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Sorry, I saw this at a show last night and no one could offer me a good exlination.

There were two PA mains (which were loud as heck) which were used only for vocals. When the siger screamed or hit a loud note you could see through the accordian edges of the speaker that the inside was lighting up! From what I could see, the mains seamed like normal speakers so I'm boggled as to exactly what part of them were lighting up. A guy told me that this means that "the speakers are too loud and his guitar cabinet does this all the time."


The only part of a speaker which I could imagine lighting up due to the high currents would be the wiring, but that would mean that the wires would have to be a good couple thousand degrees to light up that much...


I guess I'm just missing something really basic, but if someone could let me know I would really appreaceate it. It's been bugging me for a long time now.

These words, are sledgehammers of truth.
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To follow up "the lamps are fuses"...many cabinets knowadays are using light bulbs as fuses. They are the same light bulbs used in automobiles. You may want to figure out which type you particular speakers are using and buy a few extra If the bulbs are lighting up, you are overpowering the cabinet. The next thing that will happen will be that the light bulb will burn out and then you will have an inactive speaker cabinet. But at least you won't have blown out your speakers.


I've only managed to get the lights in my cabinets to flash once.


I've played in clubs that had db meters hooked up to spotlights and you got a white spotlight in the eyes if you went above a certain level. We used to joke that if the light DIDN'T go on during your solo, you must have not been into it.

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what Jeremy said- i remember when i finally got my first SWR Goliath cabinet- i used to see it light up if i dug in too hard ( hey, what can i say? im always into it!! :rolleyes: )

then i blew the fuse- tweeter gone.... so i went to the music store i once worked at and they chargd me $8 for a fuse!! nnce guys- i love them so.... i later found out that they are inddeed car dome lights and you can get 3 for $1.49

wanna know what store it was???... nah!!!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

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I had a no-name cab when I was a kid, and connected one of those boxes that lights up and changes color orcording to the frequency of the music (color organ), and used to overdrive it all the time just for show.


Then I sold this bridge to a guy.....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Oops, I thought this thread was about my band. :D

I thought that as well. Just think - if we start talking about your band, we could fuse the two topics into one thread :eek:



(I think I hurt myself on that one)


Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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