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Does anyone else find the schecter website offensive?


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Watch it, I have friends in Australia. Really.
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In an attempt to get the conversation back to it's inception...


I think it's bad art and bad web design. It might have been inspired by something cool, but the spirit of that idea really wasn't achieved by Schecter or their web designers. Obviously it has turned a number of people off, and that's fine. People have to make their own minds up. I don't see it as war-mongering or pandering to the purile side of humanity. I think it's just bad art.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Politics aside, the site is rather amusing for this day in age. If they were trying to corner a target population, a rebel flag would have been most appropriate.

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Originally posted by Gospel5theZealot:

and i think nick's opinion sucks.






i mean jason

Perhaps I should elaborate. I think I just tend to have lower expectations of a company that's trying to sell me something. So when they revert to trying to sell something by using the lowest common denominator, I'm not really surprised. The fact is that sex is used to sell umpteen-million different products, and a guitar manufacturer doing that doesn't surprise me.


What does surprise me is the overall level of outrage. I don't think this is all that bad. There are far greater offenses perpetrated against women every day. I don't know that Schecter's poor illustrations of women in a bomber nose art style is that high up the scale of things we should be outraged about. Is it tacky? Yes, I'll say that much about it. Hell, I don't think it would even appeal to a demo that might be into that kind of art, like people playing on the rockabilly/psychobilly scene. But overall is it so shockingly offensive that everyone should be outraged? I don't think so.


Several other guitar manufacturers have used women in their marketing schemes. Fender has used musicians like Bonnie Raitt & Courtney Love in marketing their products. Granted, Courtney Love isn't much of what I'd call a musician, but she has an appeal to some people because some regard her as some sort of symbol. Ibanez got some mileage out of Jennifer Batten back in the day. And Epiphone has used women in some of their brochures, too. Are they next up to be excoriated for their practices?


I think this sort of thing is not all that surprising when you're talking about anyone who's trying to sell something.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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just to clarify...i was being facetious back there. I didn't really mean what i said, i was just hopping on the opportunity to make a bad joke. I hope that you will remove the hit that you have placed on my family now.




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Originally posted by Gospel5theZealot:

just to clarify...i was being facetious back there. I didn't really mean what i said, i was just hopping on the opportunity to make a bad joke. I hope that you will remove the hit that you have placed on my family now.



I don't know. I think I misplaced the guys cell number. ;)

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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DJ-Wood made a post that was intellectually stimulating enough to get us all debating that dorky website, and the greater issues that surround that kind of advertising in the music biz and beyond.
Thank you Edendude!


Hello everyone, I've been off on my holidays for the xmas period, and have just caught up with this thread now. I Can't resist dipping back into the fray – remember, resistance is fertile …


wonderful. political sniping about mysogyny in rock from the country that brought us "the darkness"
Its interesting how many people in this thread have criticised other board members in nationalistic terms. Whilst I have raised issues here about American foreign policy, I have never once sung the praises of the British either – I have been equally critical of the country of my birth. I think its healthy to be objectively critical about … well … everything really! It seems that the majority of board members here are from democratic free countries where we can say what we like - so lets exercise that right.


(And just for the record -The Darkness rule. Schecter sucks.)


For those of you who have been taking the stance of national pride: please remember that whilst George Washington was an American, don't forget that Charles Manson was too. And Princess Diana was British, but so was Myra Hindley.


the artwork on the schecter website, as previously noted, is nose and tail art from WWII warplanes, bombers specifically which explains the bomb motif. it's a legitimate piece of american history and i am not offended by it at all. in fact i find being offended by it to be the small minded and intolerant.
Ok here's a proposal. I'm going to set up a company manufacturing guitars. My company is going to be called “The lynch mob”, and my website is going to feature images of the Ku Klux Klan burning crosses. However, you are not allowed to criticise my aesthetic or marketing choices, because it's a legitimate piece of American History.


Can you see the flaw in this argument?

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry to bring it up, but I was looking at a Schecter CV-4 bass and really liked it. I don't think the web site is as bad as it used to be. It's unfortunate as the bass I played was very nice.


BTW - Jackson is still using Jenna Jameson on their site.

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