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Amp trades


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Well,i've decided that my SVT CL just isn't going to be worth it for me to keep. When I was in a loud rock,bigger room,pick situation it was the best thing I could have owned,but now I can't seem to get what I want out of it in smaller rooms playing mor R&B type stuff. The midrange just wont fall where i want it. Its either too boomy or too honky.I figure that its not worth it for me to haul around and retube eventualy. Its really fickle with any other cabs besides the fridge.


I called up Bass Palace today to see what they have and the guy i talked to thinks that the Swammi had an Alembic F1-X lying around along with some used power amps. That is what I had before and I loved it.


My SVT is last years model and probably has 10 to 15 gigs on it and I want to trade it. Just the head. What kind of deal do you think they will give me?

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Probably far less than you think.


You know what you paid for it......do a search of completed items sold on Ebay.....that'll give you a rough idea of what people are paying used.


Then cut that figure by about 1/3 to 1/2.


Swami's a biz man......he's looking to turn the unit also.



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what people are PAYING and what you can SELL it for are two different sums. Most of the times, buyers that plan to resell what they are buying will try to get it as cheap as they can so when they sell it, they make a profit.


Take for instance Sam Ash or Guitar Center. I was going to trade my SR405 in for credit to get a Fieldy Sig bass. I bought it for about $480, so I figured I would get at least half of it back since it was in pretty good condition. They ended up offering me about $150 for it. Of course I said no, and kept the bass which I still use. I just ended up paying another $550 for a new ABG.


So, things on Ebay are not necessarily what the same thing is going for in the store, and if you sell it to a store, you are going to get ripped off, unless some bozo doesnt know jack about what he's doing and gives you more than you should've gotten.


Ebay example: I bought a new Digital 8-Track. it retailed for about $1300 new. I got it for just under $350 with shipping. Great deal I know... :D


Hope my babbling helped. :wave:

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Yeah. I knew it. I just put it on the ol' ebay. I just hope someone wants to pay shipping on the sucka.Easy come,easy go. Back to the old Alembic. I think there is a rule written somewhere that if you buy an amp for a second time you have to keep it for a while. I should have never sold the other one in the first place.
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