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question about peavey bass gear.

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I don't see any reason why they shouldn't start making 112's and 212's. I own a Peavey Max Pre, a BVX 15 cab, and a Peavey Foundation bass. It is all playable, bought mainly because they were there and affordable.
"Don't Ask Me I'm Just The Bassplayer" UBP
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I'm using a Peavey 300W Digital Processed Bass head and Peavey 4x12. Works great for me. Would love to see some 212's, as the 412 is getting heavier, or I'm getting older.


Damn it, Beavis....old sucks! :)

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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Actually, using a 4x12's not a bad idea, particularly if you introduce some guitar like tones. A good example is when playing one of those 8 string basses, the ones with the extra strings coupled less than a centimeter from the main string, and tuned an octave higher (usually).


Another instance is when using effects like distortion. You can get it to sound meaner and brasher with a nice 4x12, like a cab full of EV speakers.


Anyone here ever try a 4x15? :D Apparently, one of my influences, Blacky of Voivod, used a bunch with his modified Marshall 100 watt Super Leads. Read more about it here .

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Originally posted by robb.:


what would you say if peavey started making a 112 cabinet or a 212?[QB]

Hey robb!


Peavey used to make a 1x12" bass cab - you know, that tiltback whizzer cone ported one with the 2U rackspace above. And it sounds great, very punchy and a surprising amount of bottom.


Now that 1x12" cabs are back in fashion it's about time they launched a replacement, but this time round it would be nice if they make the cab a bit smaller, out of plywood so it's a lot lighter, and maybe add a tweeter.



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I've been using a Peavey DataBass 450W Combo since 1995, and still gives me a lot of satisfaction. It plays like on the first day I got it and I haven't changed the cone yet.

Big surprise and big luck.







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I've used Peavey gear in the past and have been more than satisfied with it. I used the 8-10TVX most recently and it was a lot cleaner than an Ampeg 8-10 and never farted any. My gripe about that cab is the handles. When dragging it with one hand, it would always walk to the side more and I would have to stop and reposition it. 1 big bar would be better.


I think 1-12 and 2-12 cabs would be great. I would like to see them compare to the Acmes in terms of low end. I don't know if that is possible, though.


Keep up the good work, and remember, if you need any product testers, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my services.

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Originally posted by cornbread:

I think 1-12 and 2-12 cabs would be great. I would like to see them compare to the Acmes in terms of low end. I don't know if that is possible, though.

It's not unless you give up a lot of efficiency - even Accugroove cabs don't have as much bottom as Acmes, unless you add the Accugroove subs.



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I miss the Peavey BW cab I used to have in high school -- I think it was a 15" w/ 2x8". I don't miss my Mark IV head.


I really, really, really want one of those DPC1400X 1U power amps, but you've heard me say that plenty of times, robb.


I got the heads-up on the Impulse 1x15 subs (powered and unpowered) and they look like they'd be a slammin' low end piece in a biamped rig.


A 1x12 or 2x12? I'd consider either. I really like the sound of 2x12 cabs, and think I'd like the option of having two 1x12 cabs. I wouldn't rule it out.


To be fair, though, I'm most interested in 3-way cabs these days.


Thanks for asking, robb.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

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I've got limited Peavey experience. I've played a TKO (with a 15) in a rehearsal studio and really liked it. My only other experience is with their basses.


I've been a fan of 12s. They are not enough on their own. Along with quality drivers, you need a quality "high end thing" (horn, bullet tweeter, 3" 60s transistor radio speaker) to cover the high end cleanly.


I think they are a bit late in the game (since Accu, Berg, Ag, etc.) with the 12s. But if their heads are selling (are they?), then having a 2x12 as an option underneath will serve them well.


My impression is that many players still love their 10s, or they do 10s and a 15, or they want a threeway. After hearing the Berg, I know the sound is there with 12s....


Do you get to help design them? Do you get to test them (e.g. plug in a 1400 and melt the tweeter)?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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It might be appealing if Peavey came out w/ some cabs taking advantage of lighter weight neodymium drivers -- whatever the configuration. A 2x12 (neodymium) w/ horn that handled 400W (either 4-ohm or 8-ohm) would be an appealing cab -- as would a 3x10, even...


