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Norm Stockton Clinics

Wally Malone

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Our own forum member and great guy, Norm Stockton is doing a couple of free clinics in Northern California. He'll be in Sacramento on March 28 and in San Jose on March 29. These are part of the Aftershock series put on by Bassquake. Here's a link with more information. . At this time I don't have a gig on the 29th so I'm planning on attending the San Jose event. Another opportunity for Lowdowners to meet.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Thought that since these clinics are tonight in Sacramento and tomorrow in San Jose I'd bump this one up as a reminder to anyone who can make it. I'll be at the San Jose clinic tomorrow.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Popping out of an extreme state of lurk (SORRY - I've been in hair-on-fire mode) to say THANKS to Wally, Mark, and any of the others from this list who made it out to the Northern California clinics this weekend! I really enjoyed the hang with all of you (Wally McVie!!), and sincerely appreciate all of the wonderful feedback I've received from a number of you.


By the way, if you haven't already, please take a moment to sign in my guestbook (www.normstockton.com), as that registry is the list we use to send out notification when a clinic will be held in your area, new videos/DVD's/CD's are produced, etc. (no worries...your info is completely confidential, will never be sold to others, and our mailings are usually once or twice a year, at the most)!


If anyone is interested in hosting a clinic in your area, please feel free to contact me directly.




Norm Stockton

Orange County, CA


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Norm, always a pleasure to see you when the opportunity is presented. You were received well by the San Jose bottom dwellers. If I hear any good drummer jokes I'll shoot you an email.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Norm is a crook and he stole all my licks!! :rolleyes:

acxtually, im stealing some of his.. his cd smokes and he gets the sound of doom!! Hi, Norm!! sorry im too far away to attend the clinics-

by the way, ive been re-listening to your cd and diggin it more all the time- my daughter, who also plays bass , loves the cd and even more , shes a sushi fanatic so you can imagine!!-

Mark- got the cab today thanks ... looks great!! my wife took the Jeep with my rig in it ( including my amp)and just got back and its evening, so i wont be able to crank it till tomorrow- but im sure it will blow me away- thanks so much!! you are a true gentleman !!-

now.. back to Norm...

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Yikes...haven't posted in weeks, and now twice in one day! :^)


Thanks for the kind words, Wally; I enjoyed the San Jose bottom dwellers as well. Fun yacking with you, and hang in there with the gig juggling!


Earljam, no immediate plans for a clinic in the Midwest (if you're interested in the possibility of hosting an event, though, shoot me an e-mail off-forum...haven't done a clinic in the Central U.S. for a while). Additionally, there's a gig/clinic schedule for a number of artists and/or clinicians at the International Institute of Bassists' site (www.bassically.net). I think it's listed under "news", or something along those lines.


Adrian! Great to hear you & your daughter are enjoying the Pondering CD, man. Thanks for the nice feedback. BTW, I'd be completely into working with you on possibly bringing a Grooving/Pondering clinic to Las Vegas...whatcha think? Shoot me an e-mail if you want to pursue it (no worries/pressure either way!).




Norm Stockton

Orange County, CA


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"Norm is a crook and he stole all my licks!!" Adrian & I are in complete agreement here. LOL


Norm, as always, it was a killer clinic. I want to be just like you when I grow up. Of course my wife says that neither will ever happen.


After attending 3 of your clinics, I can say that I always get something new out of them & that they are a great investment. Your videos & your amazing CD are worth their weight in gold as well. :thu:


I'm looking forward to sitting at the masters feet yet again at a future clinic.



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