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effect processor?


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Most of you (I'm pretty sure) have effect pedals, maybe with one effect or so.

But, how many of you have a processor, or workstation?

I, persoanlly have a Korg AX1B bass processor.

It was $100. I bought it last year. And, to my surprise it has surpassed any incling of what capibitlties I thought it had. I'm surprised most of you just don't buy a processor. But, I understand why you would want just one, or two effects.

And, to the people that do have a processor, what do you have, how long have you had it, etc.


JDL(BTW, I love my new bass. I need to get a digital camera to put it on here!)

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It depends. I use a DigiTech BP200 most of the time for amp modeling, effects, and volume control. I sometimes use 2 separate pedals before the BP200, a Dunlop CryBaby wah, and either a Ibanez TS7 TubeScreamer (for overdrive), or a BOSS HM-3 Hyper Metal (distortion).


I actually use most of my effects sparingly at the moment. Most of the time, for me, it's just some amp modeling + volume control from the BP200. I hook that on the front end of my Peavey TNT 115 (Low Gain), or else the modeling sounds weak. I tweak the EQ from my bass, and the amp.

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Like Tazzola, I have a BP200. I programmed in 7 patches that I use, which are kinda subtle. Actually, I have some fun ones in there too, but couldn't use them in anything we do.
Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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I've got a Digitech BP8. The quality of the sounds, the endless combination of effects that can be mixed and matched, and the built-in preamp all come together to make it one hell of an effects processor.


Two problems though:

1) Whenever switching from patch to patch, there is a split-second delay where your sound goes silent. At shows this has annoyed me to no end.


2) As I get more and more into jazz, I find myself less interested in making weird sounds with a processor and more inclined to create as much of a dynamic range as I can with my hands alone.


At the moment the BP8 is collecting dust, and I've been using a guitar stomp box with auto-wah and bass synth. Don't get me wrong - I played with the BP8 for a good 3 years before I gave up on it. Just isn't for me.

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I'm still happy with my BP-8. I'm only using a few patches though. Most important to me is the preamp voicings. Then you've got your compression right there too. A little eq'ing some times. Some slight chorus or flanger. I love having the whammy effect for when you want to get a little freaky. The new digitech workstation looks nice to me *drool. I like having all the options right there in one unit. I think it is easy as pie to use also.
"Don't Ask Me I'm Just The Bassplayer" UBP
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I have a Zoom 506II and a crybaby... I also have a Korg Pandora, but it's not the Bass model, I use it with my guitar.

The Zoom has some decent effects, but all I really use it for is the defret. Actually thinking of getting rid of it and buying a good tuner.

The Crybaby is pretty cool. It's a guitar model as well, but works fine.



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I play an ART Nightbass. It is a digital effects precessor simialr to the POD Pro. It can be, however, quite weird sounding and somewhat artificial. It has a tendancy to zap the life out of an instrument. I run it through the input of my GK 800RB which finds some of the life and puts it back in the tone. Most of the presets are delay-type, and a few (maybe about 20 of the 120 factory presets) are guitar presets (weird for a bass processor, but they do sound nice on guitar in some places). I like the thing, but I will say this as far as its limitations: there is no "true" bypass- the bypassed signal is simply un-effected; the presets all had to be highly modified to make them usable. All in all, though, it's not bad for a processor that's 11 years old. I can't wait to get the POD Pro for my studio, though.
...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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I have a Digitech BNX3. The only reason I bought it was that I required an overdrive and a few other things for one of the bands that I am in. After looking at individual effects pedals, I very quickly came to the conclusion that buying a multi-effects unit would be much more cost effective. I dig the BNX3 a great deal, but I still don't even know how to use all the features on the stupid thing. I have 4 patches programmed into it, one of which I use for about 20 seconds during the intro of ONE song. The other 3 patches are clean with different effects programmed in that I can turn on and off with the stompbox setting turned on. One of the three has an octaver turned on by default.. use that one for "There is No More Evil In This World" (information which I'm sure only BenLoy will appreciate). None-more Interstellar Overdrive on that one too, for the big chorus bits that require massive amounts of overdrive.