Also, I played one of those new Pro Bass 500s the other day w/ the fully parametric eq section. Played it thru a Peavey Pro 4x10 w/ 1x15 bottom. The most impressed I've been with Peavey sound in a while.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Whilst I'm at it, how about a BAM preamp? And as Peavey make one of the lightest power amps you can buy, it's about time that they built some cabs to match - what's the point of having a 15lbs 1400W amp and then having to cart a 150lbs 8x10" around?


Neodymium magnets, lightweight poplar ply, pre-stressed panels, and good tweeters and crossovers would be perfect. And something easier to fix than a bulb to protect the horn would be nice. Speakons and 1/4" jacks. Big pop-out castors. And a cooler looking (or just smaller) logo to match the higher price tag!



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I still remember the first time I sat down with a BAM combo. It's possible the thing was not functioning properly (the store is a major retailer with lots of traffic). I couldn't figure out how to get a clean tone. Sorry, I don't think the human interface was too good. Maybe it's capabilities are cool, but not the interface (or maybe I'm just a moron).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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It's mostly about image, I think.


If I were peeeveeee ...


I'd split out the lines of gear, and develop a new "pro" line. SWR has done a really good job of maintaining a "pro" image while selling lower-end Workingman's stuff. GK hasn't done as a good a job of that, in part because they started with a "workingman" image, which doesn't leave them far to go with the "Backline" stuff.


With people I play with, the Peavey identity is that it's cheaper stuff that's generally well-made, but not quite pro. Hate to be a snob, but it DOES matter what you walk into a gig with, and I can say with certainty that if I walked into a paying gig with a Peavey amp, I'd have some proving to do.


So ... I'd probably sink some R/D money into a new line of pro gear (not just another product) for players who are snobs. Like me. ;)


As to the 1x12 ... my experience is that what makes a great 1x12 is the sweetness of the high end. I like the Berg way better than the Aguilar for this reason ... both have a nice booty, but the top is much smoother and cleaner on the Berg. (pushed by an AI Clarus and an SWR 750X).

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alex -- yeah, i know they made a 1x12 a few years back. i helped you find info on the driver for your frankenstein powered cabinet concept. the problem is that it didn't sell well in a time when bass was only 10s and 15s.


sweets -- the model of that 1x15 + 2x8 in my j-station sounds damn cool, but i've never played the real thing. i doubt it sold well in the marketplace, though, or we'd still be making one.


cornbread -- i have played a 412TVX cabinet (4x12 with a tweeter), and it was really thick and loud. i can't imagine a similarly designed 212 or 112 couldn't do the same.


wow, i'm itching to talk impartially about a lot the things you guys are bringing up, but i really can't. i just can't be impartial on something so public.


i guess my main reason for asking, though, is that i want to buy a 1x12 cabinet, and i'm seeing a lot of guys buy and love bergantino, aguilar, and epifani 1x12s and 2x12s. i view that as an opportunity for peavey to sell more product, and i am curious if i'm the only one who'd be interested.


do you guys think peavey could do more for bass? what would you want to see new? i hear a lot of "can you tell me what's new at peavey?" but not a lot of "this is what i'd like to see." thanks for your help. it means a lot to me.



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I really like Peavey stuff. The overall perception I have of the company is positive.


For bass stuff, I recently picked out a Peavey 115 bass combo for a bassist friend who is just starting to gig. 350 watts, graphic EQ, limiter, direct out, built like a rock, sits on four big-ass casters. Plus it's got an additional 4-ohm speaker out. She's really happy with it. I could definitely see her expanding on it in the future with a 1x12 or 2x12 cab. Especially if it's priced well.


A lot of guitarists I know have Peavey 5150 rigs. Great amps for rock. They sound a lot like Mesa-Boogie Dual Rectifiers at about half the cost. Can't beat that. I used to have a Peavey Classic 50 guitar rig. Tweed 4x10 combo and a 1x15 extension cab. I loved it. Never gave me a problem and always sounded sweet. I got all kinds of compliments on it all the time. Eventually I got rid of it because someone offered me a great deal on a Marshall and I needed money. I still miss it.


Our drummer has a Peavey kit. Yeah, the weird-looking one with the big-ass hoops. He got the "top-of-the-line" model in a custom black finish. Looks amazing and sounds amazing. We still haven't met anyone with the same kit anywhere, and he always gets compliments on the way it sounds.


