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One tone/style/technique


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Originally posted by The Guy:

Sounds like someone didn't pay attention in high school English class.

It's a good thing that Mr. Erik is here to take care of such horrible slackers, he'll set 'em straight! ;)



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Originally posted by CMDN:

Ahhhhh, Jean-Paul's influence stretching into the realm of depression-filled English music from the '80s...
erm.... yeah. Not to nitpick, but The Stranger was Camus (and The Cure). No Exit was Sartre.


$#!%, I knew that, I really did. I had to read both L'etranger by Camus and Les jeux sont faits by Sartre in high school French class. Thanks for the correction...I'm only 33, have lived a relatively clean life, and my memory is already fading out on me. Wait till I'm an old guy like Capasso! :(;):D


Originally posted by The Guy:

Sounds like someone didn't pay attention in high school english class.

I'm sorry, Mr. Guy, but I did pay attention in English class and we read Lord of the Flies in middle school. If you read some of my other posts you will see that I justly give dcr credit for the reference.


My post about the prisoners, etc. is specific to the realm of classical philosophy (think: Plato), and dcr happens to be a professional philosopher, so I thought he might enjoy it.


I realize that you are relatively new to the board, and thusly are not privy to all the background information about those of us who have been here for a while (e.g., dcr=philosopher). :)


However, I definitely dropped the ball on that Camus/Sartre thing! :rolleyes::(



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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BTW, Erik, yeah, dog, I'm all about bling bling. If you don't believe it, just look at my ride. '88 Cavalier, baby. Vintage GM. There's your reward.
I knew it, Mr. Fancypants philosopher. Yer big pimpin'. No need to rub our noses in it.


It's a good thing that Mr. Erik is here to take care of such horrible slackers, he'll set 'em straight!
Yeah, that's why I'm here... to get all these wacky kids in line. Stand up straight, Capasso! Quit slouching! Is that gum? Did you bring enough for the whole class?


$#!%, I knew that, I really did. I had to read both L'etranger by Camus and Les jeux sont faits by Sartre in high school French class. Thanks for the correction...I'm only 33, have lived a relatively clean life, and my memory is already fading out on me. Wait till I'm an old guy like Capasso!
That's pretty funny. I read The Stranger (in English) when I was a little kid. It was on one of my parents' bookshelves, so I picked it up. I think I was 11 or 12. Needless to say, I didn't "get" it. I thought Mersault was just an asshole. I didn't know he was an existentialist, which I later found out is just a fancy way of calling him an asshole.


Of course, my mom saw me reading it and flipped. She probably thought I was gonna wind up a rich philosopher like DCR. I guess I really let her down. Oh well.


When I read it again in high school (and again in college), it wasn't as much fun... and nobody else thought Mersault was an asshole.. they just thought he was cool.


Shows what I know.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Needless to say, I didn't "get" it. I thought Mersault was just an asshole. I didn't know he was an existentialist, which I later found out is just a fancy way of calling him an asshole.


...When I read it again in high school (and again in college), it wasn't as much fun... and nobody else thought Mersault was an asshole.. they just thought he was cool.


Shows what I know.

Let me join you in that I, too, thought Mersault was an asshole. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd yet learned how to say "asshole" in French and was thus unable to articulate my feelings to the rest of the class. I don't think they would've understood that "lui est un existentialiste" was really synonymous with "he's an asshole."



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by CMDN:

I thought Mersault was just an asshole. I didn't know he was an existentialist, which I later found out is just a fancy way of calling him an asshole.

I think I just wet myself! I'm now going to retire my old saying, "Existentialism isn't a philosophy, it's a mood disorder." Erik's summation of it is perfect.


For the record, there are philosophers, and then there are philosophers. There are the ones who spend their time on existentialism, post-modernism, deconstructionism, phenomenlogy, etc. Then there are the ones who are actually doing philosophy. I hereby disavow ALL associations with the former group. Damned philosophers.

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Originally posted by dcr:

For the record, there are philosophers, and then there are philosophers. There are the ones who spend their time on existentialism, post-modernism, deconstructionism, phenomenlogy, etc. Then there are the ones who are actually doing philosophy. I hereby disavow ALL associations with the former group. Damned philosophers.