I've had this thing since early December, so only a few months. The emulators are fantastic, the Big Muff sounds like a Big Muff, the Interstellar Overdrive sounds just like an Interstellar Overdrive (Beller concurred on this, and he works for SWR). I highly recommend the BNX3 if you are looking to purchase a multi-effects unit.

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I also have the Zoom 506. It's pretty fun to play around with. Most of the patches are a little too crappy to record with, but I found some of them work pretty well for me on some live gigs. Besides, for the price it's pretty worth it just to mess around on.
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I have a zoom BFX 708. I've had it for about 2 or 3 years and hardly ever used it. It is fun to play around with and i used it at band practice once or twice and has some nice extras - amp modeling, tuner, drums,sampler, expression pedal. But I found it ruined the tone. But i just bought a new amp I think I will try it out again now I have my new GK 700RB.
Providence over serendipity any day.
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Slaerty, how are the drums on that zoom pedal? I wanted to pick up one of those, for the drums...



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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Originally posted by matt C:

I play an ART Nightbass. It is a digital effects precessor simialr to the POD Pro. It can be, however, quite weird sounding and somewhat artificial. It has a tendancy to zap the life out of an instrument. I run it through the input of my GK 800RB which finds some of the life and puts it back in the tone. Most of the presets are delay-type, and a few (maybe about 20 of the 120 factory presets) are guitar presets (weird for a bass processor, but they do sound nice on guitar in some places). I like the thing, but I will say this as far as its limitations: there is no "true" bypass- the bypassed signal is simply un-effected; the presets all had to be highly modified to make them usable. All in all, though, it's not bad for a processor that's 11 years old. I can't wait to get the POD Pro for my studio, though.

I don't have the POD Pro, but I do have the Bass POD. It sounds great! Especially if you run it through the effects loop thereby bypassing the preamp which can color the sound. After all, its the modelling you're after right? My only complaint (besides no true bypass)with processors or multieffects is in live situations when you need to switch between effects. You can't beat the good 'ole stomp boxes!
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Yep, stompers are cool...slowly bulding a collection myself. Mainly sticking to basic effects at the moment, especially ones I can use for both guitar and bass, so I don't get too crazy. I already have 2 overdrives (TS5 and TS7, both Ibanez Tube Screamers), 3 distortions (Ibanez DS7, and 2 BOSS pedals, the Hyper Metal and Metal Zone), and a Dunlop CryBaby GCB95 wah.


Next (loosely in order, might be mostly DOD as I've found them to be both fairly inexpensive, good sounding, and durable):

*guitar EQ



*chorus (?)




I'm keeping my multiFX though, 'cause I like the octave and pitch shifting capabilities it has.

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I don't use my processor for effects per se. The effects that I employ in my patches serve to create a certain tone. I might use a flanger in a patch (#161, as a matter of fact), but that is not a flange patch, but rather a particular tone. As far as bypass goes, here's what I plan to do: I'll buy a small Berhinger mixer and run two channels into it: one straight from the compressor, another from the output of the ART. Both go directly into the input of the GK. This way I can use the pots and/or faders to adjust the relative levels of the effected/non-effected signals. After the gig, I can stuff the mixer into the back of the rack case, all the cables intact.
...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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i dont use a single one


but im gaining a bit of intrest in a phaser i think, due to Have a Cigar from pink floyd


i hear that was a phaser on the bass?


but im not incredibly sure why a flanger wouldnt do the same effect, and besides the point the song kicks my ass. :rolleyes:

Double what we got o mr. roboto




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Originally posted by JDL:

BTW, do you think my avatar is too big?

Yeah, get a smaller one with the same guys in it. Big avatars get in the way of conveying your message. I knew I got mine right when a few people asked what the nice lady on my avatar was wearing. Well, the message on the t-shirt anyway.
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