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Bass sound of Korn's "Single"


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Are we AGAIN turning yet another thread into Fieldy-bashing? What tone do you think would be better for a Korn song? Should everything be a Jaco mwaah? It's no different than the clicky Metallica kick drum or that obnoxious (IMHO) dry synth horn patch that Metheny solos with. It serves the song. If you've seen them live, you'd hear why the sound has evolved. I am definitely no fan of Korn, but they do have a unique take on things, and that's a lot more than many bands I actually DO like can say.


You know, you guys must listen to a lot of Korn for it to bother you so much or to be able to be such informed critics. Why torture yourselves?


Why don't we spin this another way? What tones DO you like? And do you think those tones are universal to the band, the genre, or overall? Or are they specific to the song?

"For instance" is not proof.


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wait a minute.i happen to be a big KoRn fan and I think fieldy rocks.If you dont like his effects you should listen to "somebody, someone" and "everything I've known" he has more traditional work in those songs
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As to my comment, I was just beating everyone else to the punch. I happen to like the musical style of Korn on some songs (there are some ones I dislike).


Overall, I think Fieldy's tone and style works for Korn's style, but there are times when it is on the verge of becoming a parody of itself. That's all.

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A Parody of ITself...hmm I guess thats an extremist thing to say. Or maybe I just ain't as serious as music as some of you folk.

Eh whatever all I know is that Korn Rulz

ITs cool for a band to have a unique sound, and I think Korn is def one of the better rock/metal bands of this current era.

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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

Overall, I think Fieldy's tone and style works for Korn's style, but there are times when it is on the verge of becoming a parody of itself. That's all.

Originally posted by II Cliff Burton II:

A Parody of ITself...hmm I guess thats an extremist thing to say. Or maybe I just ain't as serious as music as some of you folk.

How is that an extreme statement? It's true. I heard an interview with Fieldy and he talked about scooping the mids and boosting the highs and lows so he wouldn't compete with the 7-string guitars in the band. Well that's fine. But there are times when his EQ and his clickety-clack playing style are a little much. But hey, I said that I kind of liked what they do. I'm not totally dissing on them. I'm just as tired with the "Fieldy sounds like a tin can" threads as anyone else, but "FiELdY RuLz!" is funny to me nonetheless, so I was anticipating/playing along.
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Actually, I've grown to like some Korn. Not so much for Fieldy's tone, as much as I just like to listen to it. Not everything in life must be taken seriously. :cool: Only taxes and death even fit into the serious category. Everything else is gravy.


Besides, even death metal bassists have more midrange compared to this guy. (Except for Glen Benton of Deicide, and I don't want to see him again for a LONG TIME. Creepy dude... :eek: )

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What you can you say?

The guy's got a unique approach and sound.

You don't have to like it.

I don't. :D

And most importantly, HE WEARS HIS BASS LOW! :thu:


But actually, if you look at the picture, he's got pretty good left hand technique--holding the neck straight up like an upright or a cello.


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Originally posted by jeremyc:

But actually, if you look at the picture, he's got pretty good left hand technique--holding the neck straight up like an upright or a cello.

True, but holding it that way is no good, unless you either use strap locks, or *gasp* tape the strap ends to the bass with duct tape. The way I wear my basses low (if ever) is to angle the neck about 30 degrees, and do an E major barre chord grip starting at the 12th fret. Then, I look at a mirror, and make sure that my left arm is in a 90 degree angle, or close to it. Great for thrash metal.
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The only ting I can say about Fieldy and Korn is that they rock live!

I do like Korn, but I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan. I saw them on tour and they blew me away. GREAT live band. You gotta give Fieldy props for having his own style. Even if you don't like him.

I will say that he gets too clacky (something I'm trying to cure right now) sometimes.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Originally posted by getz76:

Originally posted by Adamixoye:

Are there still people who DON'T use straplocks?

None of the guitarist I'm currently playing with use straplocks.
My former guitarist does now (although he screwed up installing them).


At one of our gigs, during a solo, his strap just fell off and he had to finish the solo on his knee. :P

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