I won't tell your department chair! :eek: (Unless of course you have already earned tenure... ;):D )


Oh yeah, and after all these posts on this thread I still haven't addressed the initial question. Only one tone/style/technique? Egads, man! That's a tough one. Here goes -- fingerstyle, emphasis on low mids for phatness. I can't get more specific than that.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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So, I'm thinking that I shouldn't even try to start bass related topics anymore. Two pages of philosophy...sheesh. And I LOVE philosophy.


I'll just make every topic "OT" from now on. English, philsophy, whatever.

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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Sorry, Hags...


For the record (and to answer the initial question), I think I'd probably choose to do what I'm doing now...


Just play bass. Nothing fancy... just hold it down and make the connection between melody and groove. No special techniques - fingers on fretboard, pick/fingers on the strings. Boring, yes, but it works for me.


As far as styles I DON'T wanna play... no jazz, no slap, no prog. Bleh.


I think I just wet myself! I'm now going to retire my old saying, "Existentialism isn't a philosophy, it's a mood disorder." Erik's summation of it is perfect.
Dude.. if you use my "existentialist asshole" theory for a thesis (or a textbook) someday, all I want is a credit.


And a case of Cristal.


C'mon, you can afford it, ya frickin' wealthy-ass philosopher!



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Sorry, Hags...


For the record (and to answer the initial question), I think I'd probably choose to do what I'm doing now...


Just play bass. Nothing fancy... just hold it down and make the connection between melody and groove. No special techniques - fingers on fretboard, pick/fingers on the strings. Boring, yes, but it works for me.


As far as styles I DON'T wanna play... no jazz, no slap, no prog. Bleh.


I think I just wet myself! I'm now going to retire my old saying, "Existentialism isn't a philosophy, it's a mood disorder." Erik's summation of it is perfect.
Dude.. if you use my "existentialist asshole" theory for a thesis (or a textbook) someday, all I want is a credit.


And a case of Cristal.


C'mon, you can afford it, ya frickin' wealthy-ass philosopher!

So, you need credit for "existentialist asshole"? No problem. It's a great phrase. I'll mention you as a source in my next philosophy paper.


Oh, by the way, from what I've heard of your work, I like your style. Simple and by the book, but with creativity. Long live the P-Bass and the simple, solid bassline.

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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I hereby Officially Apologize for de-railing this topic :o:o:o


To answer the original question, I would have to say, My Own.


I would love to have a tone/style/technique that was so unique that I would become world famous and absolutely Stupid Rich ...............notice that I am niether.

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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You can apologize if you want. But it's my bad, not yours. :o


I too would be hard pressed to pick one tone. And basically I do like my own (it's sort of a stab at Gerald Veasley/Tom Barney; only a stab, but I still like it). I guess my own would be the easiest one to take along anyway. But I sure would like to get to the island & find that a good R&B flatwould thump had stowed itself away for the ride!


Holy crap--that was more or less on topic! :eek:

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I would also like to join in this newly found on-topicness, and try to have a go at the original question...


The style I'd pick would have to be fingerstyle, just holding down a good solid groove and throwing in a few tasty fills here and there. Nothing fancy, but no AC/DC either (although I have to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with AC/DC either) ;) .


As for tone, I'd go for something quite traditional, something punchy and a bit growly, but nothing that would jump out from the mix too strongly.


As for the style I'd not want to take with me, I have to say "Generic Wankin'" - you know the one which happens at Guitar Center etc, i.e. music just for the sake of technique...



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Pernax, funny you should mention the "guitar shop" style. It's pretty sad. I was in a mostly empty guitar shop the other day playing a Godin bass (don't get me started!), not too loud, and running it through music & lines that I actually play (isn't that the point, to see how the bass performs with the bass lines you actually play?), & the shop owner walked by & said, "You must be a very mature player!" I'm not, but I got her point. I was probably the first non-wanker she'd seen in there all week!


I was with a friend a few weeks back shopping for Les Pauls--he was looking to buy, & did buy a few days later--and while he's checking out this $1500+ Paul, a salesdude comes in with this $150 distortion pedal & proceeds to fill the room with such insane levels of noise that we couldn't hear the LP at all, & finally just gave up & left. He ended up buying a new LP from American Musical; it was just less of a hassle.


Crap, I'm off topic again. :freak: As you were!!

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