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New bass on the horizon: another Nordstrand thread!

_Sweet Willie_

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Well, I've finally put my money where my mouth is and last week mailed a deposit to Carey Nordstrand to build me a bass. Carey has been a joy to work with -- thoughtful, knowledgeable, and patient. :thu:


Some of the basics for this instrument are as follows:


NJ5 Deluxe


Bolt-on 5pc neck (3 maple, 2 walnut stringers)

34.5" scale

Rosewood 'board (Carey has a lovely piece for me!)

Alder body

Walnut top, clear finish

Aguilar 3-band pre w/ passive tone control

Active/passive option

Nordstrand Fat Stack pickups

Hipshot A bridge and UltraLite tuners


Over the past couple of years I have played basses by a whole slew of builders from all over this country (Bee, Lull, Elrick, Stambaugh, Fodera, Kenneth Lawrence, Kubicki, MTD, et al.) as well as from other countries (Kinal, Vadim, F Bass, Overwater, Drozd, Status, et al.). Quite a few of you have been with me when I've test-driven some of these instruments (particularly during a couple of visits to NYC and a visit last summer to Calif.). In a few cases, they have been your own personal instruments that I have played (much thanks!). I have often reported to y'all at the LDL about these adventures fingering basses. I have decided that the right bass for me is a Nordstrand.


I also must give some credit where credit is due:

Tom Capasso is the person who first identified Carey for me as someone whose work I should check out. Adrian Garcia/bassaddik helped me with some information via e-mail about Carey's basses as well as the details he regularly provides at his Access Bass website and on some of the threads here. Also Jay Lewis, who does business "down the road" from me, at Blueberry Hill Bass let me spend a couple of hours at his place playing basses by a few builders, most notably a Nordstrand that blew my mind. Jay is also the one who facilitated my order.


Carey usually does a bit of a "journal" with pictures at his website when he builds each batch of basses. I will certainly provide links when he gets rolling on mine, which I believe won't be started too soon, but will be completed sometime at the end of the summer.


I'm very excited about this...Duh! As if there were any doubt?! :D


(Sidenote: I am temporarily referring to this upcoming bass creation as the "Fish o' Luv").


Now the important part:

As many of you know, I have been working on my dissertation and I've been in the hunt for that elusive PhD. My loving wife has made this bass purchase possible, but there are strings attached. I don't touch this bass until I've successfully defended my dissertation. (Everyone familiar w/ the carrot/stick analogy?)Essentially this instrument is a graduation present -- a reward for my academic toils, traveling a road that has not been easy. This defense should happen this summer, but I need to bust my ass from now until then to make sure that's the case.


Therefore, I am asking you, my bass bruthas and sistaz, to do me a favor. From here on out, if you happen to observe me littering the LDL (or other forums) w/ posts over the course of a day, please send me a PM and tell me to get my ass back to work. Fair enough?





PS: Call it spam if you wish, but I feel that it's only fair for me to list the websites of at least some of the dealers (besides those already given above) who have graciously provided information, time, space, and/or instruments that helped me reach this decision.





www.luthiersaccessgroup.com (Dan at LAG deserves special props -- I hung with him playing all kinds of instruments and amplification for over 4 hours, and he is really thoughtful about the whole custom instrument thang!)




Much luv. I'm off to dissertate! :thu:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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< :cry: Sniff, sniff> And to think, we were all here for the conception of your little Fish o'Luv.


Many, many congratulations to you. I'm starting to realize from this post and others is that the only frustrating thing about designing and commissioning a custom bass is the wait time.


But at least you have that pesky PhD-thing to while away the idle hours. ;)


Woo Hoo!!!

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

please send me a PM and tell me to get my ass back to work. Fair enough?

Oh, I'll go one better than that. Do I smell a new signature campaign?


Congrats to you, both on the new bass and the PhD! We're not going to have to call you "Dr. Sweet Willie," will we? Mrs. Dr. Sweets is to be commended as well. :)


We're gonna want a pic of you in the doctorate graduation getup with the bass, too.

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Sounds like a killer combination you've been cooking up there! Congratulations on taking that big step into the custom world ;) . And good luck with your work, a few gallons of elbow grease will be a fair price to pay for such a tasty bass. Much kudos to your better half as well, sounds like one cool lady!





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good call! now get off the computer and go to work!!

i also made the same decision, and I am ecstatic with the results, thus i leave you with an image of my very own "Flounder 'o Passion" - a one of a kind body design...by carey and yours truly.


best wishes!!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Will-way to go! I have been eager for you to publicly post on this so I could publicly offer congrats.

One more thing-Get to work!!


Adrian, the black bridge definitely works best on that beauty-Glad you took my advice on the bridge. ;):D






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Congrats Willie


Well, the Fish of Luv certainly sounds impressive, hopefully pics will follow shortly :thu:


Bassaddic that black bridge looks FINE :thu:

"The Blues is the Roots, and the rest is the Fruits"


Willie Dixon

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Originally posted by TShakazBlackRoots:

That's why I love Communism and Socialism. . :rolleyes:

So, Sweet Willie, hand that bass over, quick! :mad:

a couple of years in Cuba should clear that up, my man.

