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Ibanez Roadstar II: Visiting an old friend

_Sweet Willie_

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My first bass was a black Ibanez Roadstar II 4-string, P pickup and jazz neck w/ rosewood board, passive elctronics. :love: And you know what? It's a heckuva instrument. (wraub, where are you? :D ) If I had it back the only thing I might change would be the P pickup for something a little fatter/phatter in tone. That bass cranks. :thu:


I don't know where this will go as a discussion here on the board, but I just felt like sharing -- it's been kind of a "feel-good" day.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Sweet Willie,

I don't know where this will go as a discussion here on the board, but I just felt like sharing -- it's been kind of a "feel-good" day.




That's why your "Sweet Willie".
Oh Yeah :thu::cool:


I hope I remember my first bass as well.

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Don't get me wrong, I'm no set-up expert. I'm sure an experienced tech could do a full set-up in a quarter of the time it takes me! I'd actually like to watch an experienced tech buzz thru a couple of set-ups, just to see how he/she approaches it.


However, you can never underestimate the value of knowing how to tweak your instrument a little here or a little there to keep it in playing shape. Thankfully my instruments are very stable, and my tweakings are few and far between!


At the very least I think I opened the eyes of my friend to technical aspects of the instrument that he hadn't even considered (intonation, the differences between flats and rounds, etc.). For that, I pat myself on the back.


Thanks all for your more than kind words. :thu: (Really, though, I'm a bastard when you get to know me! ;) )



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I agree with whoever said I hope I remember my first bass... which I'm yet to get, for a while I've been playing my sister's Cort bass I found in our basement, now she is jealous that I'm getting rather good time for me to get my own I guess!


Anyway besides that where do you learn to set-up a bass etc?

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Hey all. Wow, have I been busy!

But this thread, as Willie suggested, was like bait to me...


First- Surrock, do a search here for set-up info, using words like intonation, bridge adjustment, action, etc. It really will do you well to learn a few basic things, and acquire a few basic tools.

You'll likely save money, and someday you could help a friend as Willie did.


Sweets, I will PM you ASAP. And, a nice gesture for a friend- You're a classy guy, Will. :wave: ...


I am a fan of some Ibanez instruments, but I do have a soft spot for the Roadstar II. I have been playing a 1985 5 string model for around 16 years, and I do not know what I would do without it. It has gone through a bridge change, about a dozen colors, and a few electronic tweaks over the years, but I know it like I know myself (probably better) and I can get just about any tone. Active but widely adjustable, 24 frets, ebony fretboard, comfy body, narrow string spacing (which I like), and pretty light weight (except for that new bridge).

A while back I acquired a second one (actually another '85 made before my other one, but in better looking condition) just to make it fretless. I'll post pics when it's done.


I have seen a few of the 4 strings on ebay, but only one 5 string. The top of the line models, with ebony fretboard, seem to sell in the $200.00-$300.00 US range, which could be quite the bargain, bass depending.


Thanks for the thread, Willie! :D


I'll post again when possible, hopefully soon.

My best to all of you.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by wraub:

Hey all. Wow, have I been busy!

But this thread, as Willie suggested, was like bait to me...


Sweets, I will PM you ASAP. And, a nice gesture for a friend- You're a classy guy, Will. :thu:


Yes, bait indeed! Nice to see you posting after an absence.


I look forward to the PM (or e-mail).


I always enjoy reading about your Roadstar IIs!




(Sorry, mro, I can't confirm or deny what you asked about.)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

older (vintage) and newer ibanez's rock...


i have a '83 Roadstar II (32" scale) 4 string, i got it refinished, maybe black originally. (my first, REAL bass)


an '85 Roadstar (II, ? don't remember if it is a II or not) (34" scale) 4 string, formerly white paint (took forever to remove), now a light cherry finish. (my third REAL bass)


i have installed EMG select P pickups in both...


i also have a '79 Roadster 4 string, made fretless with a music man style PUP(Brown w/ exposed pole pieces.). original sunburst finish with a few nicks...needs some TLC and to be reassembled...(2nd REAL bass).


plus a '02 BTB 405QM, black 5 string


i totally dig the sound from all my ibanez's and i am always looking at the local pawnshops for more to pick up...


very cool to do the setup, but sux you are missing your old friend.............

Its a BASS not a BASS Guitar!!!!!

Ibanez BTB405QM

Dean Edge Select Q5

Ibanez Roadstar II

Ibanez Roadstar

Ibanez Roadster (in pieces)


Carvin R1000

GK Cab/Carvin 15" sub

X Audio 2x10"

Dallas Music Industries X188

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Wow,this is great! :D I LOVE my Roadstar II ... pearl finish, active electronics (yes, ACTIVE, stock), ebony fretboard, really bizarre body style ... it's really thin, but perfectly ergonomic for a little gal like me. I haven't played anything that felt as organic. Closest thing is a Pedulla MVP, a much better bass, but ergonomically, even that ain't the same.


I think the model # proper is RB999. It's really unusual. I've not seen another like it. I bought it used from private party for $200 but apparently, according to a local music store, it shoulda gone for twice that. Yeah. I love my cheap little Roadstar II.

Original Latin Jazz

CD Baby


"I am not certain how original my contribution to music is as I am obviously an amateur." Patti Smith

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there's one up on ebay right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




mine is very similar, except for color..........

Its a BASS not a BASS Guitar!!!!!

Ibanez BTB405QM

Dean Edge Select Q5

Ibanez Roadstar II

Ibanez Roadstar

Ibanez Roadster (in pieces)


Carvin R1000

GK Cab/Carvin 15" sub

X Audio 2x10"

Dallas Music Industries X188

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Hey Willie, I was searching Ebay for cheap basses, and this came up:

Ibanez Roadstar II only $140.



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Thanks, fellahs. I know there are used Ibanez Roadstar IIs of all kinds on eBay regularly. But they just aren't my baby... :cry:


However, I am very happy that my Roadstar II is in the hands of a good friend who's learning to play bass on it just as I did. :thu:


If I were to buy a used Ibanez bass, I think I'd be fishing for an ATK-305. (Pun intended. ;):P )





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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