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rocksynthman's avatar


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ClarkW, I am beginning to think that you are absolutely brilliant. I could try to add more, but what you said covers most of it in a nice, eloquent package.


I vote for change, although it's not the most offensive avatar I've seen around here.

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Originally posted by cornbread:

Perhaps if I said that BenLoy's pseudo-motion avatar caused my vertigo to reappear.

I'd bet $100 if that were the case, and you really were suffering from vertigo, that BenLoy would change his avatar.


Originally posted by cornbread:

What would happen if I were offended by a picture of Teddy Roosevelt?

I would be surprised. However, if you were serious, I would bet that Tom would be willing to talk civilly about it and would sincerely consider changing it -- but might not, in the end.


I'll also say it for the umpteenth time, in the grand scheme of things it's not that offensive, but rocksynthman asked for our opinions -- some of us think it's just dandy as an avatar, and some of us think it's in poor taste. Just like some of us like basses w/ 4 strings and some of us prefer them to have 7 or more.


If rsm wants to change it, he will. If he doesn't want to change it, he won't. Whether he really wanted our opinions or not, he got 'em.


I'm done with this thread.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Representing the "minors" (i'm 13 for those that don't know)... I don't see a huge problem with this avatar, some girls at my school wear less clothing than the woman portrayed in RSM's avatar, and considering most people my age or older watch MTV(or for us canadians, muchmusic), with music videos filled with women in skimpy thongs and bikini tops gyrating a helluvalot more than in the avatar, I don't see how we would be offended by it. Although I can see how it could be offensive to the women on the forum, it is a tad demeaning, although she's pretty well fully clothed, she gives off the impression that she wont be for long if you catch my drift.


Anyway, on the whole i guess it lacks a bit of taste, but not that much (as afore mentioned, its not like she's nude), but for the record, i liked the pic of the Warwicks better.

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Interesting discussion.


While I personally feel that Americans are a bit, well, FICKLE when it comes to their views on what is and is not appropriate imagery (I guess that's what you get when a country is founded on principles of free speech by a bunch of puritans who, as Robin Williams once stated, were "people so stiff the British kicked them out"), some things probably should be considered. A forum is much like any other social grouping, and there are stated and unstated rules that have to be maintained, to a certain degree, for productive social harmony. This is the way of the world, if you're a human being.


It's good to have some discussion, I think, regarding these issues, though, because it may often be a bit trickier to pick up on some of these subtle social "rules" in an online forum, and often direct discussion is the only way of really understanding where the people involved in the group stand and how they feel on a particular issue in this place.


I'm a man. I love the female form, both from a purely appreciative stance and from the (unavoidable) physical stance as well. I would be lying if I said that rocksynthman's avatar didn't appeal to me in both ways. However, in this forum, it seems that the question of "appropriateness" is valid. I doubt much trouble will ensue if he does not change it, but perhaps the general feelings of this forum would be more appreciative if that were to happen.


As far as pleasing everyone...of course, that is impossible. It's up to you how much you want to please others, and there are many things to consider, including how much you want them to please YOU. Trying to please everyone simply for the sake of trying to keep everyone from finding something offensive in your words or actions, in my opinion, is pointless and a huge waste of time. I am not a fan of the PC movement, for this very reason. As I said, though, it is up to you. I personally don't have a preference either way, in this particular case. I can appreciate it, but I can also certainly appreciate a picture of a nice looking bass or countless other images you might put in it's place.


Oh, as far as the "cleaveage" avatar that I saw earlier (can't recall whose it was), that one truly was distracting. It may have been distracting because the animation seemed to shout "controversey" so loudly I couldn't hear myself think, or perhaps simply because I feel that, in this case it's inappropriate. Either way, I certainly vote for THAT one to be changed. It would be VERY difficult to make a good, convincing argument about "appropriateness" or "taste" with that particular animation. I add my voice to those who would rather it be changed.


Thank you.

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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The French singer in rocksynthman's avatar is Alizee .


I, for one, personally am not offended by the avatar. I can understand Tom's opposition to it, though, but while it is suggestive, it's hardly pornographic, nor is it prurient.


We're also talking about avatar use here, in more detail.


To be fair about it, anyone think I should change mine?

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I hate all the dipshits who play avatar games because they really don't have anything intelligent to say about bass or music or music technology. This forum is a MUSIC forum.


I never liked this or other avatars that were bandwidth eaters. If you can't establish an online identity with even the use of 10K worth of image space or less you should be paying more for the servers because you aren't really using imagery to further the causes of MUSIC discussion. And you should be sending money to anybody who pays for internet time by the minute.


I realize many people need attention and can't get that by forming thoughts in text. And many are visually oriented and not really such strong thinkers or conversationalists in text. They tend to converse better in imagebytes. For them, there are art forums, photography forums, THEIR OWN websites, and TITTIlation possibilities ranging from the very mild to super hard core porno.