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Adrian, that was excellent. :thu:


Congrats my man!


Of course, I see what's going on here. I just got a five-string, so now you have to get a five-string... So the ball's in my court now. It's a bit unfortunate that you one-upped me by, er, rather a large margin...but I'm sure my wife will understand. :D:eek:


I'm sure you'll love it. Once the dissertation is done, that is. 2007 should be a very good year for bass for you. :D:P

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Sweet Willie,

Congrats! I too have ordered from Carey. A 30" shortscale six. I just shot off yet another email riding that fine line between bugging and encouraging ;)


How'd you get such an early delivery date?

Sounds like ours're getting started at about the same time. We'll be batch mates!


I've been silly enough to have an inlay artist do Carey's board at a separate location and ship it back to Carey and then start to build. It'll hopefully turn out as cool as I'm hoping but it does add another level of timeline stress to the big picture-trying to make sure it's all choreographed! :eek:


Oh well, what's an not so old retired schoolteacher to do with his "free" time?


It'll be fun seeing our babies get built together in pics eh?


Now go back to work!

"When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have."

Edgar Watson Howe

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there" Miles Davis

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Your bass turned out fantastically! (Is that even a word?)


You must be one happy feller!!!

"When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have."

Edgar Watson Howe

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there" Miles Davis

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Thanks all for the enthusiasm and kind words.


Jim T. -- I would be honored to have my bass be a "batch-mate" with yours! Especially since yours will be such a unique instrument given the scale and number of strings. Good for Carey for taking it on! (My build slot was arranged thru a dealer -- which is one way to get a little bit of a jump on the waitlist.)


tnb -- It's all luv, man. Don't worry, I'll still hate you for your Woods amp and Acme cabs! ;)


JulieCat -- You can honorarily be Sweet Julie from now on. I'm diggin' the sig inspiration. :evil::P


Maury -- Funny you should ask for more details...


  • Bone nut.
  • 18mm spacing at the bridge.
  • 1.81" at the nut
  • 10"-14" compound radius
  • Banjo frets
  • C-shaped neck w/ a little extra off the shoulders (approaching a V-shape)
  • Rosewood control knobs w/ maple position dots: vol-blend-passive tone-bass-mid-treble -- push-pull mid freq and push-pull active/passive
  • Stabilized maple dot position markers on 'board
  • Rosewood pickup covers.

Also, the fretted Carvin LB70 w/ Bart pups and guts and the fretless EB MM StingRay5 will not be jealous, they will be happy to have another to cuddle w/ at night -- remember, it is the Fish o' Luv. They'll still get play -- just a little less.

C. Alex -- It's "onomatopoeic", mate -- no second "a". ;)


There will surely be updates, y'all, once the ball gets rolling, or maybe, better said, once it picks up a little speed. :thu:






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Willie- while i was at Nordstrand's, i checked out an sc5 that is going to Japan and it has that kinda V shape to the neck- i thought it was great, you're gonna love it ! Congrats! - Adrian

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Sweet Willie,

Thanks for the props...I always enjoy the specing-out process and think that you chose some excellent specs and an excellent builder! :D Your bass isn't that far off at all, actually. I just speced out my next SC5 with Carey this week, and once that one is done, yours is up. Woo Hoo!!! And as for that dissertation...here's hoping it's full of holes. :D You know right where it'll be while you're making those final arguments!!! ;) Seriously...you will end up with one outstanding instrument that will provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment, and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you open up that case for the first time.

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Originally posted by JPJ:

Sweet Willie,

Thanks for the props...I always enjoy the specing-out process and think that you chose some excellent specs and an excellent builder! :D Your bass isn't that far off at all, actually. I just speced out my next SC5 with Carey this week, and once that one is done, yours is up. Woo Hoo!!! And as for that dissertation...here's hoping it's full of holes. :D You know right where it'll be while you're making those final arguments!!! ;) Seriously...you will end up with one outstanding instrument that will provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment, and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you open up that case for the first time.

WORD!! :thu:

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Hey Sweet, it's so sweet!


And stay focused on the paper. But remember...LDLD is research!


And you can always open 2 windows and hang out here while pages are loading with the real research!


Ya know, I can't remember what your project is about. And you remember everything.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

And you can always open 2 windows and hang out here while pages are loading with the real research!


Thanks, DBB. That helps! :rolleyes::P:D


Too bad I'm not writing about how musicians around the world interact via electronic media! :(






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Adrian - yep, the black was the right answer (pull out a mustache hair for even thinking chrome). Looks great, except Carey got his initials wrong ;)


Julie - thanks for the idea. I hope Jeremy doesn't feel abandoned....


Alex may have spelled it right for his side of the pond - He probably plays at a theatre as well.


Willie - you should have thanked me for the 34.5" scale as well, which Kinal likes for his 5s. The specs look beautiful, and I know you are gonna be one happy player. Your wife has that behavior mod thing down - I'd hate to know what goes on "behind closed doors". oops - excuse me - I have to eat.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I testify!

34.5 in scale is the way to go- as proven by Nordstrand and F basses ( to me , at least)

Tom, at my age, i cannot afford to pull out ANY hairs.. from anywhere!! :wave:

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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