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New bass on the horizon: another Nordstrand thread!

_Sweet Willie_

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Originally posted by tnb:

I just saw the body on Carey's site.



Are you referring to ThIs PiCtUrE , Thomas? :freak:


Outrageous! Fish o' Luv?! Shark o' Lust?!


Assembly is just around the corner. :thu:


I wonder how it will sound...


Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by davebassman:

Goodness me, I seem to be perspiring...

See what you've done now, Will?

Dave's got the vapors...


Looking good! :thu:


TickTockTickTockTickTockTickTockTickTockTickTock..................... :)






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I just saw the question concerning the grain of the walnut top. Walnut usually shows a natural, somewhat swirly grain pattern, and a gloss finish will really bring out all of the various color striations in the top....streaks of black, dark brown, gray, green, tan.....I've seen it all. The figure that is intersecting the natural grain of the walnut in Willie's bass is a slight flame figureing, which can also be seen on the headstock. Therefore, you have a piece of maple that appears to have lines crossing, swirling, and intersecting all over the place.


As for the bass, it was assembled today and will be in Sweet's hands for Christmas! :D Something tells me that the kids will actually be able to play with theie hotwheels and their transformers this year. I'm guessing that Sweet Willie's fingers will be attending to a different toy all-together. ;)

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Monday is perfect for me. Where should we meet after work, so I can come home with you and make sure the FoL is safe before you pick it up?


JPJ - thanks for the answer about the grain/flame.


Beatiful !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I tried to download the latest pics from work...


...Support Services e-mailed me to say:


"Your last attempt at downloading an IMG/JPG (image) was detected as containing exotic images. Access DENIED."


"County Policy states that any further attempts to download images deemed by the County as "overly exotic/stimulating" in nature, shall be banned. Punishment will be determined by the Board of Governors (Guitarists)"


"Have a nice Day"





Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Now that's a welcome sight to wake up to! :thu:


Believe it or not, it was the second best thing I saw this morning -- the first was my daughter, whose birthday it is. 8 years old!!!


(Carey, did you finish that 28" scale 4-string for her yet? ;) )


All the knobs?

1. Volume (the most important -- I might have to switch the wood knob there for a black one. :P;) )

2. P'up pan

3. Passive tone

4-6. 3-band active EQ


And to think that I will wrap my fingers around that bass this coming week!


Thank you, Carey! :D


Peace. :cool:



PS: Perhaps one day I will reveal what Carey scribed in the neck pocket. Maybe not. It's always nice to share a secret w/ your luthier.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Jeremy:

Wow, 131 posts (now 132) for a bass which does not yet exist. That's deep.

Originally posted by Carey:

Doesn't exist?

Commentary: touche'! :D


Originally posted by the Flux Capassoter:

Monday is perfect for me...

It'll ship on Monday, Tom. I probably won't receive it until Wed or Thurs. Thanks for the offer to keep it safe. I'm sure those days later in the week are inconvenient for you! ;):D










Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by LizzyD:

I think the first thing you should play on it is Smoke(d) (Salmon) On The Water. :P

Um, for someone who appreciates the bands that you do, Lizzy, I'm surprised that you didn't simply suggest "The Fish". :eek:;):D






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by LizzyD:

I think the first thing you should play on it is Smoke(d) (Salmon) On The Water. :P

Um, for someone who appreciates the bands that you do, Lizzy, I'm surprised that you didn't simply suggest "The Fish". :eek:;):D




Oh believe me, I would have if you hadn't already said it earlier, although not by the exact name! :D Ok, how about Don't Kill The Whale? Oh wait, whales aren't fish.





You know how they came up with Schindleria Praematurus? While recording that song, and Mr. Squire having been dubbed "The Fish" due to his tendency for excessively long showers (by Bruford, with whom he usually shared a hotel room), somebody sent an assistant out to go find a suitable latin word for fish that they could sing. The resulting word is latin for the smallest species of fish. :D

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Thank you, LD, for the S.P. trivia. I did not know that about Mr. Squire. I did, however, know that bit about the S.P. being the tiniest of fish. (Love that Google!)


Watched Finding Nemo w/ my almost 4 yr old son today. Seemed fitting. ;)






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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