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OT-coffee talk

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Originally posted by Dave Martin:

I thought we were talking about coffee...


Fresh ground whole bean Columbian here - made with filtered water...

I was of the same mindset. For me, though, I tend to prefer African and Middle Eastern coffees. I do, on occasion, enjoy sucking down one of those thick'n'yummy Turkish coffees.


As for the initial premise, I think I disagree. There are still non-MC/non-producer artists putting out socially conscious music.


I also think that "millenium" is a bit too broad a time frame. For example, compare the music of 2004 to the music of 1004 and think of everything that's happened between. "Century" or maybe even "decade" might work mo' betta. Although, I must admit, that some of those singer-songwriters who accompanied William the Conqueror to England were bad-ass, and could wield a broadsword too! I'm still looking forward to "Beowolf: The Musical." ;):D


However, the artists whose work has carried socially conscious messages that resonated with me over the past decade or so have almost exclusively been hip-hop artists -- the Roots, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Lauryn Hill, Common, Public Enemy, and others.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I've always been kinda partial to a nice, dark roast Columbian blend. Much easier in the mid-west, we only have five kinds of coffee.


Vacationed out in the Tri-Cities of Washington a couple of weeks back. Do we really need "raspberry-hazelnut swirl"?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Coffee? What coffee! I gave it up.


Coffee is acidic and acid is a diabolical plot. Coffee is evil.


I drink herbal tea. Herbal tea is alkalizing. Alkalizing is heavenly.



The deeper you go the better you feel! (True for bass and hypnosis.)

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

If this producer person actually writes the lyrics and the tunes, then you have a valid point.

yea jc thats basically what im sayin herr


and yes i was painting with broad strokes (re: the millenium)


and yes i agree there are still socially viable S/SW in the traditional vein


but i sorta feel like the relevant, modern day version of the original folk/rock troubadours lamenting societys ills is the intelligent, literate, possibly underground, possibly politicaly motivated, MC/producer


steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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and as for coffee...




i dunno, im really more of a restaurant coffee drinker so i dont have a fav type


(which coffee is better thread? :P )


err two cream two sugar?


peace grrrrreases :thu:


steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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Originally posted by Dave Martin:

I thought we were talking about coffee...


Fresh ground whole bean Columbian here - made with filtered water...

I mean, c'mon guys... Dave's studio is called, Java Jive! :D This man is a serious coffee drinker!


As for me, I never used to drink coffee, though my parents are avid coffee drinkers. I would never have begun drinking the stuff were it not for the hundreds of gigs I mixed at the Opryland Hotel. Surprisingly, they have (Had? Haven't worked there in several years. :thu: ) pretty good stuff. At my day job, it's Royal Cup in a Bunn maker, hooked up to a filtered water supply. Of course, after all the sweetness and cream I put in, it's hardly coffee anymore. :D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Interestingly enough, even though I usually load in the milk and sugar in my coffee now (more like coffee-flavored milk than coffee!), the thing that got me into coffee was having a morning espresso w/ nothing added with a shot of aqua minerale on the way to class the year that I lived/studied in Italy. There was nothing better...really...


It's too bad, in my opinion, that more of the hip-hop artists with seriously heavy, socially conscious message don't get more mainstream play.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Arabica is definitely one of my favorites. Just make sure you're not getting robusto beans blended in. It's cheap, but bitter. BTW, Dunkin' Donuts coffee, some of the best coffee going, is made with Arabica beans. Me, I'm partial to Sumatran Mandheling when I can get it. Espresso, too, but with a rind of lemon peel. I also like a cup of Turkish coffee when I can get it, but it's a more involved process to make that. But I've never even had a cup of the king of all coffees: Jamaican Blue Mountain. I think it goes for over $30 a pound right now.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Yes, I must have it, worked on the road too long to be able to go without it. Columbian, freshly ground, a touch of sweetness and hold the moo :D

"The Blues is the Roots, and the rest is the Fruits"


Willie Dixon

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I don't like coffee. Unless it is mixed up with a lot of stuff like in Starbucks frappa-things.


I really like Coffee Flavored Ice-Cream though.


(Seems like this thread didn't go where you wanted it to huh, Chillen?) :P

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Originally posted by Nicklab:

... BTW, Dunkin' Donuts coffee, some of the best coffee going, is made with Arabica beans.

I worked at a Dunkin' Donughts (Donuts) in Eynon, PA right after I ... left college. They did have a most excellent coffee, and that was better than twenty years ago.


As far as the socially concience thing, that ought to be something they do in their spare time. Seem like anyone in the entertainment industry develops a concience, they pick the thing that is most emotially charged and start spouting off without knowing what the hell they are talking about (Michael Moore, Sarandon, Robbins, Dixie Twits, etc.)


If you must have a social concience, don't get up on a soap box. Get real, take it to the people or the community that needs it, and for heaven's sake, shut up about it. Yeah, give me a thirty second spot by the ad council to tell me who to call or send a check. Don't lecture me after I've spent $45 to get into the damned concert.


If this had been an actual emergency, Bumpcity would have responded.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Don't mind the Jamaican Blue Mountain, its very good but the price more accurately reflects the small acerage producing it. The best right now, which changes due to meteorological and political factors, is IMO Costa Rican Tres Rios.





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Kenyan for me. Fair trade stuff as well. Very nice.


Went to an interesting tea and coffee museum in London last weekend - right next to London Bridge - I might leave her if she drags me there again though. I like the stuff - but not that much! :)

Toupé - www.toupe.co.uk

2Bass Players - One drummer - No guitar - NO RULES!

