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Too many drums


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I just returned from a rehearsal at my good friends house.

He has a kit with.... 19 drums and 4 cymbals.... no joke...


I broke his chops pretty good.. :D


I need some one liners for this guy I will see him tomorrow night...


Shecky.... help me out here....



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Please tell me he doesn't have 17 toms of gradually increasing size to play interminably boring arena rock fills. It's a reasonably big drum kit and some interesting percussion, surely!




P.S. I have a bad feeling about this


P.P.S. Long live 4-piece kits with ride, crash and hats. (And maybe a cowbell ;) )

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Nothing wrong with having a lot of stuff as long as it does something. If the drums are varied and useful, that's cool.


I do think it's more about cymbals though. That's where the "color" comes from - IMHO anyway.


That is a lot of stuff to haul around and set up. Coming from someone who is trying to get small, I wouldn't want to have to deal with all that stuff.

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He's a drummer - did you count them for him?

How can he remember how to set them up?

You could build the frame of a house with all the hardware!

He is about to fall through the floor like Ringo in "Help"



That's fine in a studio. There are real estate issues if he takes that kit to a gig. If you are playing a large stage that's fine, but a bar? A 12 string bass doesn't take up anymore floorspace than a 4. And the time it takes to get it set up - he's got to show up a week early!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Dang, 19? My drummer has 3 roto-toms, 5 toms, a bass (with a double-kick, of course), snare, two hi-hats, 3 rides (big, china, bell), 3 crashes, a tambourine, a cowbell, and wind chimes... But NINETEEN DRUMS??? Does he tune them chromatically and play them like timpani or something?
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JeremyC: Agreed. When we were offered a chance to run up to a studio in SLC (45 minutes away) last week to record some tracks for a project our singer was hired for, the drummer started talking about how he didn't think he could make it in time, what with all the breakdown and transport and setup.


Me: "But we just decided that we'd just write some mediocre song in the next 30 minutes and play that. They'll have a kit there you can play."

Guitarist: "Yeah, I'm going to take THIS guitar, and THIS strap, and that's all."

Me: "See this bass? That's all. I'm not even going to bring a cable!"

Keys: "I'll use whatever crappy keyboard they have there!"

Drummer: "Dudes, I'm not going to put my name on anything unless it sounds good, and I'm not just going to play any random crappy kit."


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One of the drummers I play w/ has a pretty massive kit w/ many cymbals and an electronic xylophone. I've never bothered to count how many pieces, but there are a lot.


He sounds good playing it, and we don't gig so we don't have to worry about moving it around.


Sometimes I think a variety of cymbals seems to add more distinctive character to a kit than a variety of drums. Another drummer I play with is very, very picky about his cymbals and has quite a few, and I think has 5 drums in his kit. His cymbals, and how he plays them, are a sonic thing of beauty.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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For a while there I was doing the same thing- adding to my kit every piece that I had or could borrow. Time went on and I was able to play my former guitarist's set- bass, tom, floor tom, snare, and cymbals. Ya know what? that set- the smallest set I've played on- was the easiest to play and sounded better than any set I can recall. From that moment on, I've developed a minimalist approach and my sound has gotten much better...
...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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Were I a drummer, I always imagined that I would be the type to have far more cymbals than drums. I'm a big fan of crashes, China crashes, splashes, etc. If I was good, I'd imagine playing a 5-piece or so with a double kick pedal.


But that's just me...

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I played with a fantastic drummer. Played his dad's old Ludwig set, all mahagony shells. He added a set of roto-toms and he had some chimes and bells. He made it sound good, but I sounded like crap on that kit. Too much stuff going on.


I like a 5 piece with 2 cymbals and a hi-hat when I sit behind the skins. I'm pretty rusty, but I can still make it sound passable. It's all about the floor tom. :D


Double-kick pedal? Hell no, I have enough trouble with one. :D

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In my personal playing/gigging experience, in general the smaller the kit, the better the drummer. ;)


One exception was this cat who had a fairly basic 5 piece kit, but he had every drum triggered, plus a few pads, and about a 10-space rack of drum machines/samplers/mixers/amps and needed to carry his own big-assed monitor around too. He used all the stuff really well, though, could change the whole sound of the kit w/one program change, and all the sounds really were killer. Easy to get him in the PA too, with just a line out.


Guess my point is that he had a lot more than 19 drum sounds at his disposal, with a marginally simpler setup (still took him a damn long time). :rolleyes:

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I have to admit I was a bit stunned when I found an Iron Butterfly homepage !


And even more surprised to learn that Iron Butterfly recieved the industry's fisrt Platinum Album award. "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, stayed on the charts for 140 weeks, with 81 weeks in the Top Ten. To date the album has sold in excess of 30 million copies and remains an undisputed classic in the archives of rock with DJ's and audiophiles worldwide."


Anyway - not to hi-jack the thread... I originally came here to share in Scoot's amazement:

What, only 4 cymbals?
- Matt W.
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Watching the Rush DVD of Rush in Rio you can see good ole Neil with a whole drum store surrounding him. I don't know he even gets to the drum throne. Or does he sit down and then they set up the set around him.?


And then when he plays a fill, he just plays straight eighth notes going from left to right on his toms. :confused:


But then again, I saw Dave Weckl last week. He had a pretty large set and kicked serious butt. :thu:


Guess it just depends who is playing these drums and where they are playing them.

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Watching the Rush DVD of Rush in Rio you can see good ole Neil with a whole drum store surrounding him. I don't know he even gets to the drum throne. Or does he sit down and then they set up the set around him?

He actually gets lowered into it from above.
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I have to confess that, having cut my teeth on bands like Rush & Iron Maiden, that I love big kits. I like those big, sweeping fills.


When it comes to banging on drums myself (doesn't happen often) it's usually on a small kit, though. Just cuz I don't have access to a big kit. And I definitely prefer a 5-piece to a 4-piece. That big space between the mounted tom and the floor tom on a 4pc throws me off every time I try to play a fill.

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