Two of my band's PA speakers are 1x12s with horns. Work fine. Never had a problem with either.


I will say this, however: I hate the Peavey logo. I mean, I dislike amp logos in general, but the Peavey logo is especially bad. Even the new, non-pointy one bothers me. It's just not working for me.


Other than that, I'm cool with Peavey.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Baddest piece of Peavey gear ever made: the Database 1x15 combo. 400W power supply pushing a single Black Widow 15. Ka-boom. This stupid thing could kill small animals at 100 yards and still have headroom left. Granted, it weighed a metric ton, it was small and had more than enough volume (with staggering amounts of low end) for 90% of the small clubs around town. I kick myself for never buying one back in 'the day'. Like all super bad ass Peavey gear, they stopped making it. Ever notice that? As a general trend, as soon as Peavey starts making a really nice piece of equipment, they discontinue it. Bastards.
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Ive been a big fan of Peavey now for about 4 years. I have a combo115 w/black widow and it is by far the Best 115 combo on the market IMHO. Peavey's pro-line cabs are just great. I checked them out the past two years at the NAMM shows. Also, the TVX line of 4x10 and 4x12 can stand up to any SWR Goliath.


Ive also owned and played the Cirrus and G bass line of basses. The Cirrus 5 and G5 are my main two basses, I have used them on tours all over the world and they have never let me down. The Cirrus and G bass lines have a great pickup/preamp section that is exceptional in every way including being THE quietest (humm wise) Ive ever used.



...hertz down low....
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Although a lot of people like to bash Peavey stuff, I've bought a lot of PV stuff over the years and gotten my money's worth every time. The gear is solidly built, withstands abuse, and works well, all at an affordable price. On top of that, their customer service has been great.


A couple of months ago I scored a used Databass combo, based on good reviews. The price was unbeatable (225) and the amp is very good, 450 watts into a 15 inch Black Widow. But the amp was missing a couple of knobs, so I e-mailed Peavey customer service asking about price and delivery for the missing knobs. Three days later I received an envelope in the mail with the knobs--free of charge. That's service!!!


So I heartily recommend Peavey gear. And I think Peavey-bashers are, for the most part, gear snobs.

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Bill C,


I used to be one of those Peavey bashers, not because any of their gear failed...but just because. Out here on the west coast Peavey has an undeserved reputation. I say undeserved because I now own 4 pieces of Peavey gear and I love every one of 'em! Like I said, my main two basses are Peavey's. I would suggest that if you are in the market for a bass, cab, amp or combo give Peavey a test-drive.



...hertz down low....
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Peavey gear has been "Bar Room Approved" for years up here. They've made drastic improvements over the years since I started 10 years ago. I've never owned a piece of Peavey gear, but we sell it at the music store where I manage.


As for what I'd like to see next - make a TKO or TNT combo that doesn't weight 90 pounds, or put the handles on the side of the combo for easier lifting/leverage. :thu:

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I've played Peavey combos for over twenty years. The only problem I had was one fell off the back of a van onto the street. Can you believe the damn thing didn't work? Forty dollars later it was fine and I still use it as a practice amp(it's 15 years old now). The TKO I use now does weigh a ton...maybe its time for seperates.
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When I started playing bass, someone told me to not like Peavey, other than thoat I have no excuse. I Did try out the BAM210 at the store and found it to be pretty cool.


My one thought is to put the power switch on the front, It just annoys me to reach behind a bass head to trun it on... especially at a store where some one could have stuck a bugger on the switch.

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by NuB-bass:

... especially at a store where some one could have stuck a bugger on the switch.

Hey - I left that there just for you :eek::rolleyes:




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I'm a guitarist playing 37 years and bought my first bass on a whim a year ago - a Peavey Fury IV. Bought it because it looked cool, was inexpensive, and seemed well made. After a year of use I've become really impressed with its range of tones and especially its perfect intonation - even way, way up on the neck - even better than my $2000 Les Paul.


About 10 years ago I bought a Peavey practice amp - I think "Studio 110". Not impressive. Keep meaning to sell it.


You guys seem to have an image problem. Not sure why. Like a previous poster said, you may want to roll out a high end line for pros.

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