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OT: Super Bowl 2004 -- Pats or Pans?

_Sweet Willie_

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I voted for the panthers just because their logo is cooler looking. I'll have to go with Maury and say if the patriots wore the Old skool uniforms they wouldnt defintely win.
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Well, my Bucs won it all last year. This year it was pretty rough watching them self destuct. :eek::confused::mad::cry:


We lost to Carolina twice & they're in our division - so, if they beat us, they had better win it all.


The Bucs WILL be back next year. :thu: (I hope)

Real blues only happens when it transcends itself.
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Pats! Hometown pride!


Being a Boston boy at heart, I gotta go Patriots. And sorry Mike, but I'm hopin good ol' Doc Thompson is right. I got hope and money on the line. After the Sox got taken down, I'm believin' in a spot of luck with my other local team.

As I was going up the stairs

I met a man who wasn't there

He wasn't there again today

I wish, I wish he'd go away

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I know he doesn't play a down, but Belichick

has a kind of magic.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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I want the Panthers to win, though I don't mind the Patriots all that much (it was pretty awesome when they beat the Rams two years ago). That said, I'm a Chiefs fan and this was a heartbreaking year despite all the success. I just want a good game in the SuperBowl, really.
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I've got these real big stainless steel bowls with plastic lids. I guess you could call them SUPER bowls because man are they large! They certainly hold more than any of the pats or pans in the kitchen.


I can't really cook in them - but still - I'll have to go with the super bowls.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

I'll go with the Canucks.. oh wait, football, yeah. Even though I'm hosting a superb bowl party, I really don't care about football all that much.


Uhhh... Packers by 6 1/2?

Going to the Canucks Blues game this Thursday I think. Hopefully the Blues can pull their heads out of there buts and give them a game.


Let's Go Blues!!!


Oh yeah and having lived in NE for a time I'll pick the pats!!

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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As a life long Giant fan, I learned back during our Parcells era that Belichick was the genius, and he has got the right group of guys anround him to do exactly what he wants done on defence. Brady may end up on his back like someup above on this thread said, but I expect Del Homme to be shocked by the defence that New England has two weeks to cook up for him. I believe he's never played against Belichick and that always makes for much interceptions.

check out some comedy I've done:


My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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Originally posted by Matt W:

Go Chiefs!


Well, I thought they had a chance. I'll be watching the commercials again this year, I find them far more fun than the game.

AB bought an unprecedented 5 minutes worth of commercials this year and from what I've seen so far some are pretty funny. Sometimes the commercials are better then the game if you not a fan of the winning team in a blow out.

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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I wish the best of luck to either the Pats or the Panthers. Most of you seem to be overlooking the most important question though? Why are you going to be watching the most boring Superbowl in Histoy. Maybe you should come up to Canada and watch a CFL game and watch some real excitement.
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Rugby and Australian Rules football are much more respectable than American football, IMO. Too much padding, too much money, too many time outs for me.

But I say Pats. It's just gonna be.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by wraub:

Rugby and Australian Rules football are much more respectable than American football, IMO. Too much padding, too much money, too many time outs for me.

Perhaps, wraub, you have not seen this thread?


It may be more your speed.




(34 votes cast -- 19 for the Pans, 15 for the Pats.)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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