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New pickup for Music Man?


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Sorry if this has been discussed to disgust, but I haven't seen such a thread and I'm thinking about buying a new pickup for my new Stingray and thought there'd be good advice here.


I'm 90% happy with the tone of this bass, I just wish it had a little more sub-bass low end and maybe a shade more upper mid presence (adjectives are difficult with this one). It sounds just a little masked and I know there's a way to make this bass even better, I just don't know how. My initial thought was to buy a Bartolini pickup since it seems to be in all the Modulus basses which have that tone I like, but I've also heard good things about the Seymour Duncan MM pickup.


Any advice on improving a Stingray?

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Any other Music Man users that have successfully improved the sound of this bass?


Or are the stock pickups as good as it gets. I don't NEED to change the p'ups, I'm actually pretty happy with the sound as it is now, but if there's something better why not go for it, right?

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Hey man,


I have a EB Music Man StingRay 5 fretless from 1990. I have the original p'up in it. I dig it and I doubt I'll change it. I did once ask BenLoy what he thought of his Bart, but more out of curiosity than an intent to change the p'up.


I've also heard some positive things about the Seymour Duncan replacement, but I've never heard one in action.


If you like the sound and are happy, don't mess around.





(BTW, I'm up in Skokie and used to be in Rogers Park. There's a couple of great music shops up this way if you're ever up here.)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Sweet Willie- which shops do you have in mind? I've been to most of the better known Chicago places but maybe you have a new suggestion???


About the pickups - as I mentioned, there's nothing I don't like about the sound now, but I've heard better sounding basses and I wonder how much better this one COULD be with a different pickup or preamp or both. I want the best possible but I need to know if I'm already there with this bass.

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