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Our new "sub rig"


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Here's a shot of our bass amp and sub rig. Still working out the kinks but sounds good for the low volume(sort of "acoustic") gigs we play...Bass amp is a Hartke "Kickback 10" and sub is an EV 18" cab with a little 260w ART amp. We have to get the Mackie mixer/amp modded for a true seperation of sub/full range; I can't for the life of me understand why they didn't do this when the mixer was designed. I called them and they did change the design a couple of years ago...and they have published a mod for it. Anyway, this REALLY improved the sound of the band, and took a big strain off the little bass amp.



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Can you explain how the signal is routed (I don't want to guess wrong).


With a 260W amp, you could use a conventional cab and probably be fine, but I'm interested in what you did.


Any solution that sounds good is a sound solution!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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There's a "mixer line out" on the head, post graphic eq....to the active crossover...the high feed is back to the "power amp in" on the mixer, the sub out to the sub amp.


The rub with this mixer(Mackie 408) is the input to the power amp is SUMMED with the mixer section, rather than interrupting the signal on that return. EVERY mixer amp I've ever worked with before(about a half dozen different ones) has this interrupt feature. When I called Mackie, they said they changed the design a couple of years ago to correct this problem, and had a mod available. Once we get this glitch taken care of, it ought to be a great sounding rig for our "acoustic" act.....

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