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Sting V Marcus Miller Bass


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Hi guys !


My 1st post in the bass area.


Thinking of getting a new bass.


I already have a Washburn bass and also share a Roscoe Beck V between myself and my bro in the band (hi Keeran !)


Anyway my choices limited by my budget are either the Sting or Marcus Miller Sig Models both made in Japan.


Comments ? Ideas ? Opinions ? Pics !





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They're both fine basses, but they're apples and oranges. The Sting bass is a '54 reissue of a Precision Bass, which has a very classic, rootsy kind of sound to it, & is as simple in design & construction as it gets. The Marcus Miller bass is a 70's reissue of a Jazz bass, with an "expaned" on-board menu of dials and knobs, aiming at a more "hi fi" sound. They use different kinds of pickups, the necks will feel different...and so on. It's like Tele vs. Les Paul; they're different animals.


I will tell you, though, that Fender Japan basses are outstanding in quality, and very competitive in price. So they're a HECK of a value. (I've got a Geddy Lee Jazz bass that I dearly love.) You wouldn't go wrong either way. The thing you've got to do, then, is decide what sort of thing you're after in this bass.

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I just played a Japanese "Tele Bass" (pink paisley, with a single coil). It looked just like the "Sting" bass except for the finish. Very dirty rock sound. Too dirty for me. I'd go with the Marcus Miller.

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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I haven't played a paisley. Haven't wanted to. :freak: But I did play a '51 reissue (Japanese) through an Ampeg 1x15, & I thought it had a very smooth, fat sound. I had the same reaction to the Sting; I wouldn't describe either as "dirty."


The moral of the story? Do what you can to get your hands on the thing itself!!

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Here's a simple way to decide.


Whose sound do you like the best?


Marcus Miller or Sting?


Of course the bass isn't guaranteed to give you the sound but if you listen to the two different players you'll get a good idea of tonal differences between the instruments.


The Sting bass will have a wider neck if that makes a difference to you.


Just buy them both and decide which one you like the best. :D

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thanks guys...


problem is stores around here have nothing but cheap copy and Squier basses in stock


So i'm buying unseen.


I "think" I might go for the Marcus Miller as it has a more modern sound (love the funky slap sound) and it has plenty of pickup selection options.


The Sting bass has a real nice look but I think will have "one sound"


You guys in the US don't know how lucky you are to have real music stores !


All I need to decide on now is the colour !



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Not to burst your bubble, but I wouldn't recommend the Marcus Miller model unless you just love that Marcus Miller sound for everything. i.e. I don't think it's very versatile. The one I played had a real mid rangy-high end tone which is cool if you want to sound like Marcus, but I found it hard to dial in any other tones. I would think you are better off getting a standard Jazz Bass (American or Mexican). Just my 2c. :)
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"Where are you, 69tele? You didn't put anything in the location spot on your profile."


Gibrlatar, 3sq mile lump of Rock at the entrance of the med. Pop 30,000. Music stores: 1 and 3sq feet AND shared with a photo studio !


Nearest decent shop (custom shop dealer) is 2 hrs drive away.


I already have a decent gigging bass, The Roscoe Beck V, (and the Washburn xb400 as backup) so this one is sort of just for fun, not for need.


I really like the funky sound actually !


And it's something different from all the Ps and Js which are aplenty around here.



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I have to agree. Get a MIM Jazz and then if you want to beef it up later, there are lots of options. That's what I did.


I now have a Sadowsky pre amp and pickups in mine. Along with a BadAss bridge and vintage reverse tuners. Also put on a maple on maple neck with block pearl inlays. I like it a lot.

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Ok.. gotta chime in here.


I just traded away a Marcus Miller in mint condition. It was really an awesome bass, and not at all limited in tones. It was one of the punchiest, fattest, ballsiest basses I've ever owned... and of course it had a killer slap tone.. you just have to experiment with it.


The real downer for me was the glossy neck. I've decided I hate 'em........ so unfortunately, most MIJ Fenders are out for me.


The Marcus is a great bass though. I'd expect that the Sting is too... but totally tonally different.




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Sounds like you've made up your mind on the Marcus Miller, which would be a fine choice. Don't rule out two other MIJ basses: the Geddy Lee signature Jazz, and the '75 reissue Jazz. I have the Lee Jazz, & it was absolutely love at first play. I find it very versatile, going from warm & round to bright & hi-fi with no trouble at all. I haven't tried the '75, but it shouldn't be too different from the Lee (which is, after all, based on a 70s Jazz). I also dropped a set of DiMarzio Ultra Jazz pickups into mine, for extra thickness & versatility.


Of course, as someone mentioned, any MIJ you get is going to have a glossy neck, & you've got to be OK with that. I'm OK with it, since I learned on a Rickenbacker. I would also take a MIJ over a MIM any day, no questions; for not much difference in money, the MIJ will give quality rivaling, if not surpassing, a USA Fender.


BTW, nice Roscoe Jazz! I've never played one, but the tone on the sample at the Fender site is wonderful. (The Lee has a tone in the same family, imo.)

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I don't have much use for a Sting P, but I wouldn't mind having one. I like the look a lot. I could do without the 12th fret signature, but I still like the looks.


I played one a while back and really liked the tone. Yeah, kind of a one trick pony, but a pretty nice trick.

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Originally posted by Mr M.Pulsive


"The real downer for me was the glossy neck. I've decided I hate 'em."


But you've a Ric on order! They have glossy necks too. I understand what you're saying though. My last bass, a Yamaha BB, had an unfinished neck, then i got my 4003. For the first while I didn't like the gloss finish, but after a while I forgot about it. On stage the heat of the lights gets the sweat going...natures lubricant!


Back on topic, enjoy your new Jazz 69Tele :thu:

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Cup -

I got the Ric 3 days ago and I'm in love. It IS a gloss finish, but doesn't feel quite like the super-polished neck of the Marcus. Probably due to the wear it's seen since '90. It's still a little sticky and "gunky" but it's a completely different animal than any bass I've owned. And since it's already got lots of player wear on it, I think I may hit it with a scotch brite pad... something I didn't want to do to the Marcus, due to it's "like new" condition.


Newly converted Ric fan


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Well guys...I've ordered the Marcus Miller in natuaral apreciate all your comments but a std MIM just doesn't do it for me, too plain. Plus I don't have a lot of time on my hands to mod, etc..


will post a review soon as I get it.


As for necks I don't mind either glossy or matt as I have both types on my guitars and basses.



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Congrats Ernie -


You'll love it man. Even if you're not a slapper, you can appreciate the slap tone you'll get outta that one! Also... try switching the preamp on, then dialing the tone knobs down to around 40-50%... super funky fingerstyle! FWIW, John East makes a drop in U-Retro preamp for the Marcus Miller... downside is that they're $300.

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