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Foot switch and Flight case?


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I've phoned a few shops and been given a few options.


The footswitches recommended by the dealer are either an Ampeg (didn't get model number) @ £35, I take it this has dual pedals for both the channel changer and mute control. The other recommendations were from the Marshall range. These were fairly basic and ranged in price from £11 to £25, the guy in the shop said these are built like tanks and if I didn't need the mute option or didn't need the L.E.D to tell me what channel I selected, I couldn't go wrong with this. He's gonna test it out with a SVT3 in the shop and phone me during the week.


The flight cases quoted ranged from £75 to £130. All these are four rack units, some are all steel construction, some are steel edged with Black Diamond plates.


A Kinman flight case costs £99, the dealer was willing to pay the £35 transit cost (I really can't believe it's that expensive from England to Ireland? :eek: )


A Gator compact case is £110 or the regular is £75, I didn't catch the dimensions but the guy is phoning me with all the details.


I'm pretty much decided on the footswitch, I don't see much need for the mute option and the L.E.D's would simply be cosmetic as I'd be switching to and from fairly obvious opposing tones.


As for the flight cases, I don't have all the details on dimensions etc so I'm undecided. The all steel constructed cases are a bit out of my price range and from what the shop assistant's have told me, the Black Diamond plates are very strong. Any recomendations? Anyone had any experience with either Kinman or Gator? I'll go check out their sites now.




CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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I searched for Kinman flightcases but all I found were Kinman pick-ups? I've obviously been given a bum steer, or my hearing's going!


The Gator site is superb, they seem to make cases for just about everything. The two 4 rack cases I looked at are the SP4 @ £111.63 (inc VAT) and the SB4 budget rack @94.00 (inc VAT). I'll wait until I've talked with the retailers before I decide.


Another question (if anyone's reading ;) ) do all rack mountable tuners require 2 units of space? Going from what I've been told it seems so.


I'll do a search.




CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Cheers for the link Cauhtmeoc. And while I'm in the grateful mood, I'd like to take this opporunity to thank all the members of this forum who seem to know absolutely nothing about footswitches, flight cases or tuners.


I know very little, but at least I know to pass it on.

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Well, while I'm being helpful, I can tell you that Gator make a whole shitload of different casings; the harshell plastic case I got with my Stingray is just a gator rectangular bass case with "musicman" embossed into it. The quality is great, so I'm sure their rackmount gear is really good too. Lots of places down here sell it, and considering the cost of getting things down here that usually means its good stuff.
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Hey Cup...

Sorry I missed your posts. I was away this weekend for some shows.



Man, you can basically use almost any standard channel-switching pedal for that purpose. The Marshall will work fine, but I think you could probably even get one at a small electronics shop (like Radio Shack -- do you have Radio Shack in Europe?). These things shouldn't cost more than $35 (U.S) which probably means like £20 (UK).


Rack Cases:

How sturdy do you need this thing to be? I mean, SKB makes serviceable cases, but they're not like... bulletproof. You can get a decent SKB 4-space rack for about $150 (US), which is about £100 (UK), I guess. The good news for you, though, is that alll racks (and rack-mountable gear) are of a standard size. I believe it's all 19" (fuck metrics, I'm talking inches here). So you needn't sweat having the right sized rack for the tuner.


Hope that helps.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Yep, thanx for the help CMDN and Cauhtemoc. The people are phoning me mid week, so I'll report on what I'm getting then. I'm pretty much decided on both. For the switch I'm going top go for the mid priced marshall £17, I simply want something that's built to last and does the job. For the case I'm going to push the boat out and get the £110 Gator compact. It's not all steel, but I'm sure it's durable and I'm trying to keep size to a minimum. Gator seem to set the standard anyway.


Apologies for the sarcastic tone of my previous post...Post in haste repent at leisure!


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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