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SVT3 vs GK1001rb


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ok. I've narrowed down my choices. Both are simple operation and close to the same wattage. My cabs are indifferent, I'll probably sell the 210. Keep the mesa 115.

So can I get a lil feedback from you guys out there?.


Hawk :thu:

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I like the SVT-3Pro. I'm not a huge fan of GK gear, but there are several on the forum who are.


The Ampeg has a nice warmth to it with the multiple tube front end. It'll put 275W into your Mesa 1x15, and once you add another 8-ohm cab, you'll be looking at a solid 450W. Also, turning the graphic eq on and off can help you simulate having two channels -- that is, be able to switch back and forth relatively easily between two different sounds. You can also do some nice overdrive taking advantage of the "gain" tube.


The GK has more power, but I've found the sound to be a little more sterile -- even if "punchy." However, to be fair, I have spent a little more time playing Ampeg heads than GK heads -- so I probably haven't fully realized the capabilities of the GK.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Buy the SVT if you like the sound of the 'amp', and buy the GK if you like the inherent tone of your bass and cabs. The GK stuff is not 'sterile', it's simply colorless.


My Eden head is very colored, and this, as we know, is a big part of what makes the Eden sound so popular, but I find myself using my GK1001RB more and more for live gigs, because it much more faithfully reproduces the sound of my EMG-HZ equipped Spector bass, and my SWR 4x10 cab.


And the headroom of the GK stuff is amazing. I'm sure my 1001RB could do double-duty for doing welding projects on my Jeep.


I'm sold on the value of the GK1001RB, after having mine for awhile.



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I'd really love to reproduce the tone I get with my Eden-Nemesis 210 combo but in a bigger package. That Nemesis has such a sweet tone, really makes my 78 p-bass sing. I was hoping the Ampeg would do it

Hawk :wave:

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Edendude makes a good point. If you like the Nemesis sound, maybe stick w/ Eden gear. The WT400 is a nice amp, and very lightweight. It also shows up in good condition for good prices on eBay and other on-line used gear venues.


I have an SWR Super Redhead 2x10 combo which I'm happy with (although I think I'd prefer separates for better portability -- though that's neither here nor there!). I use an Ampeg B50R 1x12 combo as a practice amp and for smaller stuff. The two are different tonally, and I intentionally sought that out so that I'd have more variety in my sonic palette. If I dare speak for Edendude (imagine that! :freak: ), I think this is why he likes having both an Eden head and a GK head -- for the tonal variety and choices it gives him.


But if you really want to stick with a sound you like and works for you, maybe stay with Eden gear.


BTW, try to play your "finalists" if you can. Go to a music store with your bass that's got 'em. One of our local Guitar Centers often has a Mesa 1x15 on the floor -- make them plug an SVT-3 Pro into it and then a GK 1001. Our GC carries both those models, and always has them on the floor. The Eden WT400 usually isn't available at my local GC, but they're out there...





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Gotta agree with you, Willie...


Even though all those amp makers put out great products, they all sound VERY different to me. So there is a lot of extra flexibilty that is inherent when you have the luxury of owning a few different brands of gear at once.


My GK is pretty cold and colorless for recording and for low volume live accompaniment of acoustic acts, but for live gig punch and articulation through my SWR 4x10, it gets the nod everytime.


Funny though...If I had to own just one brand of bass amp, it'd probably be SWR. The SWR stuff seems to strike a nice balance between what I like about Eden gear on the one hand, and GK stuff on the other. But as long as I can afford to hang on to both my Eden and GK head, that's the ticket for me.

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indeed, don't mess with success: if you like eden then consider an eden.


given the choice of the two others i would go with the ampeg. i loves me some ampeg. it's too easy to get a good sound out of one. as for the gk i find that it can be difficult to get something you love. i've always gotten close but never really hit that sweet spot with one.

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I kinda split the difference and came up with a rig that I feel I'll be using for several years, if all goes well.

GK 1001RB head, into 2 ampeg cabs (410he & 115en)


What I ended up with is a sort of happy medium, as a result of a super clean signal running through the ampeg cabs, which in turn, "warm" or "dirty" the sound a bit. Of course, as always YMMV.. but I found my sound with this combo.


Gotta say though, the GK gets big points w/ me on two counts. ...Two things that aren't very often used to describe the same head. These are:

Big headroom (540W)

Great portability (18lbs)

It's a keeper for me.

...simply stating.
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I play an all GK rig, and I love it for its "tonelessness" if you will. I've never played a bad GK head or combo, and the speakers are great in my opinion too. And all of it is quite durable and portable.


On the other hand, I have yet to play an Ampeg SVT3, so my response is a bit biased.

\m/ Timothy Lyons
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This thread inspired me to visit a local shop while out'n'about town. I played an Ampeg SVT-3Pro thru an Ampeg 1x15 cab (I think it was one of those tasty BXT models). I was playing a Warmoth Jazz 5 from the shop's piss poor bass selection. Really enjoyed myself (even though the knobs on the Warmoth made absolutely no sense to me...). The Ampeg set-up was just peachy, though. Lotsa nice warm bass booty goin' down.


OT: This shop is also an Orange dealer, although they don't have the 200W Orange tube bass head in stock. Would love to try that someday.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I too recently had to choose between ampeg and GK and it was a tough choice. After comparing them both I went with GK. It has punch and clarity and after a short time (2 months) I am still extremely happy. I completely agree with all that Edendude had to say.
Providence over serendipity any day.
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Just got back from a quick band practice. I now know what edendude means by the GK's being colourless. I've noticed since getting my new amp that i'm using my tone controls and pickups differently. Before I used to use just the one pickup and have the tone pushed fuly into the treble. Now I can hear the difference between the two pickups and am mixing them for the best effect and have the tone pushed about two thirds way towards the treble and it gives a very good sound. I'm sure that I would have found that on any reasonable amp but its just something i noticed since using my GK.

Edendude I'm now going to refer to you as Gurudude!

Providence over serendipity any day.
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I sure ain't no "guru", but despite it not being the cool thing to say, I have come to love my GK1001RB's ultra-punchy, ultra-clean, and colorless reprodution, over my warm-sounding Eden WT head, for loud gigs when I want to really articulate and be the band's bus driver.


EMG-HZ pickups, an SWR 4x10 cab, and a GK1001RB seem to be a really good recipe for punchy and articulate bass sound.



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