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Many happy returns of the day to CMDN AND TOM CAPASSO!

_Sweet Willie_

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Originally posted by CMDN:

New tires, a tune-up and fresh inspection stickers from my parents.


You know what? I truly understand what an absolutely great gift this is.


Don't forget, you're also buying some after-the-fact presents for your Viper... :eek:;)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Yo... S-Dubya,

I'm so egotistical that I forgot to say happy b-day to your moms and kid...


Sorry about that.


Happy Birthday Willie's Mom and Kid!


And thank you all for the love.


I almost forgot to mention....

Our infamous amazon roadette, Avy, took me out for a sushi lunch yesterday. That ruled all over the place. She's a 6'1" angel.


And then my ol' lady took me out for a steak dinner.


Hmm... I wish I could have a birthday every day.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Wow... Harmonics...


I heard of those. They're like... notey thingies, right?

I thought Harmonics were the thingies you blow into to make music.


Ok ok I should leave the bad puns to Tom :P:P

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Hey JohnS - no worries - step right in !!


Erik - I saw that Viper thing coming. But matching guitars is sooooo Herman's Hermits. Of course no one will be able to tell with those blurry "action" shots you guys use...


Glad to hear you ate well and were well taken care of.


I'll have to come up with a belated present when the Capasso world tour comes to your neighborhood. Start thinking about Jan weekdays my brutha.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by CMDN:

So yeah... my gifts thus far have included:

The Family Guy box set from my old lady. Ain't she swell?

That is all I want for Christmas this year. That was one of the best shows ever. I'm jealous.


"Tomorrow's forecast, a hint of genious with a chance of doom"

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OK, I didn't want to start my own thread. I wasn't going to post this at all. But I hoped my mate Erik would be gracious enough to make room for me. Today is my birthday - 49.


Like I said - I wasn't going to post about it, until my wife gave me a card.


It shows a really old lady sitting on the porch with a surly expression. There is a thought bubble that says "Driving by with your bass thumping... I'll thump your bass, you little bastard". Then on the inside it says "Spunky old people rock. Happy Birthday to a future spunky old person".


And just to help illustrate the world I live in (and help Gino see why I didn't like "sucks"), the wife wrote a note at the bottom - "Sorry for the curse, but I couldn't resist the card".


Thanks Erik for letting me hijack..



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Fantastic! Many happy returns of the day to you as well Moderator Man! (Yes, you can sing it to the tune of the Police's "Demolition Man"... ;) )


I will take the liberty of editing the thread title momentarily.


All the best, and congrats on having a wife with a fine sense of humor, even if a modest tongue!






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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During the last week I was running a little behind on the Lowdown. Trying to catch up I wasn't posting, so a belated Happy Birthday to Erik and Happy Birthday to Lowdown co-moderator Tom who will have the big one next year. Tom, I had that one long ago and it's not that painful.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Happy birthday, Tom. Here's to your bass getting thoroughly thumped. :D


Erik sez:

I almost forgot to mention....

Our infamous amazon roadette, Avy, took me out for a sushi lunch yesterday. That ruled all over the place. She's a 6'1" angel.

And then my ol' lady took me out for a steak dinner.

Lucky bastard. In my next life I'm going to be dead sexy.
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Happy Bithday, Tom.

I got you this mint condition, vintage '57 Precision, but I have this termite problem, you see, so you'll have to settle for this post instead.



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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It seems that my studio work is interfering with the more important stuff of life, like hanging out here at LDLD, and causing me to have to congratulate these two fine gentlemen belatedly...


So without further ado, congratulations to both Tom and Erik! You guys rU13! :D



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Hey Tom...

Happy b-day to you, my man!


When you come to Philly, how about this for your birfday gift?


You will visit the CMDN recording compound (also known as #6's basement) for an "inside peek" at some of the recording of our next disc, tenatively entitled Dopes For Life, and perhaps lend your vocal abilities to a track or two... I'd offer you a spot on bass, but #6 has that territory well in hand.


Then you will be escorted, VIP-style, to a nightclub in the area, where you will be plied with interesting (ahem) musical entertainment and a meal fit for one of the moderators of such a fine Internet forum as this... I was thinking maybe hot wings?


And yeah, that matching Viper thing is kind of silly... but it DOES look cool in a ZZ-Top way.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Thanks for all the good wishes !!


Erik - I am nervous about the form of entertainment you called "ahem", but the rest sounds great !!


Willie - my daughter is still astounded that my wife has never uttered the "f" word (no Erik - not Fender). My daughter can't make that claim (I've heard her talk to some friends...).





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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