already go the power amp to push it, so that may not be an issue in your case.




Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I was looking into the Berg HT322, too. I got an SVT4x10HLF instead. I didn't get a chance to play through the 322, but if I ever encounter one I'm gonna check it out. If I remember correctly the specs on paper between these two cabs were close, with the berg being slightly better on paper as far as freq response. But the Berg is made with better craftmanship I believe. And when you email Berg someone gets back to you right away with answers to your Qs.


The ampeg cab I got was about 300 dollars cheaper than the Berg so that was the deciding factor. And my HLF has great tone and its got serious bottom end feels like I'm playing through more speakers than 4. Its a classic looking cab and it does more than enough for me as far as the tone I'm looking for.

"The world will still be turning when you've gone." - Black Sabbath


Band site: www.finespunmusic.com

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Originally posted by davekoch:

Hey Jim,

"It's not a volume thing, as much as it's a 'presence - in regards to tone' thing."


Exactly!! Wondering how much "volume" (pushing air?) difference, if any, is there between an Eden 4x10 and an Acme B4? Virtually everyone, including Andy Lewis, says the Edens are the loudest cabs out there. Seems like the better low-end response from the Acme would provide enough "presence" as the Eden? Your thoughts?



Dave -


Cab purchases are so subjective.


I love my ACME - much of it has to do with the fact that I sound like 'me' no matter which amp or pre/power amp I use... with far less tweaking.


A Berg or Accugroove or... would be nice. But I don't know that I'm at a level where I could really justify that expenditure for something that is beyond me, or beyond my ability to appreciate the difference. I haven't played an Eden in many years, so I can't really comment, objectively. If you add the potential of running a line out to the board and having your sound mixed FOH, it's all moot. Your gear is for stage tone and sound only, at that point.


Quite honestly - there is so much good stuff out there, I'm not sure I want to know if I'm playing something (relatively) inferior, as long as I'm happy with my sound on stage.


{Ignorance is bliss - and semi GAS Free!}




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Good point, Dave. I'm probably not yet at the level where a lunatic fringe cabinet will make a huge difference in my sound. But I ordered a Whappo Jr. anyway. Just because I can, as another lowdowner said recently. :D





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Hmmm, how loud is loud?


Your PLX1602 will drive a 4 ohm Low-B4 very well. The F1-X won't give you many tonal options if you need more cut but if you set it flat and leave it be you should be fine (I never use the EQ on my SWR GP). You have three very nice basses which have just the right tone to cut through all that guitar noise, plus they have plenty of tonal options for when you need more growl/cut (does the VJ have an active preamp?)


A Low-B4 will go very loud. But a 4x10" with less low end and equal power handling will go louder if you leave the EQ flat. So your Eden will be louder - BUT if you boost the lows through the Eden then it loses its sensitivity advantage and the Acme will then keep up volume-wise (and sound better IMO!)


The Acmes do require a change of mindset - if your old cab brought the snarl/growl/cut etc that let you be heard over a loud guitarist then on moving to an Acme it'll sound far too clean and smooth. It's then up to you whether you want to make that tone come out of your bass/preamp(/effects) so that the Acme cuts through whilst sounding deeper, tighter and fuller than most cabs. If you're willing to do that then the payoff is that your DI'd tone will be much better through a good PA and any time in the studio becomes much easier - literally plug and play.


Is it worth risking the return shipping cost to find out if it suits you?



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"if your old cab brought the snarl/growl/cut etc that let you be heard over a loud guitarist then on moving to an Acme it'll sound far too clean and smooth. "


Exactly where I ended up in all of this. I ordered a Schroeder 410 an hour ago.


"...you need more growl/cut (does the VJ have an active preamp?)"


Yes, my VJ has a J-Retro Deluxe onboard preamp and Seymour Duncan Pro Active pups.



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