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OT: Super Bowl 2004 -- Pats or Pans?

_Sweet Willie_

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Don't worry about it Willie, the Panthers got it in the bag. How do I know this? Good question, glad I asked! This is a simple "Donnie-ism". Don't ask what that is just yet as I can only field one question at a time. Now, back at the start of the play-offs I was rooting for the Seahawks but the mighty Packers won. That was not a bad thing for me as I am more a Green Bay fan. Then I jumped up and down with my pom-poms (actually it was a beer) in each hand for Green Bay to beat Philly and ended up more depressed than when the Sea-chickens choked. Add to the mix that the Colts lost a game that was going to give me somebody to root for come Superbowl Sunday. So there you have it, I'm gonna be betting on the Patriots, hence the Panthers got it in the bag. As for what a Donnie-ism is...my name is Donnie and usually I ism on the winning side. :D
Donnie Peterson
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The pre-game presentation just started here on the tv, and I still have no idea for whom to root for. Can anyone give me any good and quick pointers to overcome this dilemma, or will I have to base my decision on the uniforms, like last year...





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This is soooo easy -


Detroit Lions by 14!!!


2014, that is! - 9 more years of Top5 draft picks will seal the deal, Guaranteed...uh, don't quote me on that.


{It's so hard being a home town fan 1300 miles away!}


Go Red Wings!!!




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Anyone else got any comments about last night's game (since the halftime show is being covered in another thread...)?


I'll contribute some more:

Smith's TD catch was hot -- great acceleration to a superbly thrown ball.

Muhammad's TD was hot -- superb break to another well-thrown ball and an exhilarating all-business stiff arm to seal the deal on the run into the end zone. Too bad they lost. :(


Bump, how was your Superb Owl party? Serve any bass? :D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I really enjoyed the game, it was worth staying up for the whole night. I think the best parts were Carolina's fast paced offence (not to mention that long throw resulting in a TD), and all those faked passes by NE (I don't really know the correct term for those, but I mean the thing where the QB seems to be passing to ball onto someone, but in reality doesn't, they sure got me with those a few times).



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This was the best Super Bowl in a long, long time. I was really hoping for overtime, but I would hate to see a Super Bowl decided by the current NFL OT rules. My favorite play was New England's direct snap for the 2-pt conversion. Sure, I was pulling for Carolina, but, truth be told, I really didn't care because I like both teams, but I'm a sucker for a great defense, which was Carolina this season.
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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

...(since the halftime show is being covered in another thread...)


I'm hoping this thread can stick with the off-topicness of the action of the game itself, and not halftime or pregame festivities -- even if those are more music related. (Not naming any names of course, Mr. _____ and the Professor! ;) )


Props to Pernax for watching the game and attempting to converse about it even though he's a Finn and doesn't have all the vocabulary down yet! :thu:


Pernax, you might be talking about "play action" -- when the Pats pretended to hand the ball off and then threw for TDs in the end zone.


It wasn't the cleanest game -- some dumb penalties and certainly some mistakes -- but it was exciting.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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There are not words in the tongues of men or angels to describe my loathing of Aerosmith.



Amen and amen.


I'm glad that it was a great game. Lots of guts & heart from both teams.

Real blues only happens when it transcends itself.
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Gotta be honest, don't remember any of the game except whenever it was evident that the boards I had money on had me rooting for a score change, but that was fleeting as well, it did'nt matter though as no cash came to me. I'm glad the Pats won. I was on a beer run when halfime came about, so I missed the infamous titty spectacle. I did catch the Aerosmith pre-game part though and besides Steven getting a bit too old to really belt it out like he used to, I'm missing the anti-Aerosmith thing here :D . That was an awsome game though (from what I read in the sport pages anyway), Beat the hell outta most superbowls just for the fact that they are usually blowouts and last years was also on my birthday and I was sick as a dog with the flu, that really pissed me off. I made up for it this year by god. Yup, should have been even sicker this year, but thank god my alcohol tolerance is way up there! :thu:
Donnie Peterson
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After reading all these replies,there are alot of carolina fans out there.Well I happy to be wearing my SuperBowl Champion t shirt today.It was a nail biter,but the Pats have not put teams away when they had the chance all year.They always seemed to pull it out in the end. Sunday was no exception. The Patriots proved to be the better team(just a little better)......GO PATS!!!
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Great game. I love it when it comes down to the wire like that. The Pats somehow managed to win 15 straight to take the championship this year. Tom Brady is now the youngest QB to ever win 2 SB's. We could be hearing more from those pesky Pats.


As for commercials? I can't believe what 2.2 million will buy...

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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