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Originally posted by Mr. Phil.:

(Seems like this thread didn't go where you wanted it to huh, Chillen?) :P

its ok, at least 's-dub' responded (as i expected...) :P:D


besides, i like coffee almost as much as hip hop, so i still deem it a productive thread!


peace greases




steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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Columbian Supremo is our day-in day-out coffee here. Ethiopian can be nice for a mid morning pick me up, and Kenyan is an excellent breakfast coffee. Javan or Sumatran strikes me as being more of an after dinner brew, and I simply haven't gotten into the taste of Blue Mountain - it's real good and all, but somehow, it doesn't taste a lot like 'coffee'. it's another beverage entirely.


Oh - recently, we've gotten into latte's after meals, made with an old fasioned espresso pot (goes on the stove) with Cuban coffee beans.

Dave Martin

Java Jive Studio

Nashville, TN



Cuppa Joe Records


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I'm very happy that nobody around here has mentioned Starbucks. Yuck! What awful coffee!


I'm also partial to Columbian Supremo...and pure Kona coffee is just heavenly (although rediculously expensive...)

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Are there MC's/producers who are socially conscious writers? Sure. Are there some who aren't? Sure. Are their still singer/songwriters who are socially conscious? Yes. Are their other artists (i.e. bands) who are socially conscious? Yes. Jars of Clay is very active in African AIDS awareness/treatment (the Blood:water mission)and persecution in China (Voice of the Martyrs, I think); Ten Shekel Shirt started an organization (with their own money- no backing lobbyist group) working for social justice for children in empoverished countries; I could give you more if I took the time to research a bit. And it's not that they just say, "Give your money to Charity X" at their concerts; it's part of their songwriting, too. So it's not something that has changed hands from one genre to the next; it's always been there and if the artists are passionate about it, it will always be a part of music.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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We've just recently picked up a bag of the Starbucks and its not to my liking.


Of course I do enjoy a Iced Caffe Mocha from the Starbucks on my way to work about once a week.

(Which is about 4 or so times a month that I can not afford)


My wife and I have kicked our frappacino habit, we had a $25 or so a week addiction going.


My vote for socially concious MC is a man called MF Doom. From what I hear he is broke dick poor and has bad substance abuse problems.

He raps about working at WalMart and wanting to kill a man whose name I cannot recall.

The guy he wants to kill has been having an affair with his wife and with other people as well. The guy he wants to kill is his own alter ego. Humor in a bucket if its ever to have been had. He has a bad tendency to forget lyrics or get behind in his own song, so to cover it up he uses the universal ummmm... quite alot (ala George W.)


There is another guy that my bro. has actually met whose name I can't recall but he is quite famous. He actually was homeless when someone stumbled across him laying around outside a bar.

For whatever reason he was given a recording contract. He can't seem to play any music so for back-up to his mad lyrical skills he uses a casio keyboard. He presses the demo button on the keyboard and plays the different demos in different keys for his different pieces.

He has made such masterpieces as "The Chicken Cow"

Basically a non-sensical rant about a creature that has blah blah blah attributes and if you turn your back to it, it will stab you with its beak. In the middle of the song he mumbles out stuff like "Blockbuster Video, Wow, What a Difference"


I think I've become very jaded to just about any artist that I don't discover for myself or become introduced to by a friend.


Other than that I think Aesop Rock has it all.



Double what we got o mr. roboto




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"Before we came to this country

We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys.

It was empires in Africa called Kush,

Timbuktu, where every race came to get books,

To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans,

Asian Arabs and gave them gold, when

Gold was converted to money it all changed.

Money then became empowerment for Europeans,

The Persian military invaded,

They heard about the gold, the teachings

and everything sacred.

Africa was almost robbed naked.

Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships.

Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went.

He wasn't shocked at the mountains with black faces

Shot up they nose to impose what basically

Still goes on today, you see?

If the truth is told, the youth can grow

They learn to survive until they gain control."


Nas be droppin science! :P




p.s.-aesop rock=the sh*t


p.s.s.-err, coffee coffee coffee




peace homies :thu:


steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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Ok..call me a simple girl but I like Folgers....black. No milk. No sugar. No honey. Nothing. And as far as going out for coffee, if you drink your coffee black and go to Starbucks you have to have huge amounts of hair on your ass.

For someone who drinks their coffee black Starbucks is strong enough to choke you.


Circle K coffee rocks.


Just my opinion.



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One good thing about being in my country is being able order one small cup of turkish coffee, and it'll be in my room in a few minutes (I am at work :) ) ) for 25 cents. However I'd also like a cup of espresso with mineral water in the neighbouring glass.
oops my signature dropped
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Fair trade coffee from Kenya? Not easy with the endemic corruption. My brother-in-law works at a coffee roaster in Mendocino that is all about fair trade coffee. The minimum wage, no-benefit employees are, as you might guess, thrilled beyond words by the owners concern for the workers in Costa Rica.





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Originally posted by Mike F.:

There is another guy that my bro. has actually met whose name I can't recall but he is quite famous. He actually was homeless when someone stumbled across him laying around outside a bar.

For whatever reason he was given a recording contract. He can't seem to play any music so for back-up to his mad lyrical skills he uses a casio keyboard. He presses the demo button on the keyboard and plays the different demos in different keys for his different pieces.

He has made such masterpieces as "The Chicken Cow"

Basically a non-sensical rant about a creature that has blah blah blah attributes and if you turn your back to it, it will stab you with its beak. In the middle of the song he mumbles out stuff like "Blockbuster Video, Wow, What a Difference"

Welsey Willis - he died within the last year, unfortunately.

Dave Martin

Java Jive Studio

Nashville, TN



Cuppa Joe Records


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