The internet is an open range for all that stuff, IN ITS PLACE (and without moral judgment for now).


But this, here: THIS is a music forum. I wish we had less wackoffs and more heavyweight stuff going on. Every forum I've ever seen that doesn't set a limit on avatar size tends to masturbate more and think less. Some of the best forums on the net are still without avatars. That seems to encourage better discourse.


I won't care to much what happens. But I've stated my opinion now.

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Sorry if my avatar offended anyone, just to clarify tho, this is hosted on a private web server and not linked to a porn site, if people are offended with my avatar i will of course change it. Personally i fell in love with the "rhythm" of them.

If enough people feel uncomfortable with it ill change it when i get home, i dont want to cause offence.

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It's getting pretty dern tense in the LowDown lately... a little too much for my tastes, since we're voicing opinions here.


I'm aware that rocksynthman asked for views/opinions/advice/whatever, but this isn't the first time this week that something's gotten blown waaaaay outta porportion.



...simply stating.
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Eh, seen people ask for opinions before about their avatars on other forums. Soon it becomes a circle jerk with people wanting to talk about avatars all the time. Heh, blast 'em with both barrels if they be stickin' their heads up above the log wanting to be targets.



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I'm really impressed that rocksynthman asked about his avatar. I want to thank him and say that's really cool of him.


I have come to love this forum and I value everyone's posts here. It's a wealth of information and a great place for musicians to share with each other.


Unfortunately, I have to scroll down as quick as I can when I see rocksynthman's posts; I can't even read them -- because of the avatar. Same with the "cleavage avatar." Let me explain.


I'm a 30 year old married man who has struggled with pornography. After several years, I am finally -- with the strong support of my men's Bible study and accountability group, and my wife's forgiveness and growing trust -- I'm finally experiencing the success of overcoming it.


The avatar?

Yeah, she's clothed. She's dancing. "So what?" you may say. Well, to someone like me, she is like a stick of dynamite.


"But you see a lot worse on TV these days," you may say. This is exactly why my wife and I don't watch TV. The Super Bowl was a very rare exception. I was dreading watching the Super Bowl because there's always way more than just football -- so I decided to turn off the TV at the end of the first half to avoid the sexy half-time entertainment. And boy am I glad I did! Unfortunately, I got sidetracked while jamming on bass with my guitarist friend who was over with his wife. I missed most of the great second half -- except for the last 3 minutes or so which was great too. But -- I didn't even hear about the Janet Jackson issue till the next day.


"What about going through the grocery line with all the magazine covers?" you may say. That's hard for me too. I have to look away.


"Well, that's your problem, you perverted scum!" you may say. Or, "Don't censor me. Don't try to force your narrow-minded Puritanical views of morality on me," others may say.


Well, you have every right to say that to people like me, and I respect that. I just wish that I could know that when I come to this forum, I'd be free to relax and enjoy it as a bass forum and not as one more place of temptation in an already sex-saturated world.

"All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players..."

--Rush, "Limelight"

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I hate all the f****n' dipshits who play avatar games because they really don't have anything intelligent to say about bass or music or music technology. This forum is a MUSIC forum.

by greenboy


Eat a chill pill buddy no need to get vulger.I will be changing the avatar soon.Only because the regulars here don't really like it ,that is why i started the topic, to find out what everybodys opnion was on it.(Basically Tom saying it was borderline )And i can see his point.Willie another daily regular and benloy who are here everyday( Sorry anybody else i missed) including greenboy Who just dont like avatars in general.So soon you will all be scared with my ugly mug.

Rock-n-roll junkie
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Its not that bad, it just makes me laugh, just look at her hands.

I think that we should all remember that different people have different views about everything, so while some people would be outraged by rsm's picture, other people wouldn't even notice it. I personally think rsm is being the bigger man here by changing it because it causes slight offence to some people, AndyJ's is a bit more over the line but still not really that offensive, your altavar is supposed to be an insight to your personality so if you like beautiful women then have a picture of a beautiful woman.

My wonder is that if he hadn't started this topic would anyone have said anything?

Also if say he had a fully clothed picture of say a pornstar, but it some how managed to look suggestive then would people still object, how about a picture of a man only wearing a pair of trousers dancing? At which point do you draw the line, i notice that not many of the women actually replied to this, is it our ultra sensitive society?

"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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I'm glad this is an open forum. He asked for people's view and got it.. good.. It may not be appropriate but, for the most part, I don't think many people with open logical minds and perspectives would find it offensive. But that's why he asked.

Maybe this weekend I create a REALLY offensive avatar. It will be me dancing in just a pair of shorts. I just hope my gut doesn't put me over the bandwidth limit.

