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I'm an unfocused idiotic bassist (yeah, took awhile to figure that out)


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Whoa, I'm a horrible, unfocused bassist. I was gonna learn "Oh Darling" by the Beatles, but after one listen I said "screw it" (didn't feel like putting in the effort) so then I went over to Mr "The Working Bassist's Toolkit" by Ed F. and didn't looked at it for a second then said "screw it." I'm going crazy!


I can't spend any time with my bass these days! You know how much time I spent with my bass during my Spring Break (which ends tommorow)? 6 hours? Nope. 4? Not a chance. Maybe 1 and a half-ish? That might be exxagerating a tad. I'm just AHHH!!!! So so frustrated! I spend more time online here than I do playing my bass! And it's not like I can't play my bass RIGHT NOW. I can! But I'm not because I'm an idiot.


I should like die or something. Hey, where's a hammer? I think I need to pound some sense into myself.


P.S. thanks for wasting your time by reading about me insulting myself a lot

In Skynyrd We Trust
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There is always more time.


You'll make up for this in an epiphany some day.


Don't sweat it.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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I write as part of what I do for a living, & I love to write. It might be what I love most. But every so often, I find myself not wanting to write; I'll catch myself spending more & more time on other things so that I'll have less time to write. The last time this happened, I simply stopped writing. I just did other things, & figured I'd write again when I felt like it. It wasn't a couple of weeks before I was back in the saddle. Right now, I've just finished a VERY intensive 14-month project, & was flat busted when I got done. So again I said, Screw it until I feel like doing it again. And now I feel ready again.


My point? The pushing can get counter-productive after a while. Sometimes some time & perspective can work wonders. (I played NO bass at all over my spring break, btw.) Of course, everyone works differently, & my method might not work for you. But do whatever you have to do to finish the marathon; don't sprint.

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There are times when you should set the instrument down and just live. Don't force it. If you're feeling unfocused at a given time, maybe you should do something else with that time. While we're all bass players here, none of us are machines. We're all people, and there are times when you need to do "normal people stuff". Your brain or your heart is going to tell you when you should play. Listen to them.


Take this into account: it's not just practice that makes us the musicians we are. It's our lives. Live your life when you're not musically inspired. Life will inspire you to play music, and influence the music you play. And that is my moment of bass zen for today.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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i guess this is sort of a good thing for ya


becuse the way i see it,


practicing when you dont want to is probably counter productive


ideally you should enjoy playing, ya know?


peace :thu:


steppin in a rhythm to a kurtis blow/who needs a beat when your feet just go


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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Then forget about playing for a while.


Go out and hear lots of bands. Sooner or later you'll say to yourself, "I can play better than that" and you'll start playing again.

I think seeing alot of bands; lots and lots of different bands is great advice. But, JC, it's not a competition! It should be an inspiration! ;)

Get some excercise. There is a lot to the old healthy body health mind thing; I'm definitely more inspired if I've been out on my bike, or running, or a brisk walk, than when I'm a slug on the couch in front of the tube.

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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Lady, if you get some sheet music and start out playing the roots only, like BBBB,GGGG,AACC whatever, to the beat, then add in some bridging notes after a few times through, you'll have a fun way of teaching yourself bass parts, walking and knowledge of the neck. It's something you can do WHILE you're on the computer.
Washburn forever!
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Sometimes its good to take a break from playing because when you comeback you will be more inspired.Also going to see some rocking bassist will always get me in the mood.I go out and see a cat rockin and at 3in the morning i just have to play because i was so inspired.
Rock-n-roll junkie
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Well this thread is a relief, I have been in one of those uninspired ruts for about a couple of weeks now, I was starting to worry. Im going to a blues jam tonight, maybe that will cure my lack of inspiration. :)

"The Blues is the Roots, and the rest is the Fruits"


Willie Dixon

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Dearest LadY,


I would love to see you find someone else to play some music with.


Just find anyone. Preferably a guitar player who is somewhat of a newbie. I totally respect musicians who are willing to work with newbies. I know you might be saying, "Hey, I'm a newbie too!" But you are not.


Then take that Beatles song and learn it with him/her. The learn the rest of the rockin' beatles songs (not the slow ones, except Michelle), then find a drummer, and then book yourselves out as a Beatles Tribute Band for one gig.


Just let the person/s know that this is just a temporary thing for fun. Then if it turns into something else, that'd be fine too.


I have a feeling you will be much more inspired when you have a fresh new person to play music with.


... connie z :)

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Well, Connie, I can tell you I'm already working on getting those other people, though not particularily for a Beatles Tribute Band (although I can you I would absolutely ADORE doing that). I'm just gonna take the time off like every mentioned and try not to feel so obligated to do things. Doesn't help that I have lessons tommorow, Jazz band Wednesday, and then band practice who knows when, but I'll manage.


I realized by post sounded a bit like I was seriously gonna crack, there was a bit of exxageration. I'm alright. Just need some time.


Until then, I'm just gonna keep the Fleetwood Mac playing (like I am now ;) ), wait a while, then once I start playing again, work on having some fun. Work and fun in same sentence... how ironic. Hehe.


Thanks for the thoughtful considerations all.

In Skynyrd We Trust
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I know what you're going through. About two weeks ago I was kinda in the mind set, "if I practice, I practice, if I don't, no big deal." Pretty indifferent. Then, two thursdays ago I was mountain biking and took a spill, a doctors' visit later I had five stitches in my left hand and was out of bass playing for two weeks. I figured there was nothing I could do about it, so just make the best of it. That two weeks has been great because I haven't touched my bass, and now that I am back playing again, it's rekindled that spark.


To make a short story long, what I'm trying to say is don't worry about it, take some time off, and enjoy something else, it'll help to light that spark again!



Still working on it...

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I was in a real cool band that broke up after about, oh, 4 years I think.. I put my gear in a spare beadroom, and over the course of the following year I probably held my bass in my hands for all of 6 hours.. no kidding.. then almost as sudden as it went away the urge came back and I started working with it again, practicing, jamming, studying, even started taking piano lessons, and now I'm more focused on music than I ever have been in my entire life.. it's all about perspective and allowing life to happen, not forcing it.



"You look hopefully for an idea and then you're humble when you find it and you wish your skills were better. To have even a half-baked touch of creativity is an honor."

-- Ernie Stires, composer

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I don't know if anyone noticed that I haven't been around for quite sometime but it is for exactly that reason. I am ashamed to admit that after all the money and the small amount of time that I put into learning to play I quite!!!!

So many people were pushing me to play that I just threw my hands up and my bass down and walked away.

But I am back...(on the down low so no one starts to push again) and as excited as ever.


Lady....even the things you love can get old or even frustrating to the point of annoyance. You will get back on the horse when you are ready.

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