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if people dont like getting flamed and get angry when told to use the search button, then why do people continue to post topics over and over?


just wanted to see how all you gusy felt about the search button and why people dont use it more often :D

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

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I've lurked for about 2 years and only posted a handful of times.


Many times I've been tempted to post a question and fearing a fiery death, used the search button first. Most of the time I found the answer I needed.


I've learned quite a bit here. Wish I had more to contribute.



I thump, therefore I am.
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I don't use it more often because I'm quite convinced that it's broken. Just the other day I went hunting after something I had written in a post of mine, and while I was quite sure I was putting in useful keywords, I couldn't help but notice that though I was putting my member number in under "Search By Registered Member Number:," it repeatedly failed to bring up any posts I had made.


And now for Standard Messageboard Complaint #16. This board has the same problem that phpBB has in that I can find a post I've made, click on my "Get Profile" icon by my name and then hit the "View Recent Posts by this User" link. But hitting the "My Profile" link at the top of any page brings up, my profile, but isn't the same profile page as I get with the "Get Profile" page, notably in the fact that there is no "View Recent Posts by this User" link. Why? WHY WHY WHY!

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Usually the search works. The problem isn't the programming finding the keywords (although we've all had "odd things" happen). The problem is remembering exact words we've used. When you use common words, you get tons of threads. When you get too specific, you've got to be precise.


Sometimes a thread comes up that is similar to an old post - as long as the question is distinctively different, it is respected. Sometimes an old thread comes back to get new folk's take on the subject.


And sometimes we are so good and cool, that some real time goes by before we have to entertain a repeat topic. And when it comes, we charge in with guns blazing - especially if the post comes with a one-sided viewpoint.


If you have a question and can't find an answer through the search (but you figure it's been dealt with), you can email me. Work's been keeping me busy, but I should be able to offer help if possible.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I dont know...The search button doest seem to work that good in my eyes. Like when I search for something half the time it doesnt come up when i know ive seen a post on it before. And by the way, the reason why I think its good that people post the same question again is because there could be new people with better answers and the people that are already on this board could have gotten new information that would help these questions. Which would mean newer and better answers. :thu:
"Be water my friend"-Bruce Lee
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I have been looking and searching on this site for ages but never really signed up until a few months ago. I do use the search option but if I can't find what I'm looking for I still don't post a topic about it because I'm too scared to get flamed and I just got my hair the way I like it. :P
"Remember this son, No matter how hard you try there is always someone better than you......"
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Why is it so bad to post a new topic? I dont understand. No one forces you to answer to any of the topics.. And personally i rather talk about "Precision vs. Jazz" 10000 times than something like "artistic bassplaying in the world with DiMarzio, what do you think about that?" ( :confused: ) which probably has ONLY ONE (you dont find that by searching the forum) topic.


I admit that search button is needed on every forum and if i go to some forum and there is no such button i think "this forum is kind of stupid" but at least you keep the forum alive if you post such topics as "p or j" because nothing aint more boring than a dead forum. :bor:


And also all you pros here, you know alot about these things. Much more than (m)any here, but still you could sometimes answer (if you are going to answer!) to these "stupid topics" more than just "use the search button" because it can be just as hard for someone to push that button as you to realize why someone isnt pushing that button.


And i dont want a war field in here.. maybe everyone should just try to understand each other more in these kind of situations. :thu:


(oh yeah and sorry about the mistakes in my english)

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Just speaking for myuself, but sometimes one would rather refer to an encyclopedia already written, rather than constantly writing another ; }


And for the tedious questions, that is especially true.

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We fight a (losing) battle about repeating topics and the search. You see, if we had just a few threads about a subject, the search would be more efficient. So is the board as a whole - we've seen times where multiple threads are running on the same, or almost the same topic. It's hard to keep up with that. And when that happens, we've got good comments in many threads. Sadly, we moderators don't have the ability to take posts from one thread and put them into another. If we could, we'd consolidate topics and drop the extraneous threads (which is what I think you're asking). As it is, we try to avoid removing posts so people don't feel like the mods are messing things up.


I agree that the search is not the tool we'd like it to be.


I know we've flamed some folks, and probably been too harsh at times. I'm sorry about that. I assure you that many other bass boards are much worse....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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DiMarzio's World???? Wasn't that the movie with Mike Meyers, and Dana Carvey and Tia Whatsherface?


Dumb joke aside, both sides of this discussion have validity. As a "newbie", I have in excess of 10 pages of topics to wade through that represent multiple threads of the same subject. Makes it a little tougher to find an old thread that I have a question about and rejuvenate it, but starting a new thread also starts a new interest or passion in a discussion, especially if you are relatively new and don't know that thread existed five pages back.


Also, if our august body of moderators and "oldbies" :confused: would take a kindly hand and alert us to the fact there was a thread already, it might be of assistance.


It is our nature as humans (and some troglodytes) to be lazy and get by with as little effort as possible.


And Tuomas, I have two kids in college right now and you "Out-English" them easily.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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