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Do you still have your first bass?


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Naa. Not the first, second or third. I still have my fourth and fifth, and plan on keeping them for a while.


1. Hondo Alien headless (sold to buy #2)

2. Ibanez Roadstar II (sold to pay bills)

3. Westone Quantum headless (sold to pay bills)

4. Olympic P-Bass copy (currently on loan to son-in-law)

5. Alverez EB6PB six string (My current honey, I love this thing!) :D

**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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My first bass was a 1988 blue Washburn Force ABT 4-string. I loved it. I was going through a "Geddy Lee playing a Wal" phase and this thing got me just the sound I wanted. Unfortunately it was stolen out of a friend's car.


I still have my 2nd and 3rd basses, my 1990 Fender Jazz American, and my 1974 Ovation Magnum II... love em both, though the Magnum is quite awkward to play...

"Tea & Cake, or Death!"
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Originally posted by Phoney McRing Ring:

It was a Westfield P copy. Big, heavy but i lovd it damit :D

Someone else had a westfield, dirt cheap, sound good and they do better colours than fender. My first was a westfield p-bass copy, i love it still play it but i prefer my jazz bass, the great thing about it is that if i needed the money i wouldn't sell it cos its not worth that much, genius. Come on more stories.
"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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No. And I have NO REGRETS. NONE. It was a POS that I traded for my first "nice" bass, a Yamaha fretless (RBX200, those were nice...). Actually, most of the trade value was in the hardshell Fender case it was in, not at all in what was inside the case! :D:freak:
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My first bass was some kinda weird Fender J-P bass... a Jazz body with both a Precision p-up and a Jazz. I replaced the bridge with a Badass, put a graphite nut on it and replaced the p-ups with Bartolinis.


Guess what? It still sounded like crap.


I traded it for my present bass... a black American Standard P-bass. It sounds great... and it's totally stock except for the knobs (I put abalone-inlaid knobs on it to replace the stock steel ones.)


Great bass... I think it's actually my first "real" bass.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Nope..it's long gone...a red Squier P-bass...and having moved up to my Ibanez SR500, I don't really want another one, though I wouldn't complain if I got one for Christmas or something. :thu:


From a P-bass, to a P-bass Special, to my current list...Two LP Standards, a Yamaha RBX260, The Ibanez, a Hohner Acoustic, and an Essex BG-80 Fretless...I think I've got my basses (sorry for the bad pun...) covered. :D

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Still have mine - white 1975 Rick 4001, bought new - I don't play it much (it's a little too trebly for the bands I'm in now), all yellowed with age, but I've never been able to part with a single instrument - my wife has threatened to bury me under tons-o-stuff for years, but I imagine she'll thank me when she can save the cost of a pine box and lay my corpse out in my Sunn twin 15-reflex cabinet.

Thank Ghu I added wheels - it's as big as a Subaru...


Vroom vroom,

Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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Nope, I tore it up for some reason back in the 70's (got the bass around 1964) and can only find the half-sanded body. But I found one on eBay exactly the same and snagged it. Very neck heavy, no side dots, but it sounds good.


Gigging in the sixties: http://www.doublebass.biz/illusions.jpg

In color and the present: http://www.doublebass.biz/crownreal.jpg

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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My first bass was a $15 Montgomery Wards 4 string with blue metallic paint, 4 pickups and a horrible tone.


I actually made a church album with that bass. Maybe I'll pull that thing out and listen to it.


I sold that bass to another guy for $20 ('cause I had made bass playing so cool! way back in 1974) and I bought me a real nice Fender Musicmaster for $125. Played on that one for 5 years or so, then it got stolen. I found it hanging in the pawn shop (same one I bought it in!) but I couldn't prove it was mine.


Replaced it with a Peavey T-40, first and ONLY bass I ever bought retail at a store...still got that one...(after many other bass purchases) I loaned it to a student for 3 years and it came back with broken switches, and a crack in the headstock. Oh well.


I still got the Warwick, the one I got from Chuck Rainey...even though it got stolen and I had to recover it off ebay. I now watch it VERY carefully...in fact one day I'll retire it ('cept it sounds so GOOD!)

