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Serious Question.


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I am currently saving up for a 4 week trip to australia but im also "in need" of a new bass, now which would you choose? I've thought what would lemmy do, but i didn't fancy doing any of those things. Its not a really serious question cos i'll end up going but i'd like to know what everyone else would do in the same situation.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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I want a new bass cos my jazz is starting to get that dropped down the stairs look (it could go wrong at any moment). what awaits me in australia is 4 weeks of fun and sun (hopefully).


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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Because I'd expect Sydney to have nearly everything I could find in New York or London or a hundred other cities, I'd buy one off the rack and adjust it myself. Probably bring a small toolkit to do the work. If I really liked it, I'd ship it back home and claim it as a business expense on my income taxes. If not, I'd sell it. Chances are I could probably even rent an instrument and not bother about the buying/selling stuff.


It would be cheaper than buying a full-fare air ticket or shipping it. Even with an ATA flight case it is possible to have an instrument damaged due to temperature changes while in-flight (it's colder up there in the cargo hold, check it out) or baggage mishandling.


The other possibility would be to use a bolt-on: remove the neck, pack it in a suitcase or two, and ship it with luggage. Wouldn't work with a vintage instrument as the wood might strip, so I'd look into the possibility of having my "road instrument" retrofitted to uses bolts and anchors.


I'm sure there are better ideas out there. :wave:

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Bass works + looks bad = go to OZ


Bass does not work + looks bad = get bass fixed go to Oz


That fallingdownthestairs look only adds character (but I wouldn't take a hammer to a bass or anything silly to get it).

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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I think I might sell one of my basses to go to Australia! (Ha, okay, maybe not). Go enjoy yourself in Australia, it sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. Plus, once you get back, you can save again, because I promise the bass you need is probably not going anywhere. Even if you have the exact one in the exact store at the exact price, there will be another one just like it, at the same price.


Plus, I know that they have music store in Australia, so you can drop in a play at their stores...


just my $.02 :thu:



Still working on it...

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My beloved Carvin fretless five will probably end up still in my hands many years from now, with as much time worn into it as SRV's Strat. The first ding it took, I was shocked, I was angry, I was hurt. After that, I figured it was just going to take afew because I've played on some rather small stages around a lot of drunks.


It's a toneful road warrior with a heart of fire and I doubt I will ever sell it.

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The title of this thread breaks me up ; } - if newspapers were only so usefully revealing. I can just see the headlines if I squint...












Wooh! I bet it was a dog!

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Maybe you should do what Lemmy would do: take the trip, and when you get home, steal yourself a new bass. :mad:

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Let's see, there are two things here: you're taking a trip, and you want a new bass. What exactly did the first have to do with the second, again? Anything at all? And why do you need a new bass? And how on earth are people supposed to pick a new one for you out of the air? You say the question is serious in the title, & then that it isn't in the post...


Why am I even wasting my time on this? Ask something when you've got something to ask.

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Thanks for all the advice guys, sorry dcr. I might just use my student loan to buy an new bass when i get back or while im there, Fred thanks for all the transport advice, i'll take heed and get it shipped in a hard shell case wrapped in bubble wrap (that stuff is the greatest), once again Cheers.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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