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New bass on the horizon: another Nordstrand thread!

_Sweet Willie_

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Originally posted by Matt W:

I wish I was your neighbor so I could come visit her.

Frankly, the rudeness of this statement shocks me. Visit her? As if Willie isn't worth a visit? I have actually been inside Casa Sweets, and his family and himself are worth the effort.


I just wish he wouldn't follow me around when I'm there and just leave me alone with the instruments. I wasn't able to prop open a window last time, so I'm going to need his permission to play the FoL when it comes. Damn!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I can't go to that site anymore. The gas is unbearable. If Willie's bass plays half as good as it looks...there could be trouble in La Casa Brinkley.


Edited by order of Dr Sweet Willie

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Originally posted by Matt W:

I wish I was your neighbor so I could come visit her.

Frankly, the rudeness of this statement shocks me. Visit her? As if Willie isn't worth a visit? I have actually been inside Casa Sweets, and his family and himself are worth the effort.
Doh! That's a can of worms I never even saw on the shelf!


My apologies to Willie & Fam. ;)

- Matt W.
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Apology accepted. But don't expect to be fed by us when you come to visit! :mad:;)


Come to think of it, we didn't give Tom anything to eat -- although he did leave the house with a bottle of water.


getz76, on the other hand, did come by and eat and drink at our place one evening.


BenLoy bought me a beer once, as did wraub, so I guess I'd at least give them drinks if they came by the hizzouse, maybe some food, too.


But, M-Dub, you just might be s.o.l. Sorry, mang. ;)


But, really, who cares? :D


Peace. :cool:

--Sweet "spreadin' the luv ev'ry day, dammit" Willie



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by tnb:

I can't go to that site anymore. The gas is unbearable. If Willie's bass plays half as good as it looks...there could be trouble in El Casa Brinkley.

And in mi casa.


I went last night & looked at the gallery. There's a single-cut there with an ebony top. I suppose Mr. N could make another. And that thought will be most disturbing, indeed.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

BenLoy bought me a beer once, as did wraub, so I guess I'd at least give them drinks if they came by the hizzouse, maybe some food, too.

Hey, is that something like an invitation? :) Seriously, food and drinks are not necessary. Just a few minutes alone with the Nordstrand... :eek::D


And that gallery is pretty impressive. But singlecuts really don't do much for me at all...

No domestic dissent for me... :)






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by dcr:

Originally posted by tnb:

I can't go to that site anymore. The gas is unbearable. If Willie's bass plays half as good as it looks...there could be trouble in El Casa Brinkley.

And in mi casa.


I went last night & looked at the gallery. There's a single-cut there with an ebony top. I suppose Mr. N could make another. And that thought will be most disturbing, indeed.

It sounds like we could have a proliferation of threads titled: "New bass on the horizon: another Nordstrand thread!" :D


Good for Carey's bank account if not for our own credit ratings... :(


No complaints here, though. I've taken the plunge. As has Adrian -- more than once. :thu:


I wonder who will be next? :confused:






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I wonder who will be next?

I had a session this morning and I couldn't concentrate - all I could think of was scraping the $$$ together to get one of Carey's basses and not piss off the wife.


Worst gas ever :mad:

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  • 11 months later...

Well, the Fish o' Luv was completed almost a year ago and has been in my possession just a little less time than that. :cool:


As I approach the first anniversary of owning it I felt that I should let everyone know that I still love it. Thanks, Carey! :wave:






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Congratulations, FoL & Suhweet-W!


Originally posted by zeronyne:

The FoL still stands as one Carey's most beautiful creations.

Any word on the progress of your axe, 09? You did have one in the making, right? :confused:
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