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Yeah I still have mine, (it was only like a year ago that it was my main one) but it's in a pretty unplayable state, only way I could get rid of it would be to either give it away or take it to the dump, no way I could get anyone to pay for it ;) .
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My first Bass was a 1982 Metallic blue Charvel I bought right off the showroom floor. Played it a few months and then for some reason, I decided i wanted to be a drummer so i traded it for a set of Ludwig drums. Took drum lessons for 2 weeks and did'nt enjoy it so i sold the drums and bought a Peavey Foundation which i dont play any more, but i do still own.
Set the pace.......add more Bass!!
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  • 2 years later...

What are the odds, i come back on the forum for the first time in ages and up pops this bad boy.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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Nope - I started playing bass only about 18 months ago, and had a Sunn Mustang which cost me Not A Lot Of Money At All.


It turned out to be surprisingly playable, although the pickups were pretty light.


I sold it to help finance my Yamaha RBX.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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My first bass was a poor copy of a Fender Jazz, made in Japan I think. Don't know the manufacturer. It has a mahogony body and neck, some wierd pickups I've never seen anywhere else. Has small madolin frets and a 30inch scale. Plays great, sounds wonderful. I play it everyday even though I have several Fenders. Oh, by the way, I got it in 1960. I traded a fishing rod & real for it.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I still have my first bass, it's a red Yamaha BB300 that my wife (girlfriend at the time) bought for me. A few years ago I wanted to get rid of it since I never played it anymore, but my wife has a sentamental attachment to it and didn't want me to part with it.


So I had a luthier friend of mine defret it, filled the slots in with cocobolo (sp?) wood and routed a hole for a bridge pickup. I found an old jazz bass pickup for it and wired it up with the stock pickup with two volume controls and no tone. Sounds and plays great now.

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Originally posted by JBFLA:

A '67 sunburst P-bass that I bought for $125 in '73. Tried to buy it back several times, but no luck...

If I get a chance, I'll scan an old photo, and post it. It was a beaut!!

Better late, than...




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Sure i have it. Not that sure actually, i almost sold it a year ago but changed my mind in the process. Its a great bass, that Fernandes, i think i'll stick with it.

Warwick Streamer Jazzman 5, Fernandes LEB-2

Ashdown ABM-300, Ashdown ABM 4x10

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Originally posted by EddiePlaysBass:

Windjammer, afaik that is a nice bass you have there. Thought of picking one up once, but I couldn't find any over here :D

that's a shame, it is very good value for money.

But I bet you can pick up various basses in Europe that are hard to find elsewhere ;)

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My first was a Kramer Striker, which I bought in 1985. Red P-type body; P&J pickups, maple neck & maple fretboard. As a starter, it was pretty good (paid about $200). Eventually the wiring got bad, and the neck warped a bit. I was afraid to touch the truss rod at that time. I bought a Yamaha BB1100S, which played rings around it. Then got a nowhere-near-stock fretless '71 Fender Jazz. Eventually traded the Kramer & Yamaha towards a Washburn acoustic/electric guitar. Bad move- both financially (poor trade-in value on my basses, especially the Yamaha) and musically. I still have that Washburn, because it has little trade-in value; but don't really like it. Still have my Fender, plus an Epi Les Paul 5 string and a Lakland DJ5. I don't wish that I had teh Kramer back, but wouldn't mind having the Yamaha again.

I do still have my first amp- a Fender Bassman Ten combo (50 watts, all tube; 4x10). Used when I want a certain old tone, and used alot when I play electric guitar.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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I wish I still had my first Bass. It was a 1968 Gibson EBO. If anyone knows of where I can get one of these (not the the re-issue), I would buy it just to have one again. When I went into the military, I sold it and my Ampeg B-15 Portaflex amp. Yea I know- STUPID!. Ken
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i still have my first bass. my parents bought it for me for christmas when i was 15. it's a lyon by washburn P clone. made out of plywood. gloss finish maple neck. this thing smokes. it's all stock except for the pickup, a reverend 8.7k P pickup.


the pots are due for replacement, the frets are due for a dressing, and the bridge is not very good, but it resonates like crazy and sounds incredible. i have considered getting a more comfortable neck for it, but i can't decide if i'd be better to start over with a new one -- i've seen 'em used for $50. even though i have a nice cirrus BXP, this is still my main bass.


it has a white finish with a white pickguard. i put a bunch of stickers on it. then i completely covered it with other stickers. then i took them all off with a lot of goo gone and hand painted it with silver craft paint. that finish has aged a bit, but it's what's on there now. it looks awesome. tons of personality. i think i'd rather try to find a used reverend rumblefish PJ than upgrade this guy any more.



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