But first, I think I'll go play my bass.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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While we're at it I think we should stop talking about all this evil music. This new rock and roll thing will surely condemn us all to hell.

Oh, wait... I said H E double-hockey-sticks...

Oh man I'm gonna burn..

I can't wait to get out of work (goofing off) and get home to play...

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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rocksynthman, I respect you for handling all these responses(including mine) in such a friendly manner. My last word on the subject before I quit this thread is...


If you don't change it, I won't care. I'll still chat with you like I always have. If you do decide to change it, great. Either way you have my respect after how you've handled this thread.


Have a great weekend!

Hey you white boy there

Go play that funky music

"ok...what's it pay?"


first smoke, then silence

your very expensive rig

dies so gracefully

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Originally posted by Afro_boy:

i notice that not many of the women actually replied to this, is it our ultra sensitive society?

You noticed that too, huh? :) It's not easy being so outnumbered, for me anyway. What really struck me was that there are still guys who would actually take a woman's feelings into consideration. It's so rare. I would not have said anything otherwise about this because I'm not the confrontational type. Plus, it pales in comparison to another avatar I'd seen shortly before posting yesterday. Yikes. It was very cool of rocksynthman to ask and I agree he's handled the whole thing pretty well. Thanks, rsm.


Blah blah blah. KoRn RuLeZ. What bass/strings/amp should I get? Also? kOrN rUlEz. Back to lurking.


Oh, bassdrummer. It doesn't often get that heavy here on the LDLD, and it was really brave of you to post that. I wish you the best. :)


Now really, back to lurking.

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Yeah the women are outnumbered here but they shouldn't be there are loads of brilliant women bass players (auf de mer, hole, million dead, the von blondes, my ex girlfriend) plus most women are more musically orientated, so come on guys lets make the female bass community better by adding to it, introduce wives, girlfriends, sisters anybody, not just guys because we all know that a woman can play just as good as any man.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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RSM, thanks for changing it. My viewpoint is vaguely similar to bassdrummer's above: I'm a Christian, and I liked it TOO much, which is why I DIDN'T like it.


AndyJ, I think you should really change yours. No offense, but I happen to find yours far more offensive and just kind of childish, rather than "interesting".


Dr. Taz...yours is more along the lines of RSM's, but a little less suggestive.


By the way, isn't the lack of women responding to this thread simply a reflection of the lack of women in the Lowdown in general? That is to say, I don't believe that the women are holding back their opinions.

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Originally posted by reachjkh:

Ben, you won't get very far with that argument around here. I complained once to Lee about a gig story that got too vulgar for a public forum, and was told "tough, I heard worse as a girl and it didn't bother me". Of course she was more polite about it than that, but that was about the gist of it.

Actually, "the gist of it" was that I believe trying to censor such things would create more of a firestorm than it merited. A lot of people would simply leave the forum if we were to start prohibiting bad language, or stories that had sexual content, cuz musicians' stories are often rife with stuff like that. My policy against censoring that type of content has to do with trying to be sensitive to the wishes of the community in general... keeping in mind that you can't please everybody and some people are still going to be offended or feel left out.


And yes, I started playing in bars as a very young girl and saw and heard all sorts of things. As I told reachjkh at the time, it didn't have a negative effect on me because I had people around that I could trust to look after me, and a good head on my shoulders. I reckon it's up to parents to decide what their kids should and shouldn't read. If your kid is a musician, they may find this forum very helpful, but they're also going to run into some things that you as a parent probably wouldn't want them to see. However the same is probably going to be true in real life. Reading the forums with your kids COULD be a good way to prepare them for the kinds of stuff they'll see when they start gigging. Not that I'm trying to tell ANYbody how to raise their kids, mind you, just relating that in my personal experience it was a good thing to enter that world with my eyes open - and it kept me out of trouble.


I know that my girls are already somewhat afraid of men after some of the predator stories lately, and some other scandals local and national.

I think it helps to set them and other girls at ease to see adults who don't necessarily wear their desires out in the open for everyone to see.

Yep... just because I'm not in favor of censoring someone doesn't make it a good idea to say what they said, and like I said elsewhere, just because you're not being censored doesn't mean it would kill you to have some class. Like others have pointed out, RSM showed a lot of class for asking whether people found his avatar offensive.


It's always illuminating to see what people do and say when they are NOT being censored. Some of you have asked for women's opinions and here's mine: I don't find it offensive that guys like women's boobs, or sexy gyrations. I don't find boobs or sexy dancing offensive. What I find disturbing is that people seem to feel a constant need to display those things publicly. I don't like seeing something as special as sex being cheapened to the degree that it is now. EVERYwhere we're assaulted with graphcially sexual images and references, and yet some people apparently feel they have to personally add to that. It can start to make you feel like sex isn't special anymore. :( Which I feel is a huge loss and very disrespectful, not just to women but to humanity.

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