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Ideal amp for a Rickenbacker 4003?


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Would anyone like to give an objective opinion as to what they think the 'perfect' amplifier would be to compliment a Rickenbacker 4003 bass?


I play funky, motown influenced lines (I know Jameson played a fender precision), but if I was using a Ric ... what would be a knockout amp to use with it?


If the answer is 'try lots of amps, get the one you like' then thats totally fine - I'm just wondering if someone has a really good recommendation they'd like to share.


Thanks in advance!

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Rick and Ampegs get along great. I used an ampeg SVT-IIP preamp (precurser to the SVP-Pro) and it sounds great. I used to use an old Acoustic Bass amp and it and the Rick didn't "mesh" as well for me though it sounded great with my Pbass.

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My 4001 sounds REALLY good through my vintage Bassman 100 (with matching 2x15 cabinet). I just used this combination for the first time at last Saturday's gig (I usually use my Fender Jazz exclusively), and I was delighted with the "fatness" of the Rick through the Fender. Using the neck pickup, I think this combination will give you exactly what you're looking for!


I realize, of course, that vintage Fender Bassman amps are not exactly a dime a dozen. Anything that's all tube (pre-amp AND power amp) should give you that punchy Motown sound when using the neck pickup with the treble rolled off a bit...



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I've only played my Ric 4003 through 4 amps.


1. Ampeg SVT3 pro through an Ampeg 1 by 15 classic. Gorgeous, I'd highly recommend this rig.


2. Trace Elliot 7215 SMC, good enough. Though it doesn't even compete with the Ampeg.


3. Peavey combo (can't remember model, it's in our practice room at the mo') For some reason I honestly think I prefer this over the more expensive Trace Elliot.


4. A little vox practice combo, I liked the Vox a lot, very punchy.


You'll probably hear a lot of folks talk highly of Ampeg. When I was researching amp, I asked the people here, and the majority ponited me in the direction of the Ampeg.



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I use my Rickenbacker 4001 CS (Chris Squire Edition) with a Gallien Kruger 800RB (Bi-Amp 300W). That's real punch! Visit a local store and ask for a try with your bass! Squire used that, I don't know what he is using nowadays. You can check also McArtney's gear, he's a 4003 player, I guess... :D:thu:

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This is a bit like asking what kind of tires you should buy if you own a Ford, I think. The answer: good tires. The real question is what tires are good.


I think the real question here, likewise, is which amp you will like best. That will depend on a very wide range of factors that will be specific to your situation, budget, & tastes.


But the fact that you're into Motown tells us a bit more. A lot of the sound of that era comes from big cones driven by tubes amps that lend a dark color. Or so they say; Bob Babbitt evidently played all the songs on "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" on a Carvin combo, & I'd say he had the Motown sound down pretty well. ;) Again, a good amp is really the key, & good amp should be versatile enough to get you close to what you're looking for. Of course I hope you're using flatwounds.


I'm not sure why people are recommending Chris Squire rigs to someone looking for Motown vibe.


Oh, it's because it's a Rickenbacker. I'd forgotten that You Can't Play Soul Music With A Ric.

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I play my ricks through Hartke amps and I'd like to think I'm good to go for a Motown type sound.


I think it is more about the player than what he's playing through, at least to some extent.


I'd love to have a Walter Woods amp, or an Alembic pre-amp into a nice crown power amp, both of which sound different from each other and from the Hartke. But they'd work fine for the Motown sound if the musician playing style fits the music. For me I'd be more concerned about string gauge and playing over the bridge pick up for the right sound than which amp. That said, there are plenty of crappy crappy amps I'd never want to use that might NOT sound good for that style of music.

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I've heard some great sounds with a flatwound-strung classic single-coil p-bass and a GK amp and Ampeg amps. Both lend a bit of growl that I think is great for motown sounds. The GK tends to be a bit "dryer" while the Ampegs sound a bit more "saturated". A classic Ampeg amp (all-tube) has and even more saturated tone with some growl. If it were me, I'd go GK because of the price, tone, weight, and flexibility. If moeny and weight were no object, I'd keep an Ampeg around, as well.


I heard that Jamerson played through Ampeg, but I'm not sure. For the sound you are specifying here, though, I can't see you going wrong with an Ampeg. Just my opinion, YMMV, and all the usual "covering my ass" clauses apply, however.

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Originally posted by dcr:

This is a bit like asking what kind of tires you should buy if you own a Ford, I think. The answer: good tires. The real question is what tires are good.

Oh, I thought the answer was, "Trade in the Ford and buy an import." My mistake. :D
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