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ever lose ur groove


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Hey guys,

something has happened lately. Mostly the past week. Where i usually play to some santana or afro cuban jazz and jamm my ass off with orgasmic solos....i am left playing theroot off tempo and in the wrong places. This happened over night. I cant feel it. I cant hear what i want to play. Its gone. Has this evre happened to u. how did u cope with it...or did u at all.

rite now im in love with something thats killing me

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soupster -


Put on a CD you're not entirely familiar with, turn off the lights (play in the dark), and let your ears guide your fingers. Works for me when I'm in a rut...


Sometimes we just 'think' too much...




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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"Yo Victa! You know you can't hold no groove, if you ain't got no POCKET!!!"


Needless to say, I've always got pockets..I've got a lot of stuff to carry these days. I try to stay in the pocket almost all the time, but sometimes, like you, I get out of it for some fresh air.


Just take it easy for a while, practice on some stuff you thought you didn't need to practice ever again, etc. I usually find a small break from playing for a couple of days usually helps. Hope you get out of the rut you're in, man.

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same thing happened to me a few weeks ago... so i quit drinking.... i quit my band.... i bought a boss br8 and have been concentrating on writing new stuff and recording it. starting up a whole new project... a new me...
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Yeah like everybody said something needs to change. Try all of those ideas.


It happens to me if im really tired and exhausted. Your body and brain only have a finite amount of energy, when mine is depleated i have trouble staying in time.


Don't worry experiment a little youll get your groove soon.

Providence over serendipity any day.
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Listen or play along with something you normally wouldn't...try to learn it.


If you're into mostly funk, learn some metal tunes. Or reggae. If you only play metal, try some funk or jazz.


Shake things up. It's good for ya.




You can't come up with ideas in a vacuum. Humans are social animals, and our creativity almost always results from interacting or reacting to the ideas of others. DO NOT SHUT THIS DOWN.


Sorry, I've dealt with people who lock themselves in a room and practice for hours on end without ever listening to or playing with anyone but themselves, and they almost always have no idea how to play in an ensemble. I want to rid the world of such poseurs, because they annoy me so.


Listen to as many different players as you can, no matter what instrument you play. Almost all the great players with idividualistic styles I've spoken with have said the same thing:


"I just stole from so many different people that somewhere along the line it turned into my style."


That works for me.

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thanx guys,

i think im gonna lay baclk listen to some miles and mingus. myve it'll come back to me. but i mena ...I HATE METAL ...sorry guys lol


see ya hopefully god will forgive me


for whatever it is ive done to deserve this

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My dad wouldn't even touch my METAL! :D But I do love Beatles, Afro Cuban, and other stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with metal. This may be hard to believe, but some of the best metal bassists I've heard get plenty of inspiration outside of metal. Sean Malone , Steve DiGiorgio , and Fred Gildenlow are some of the best examples I know and like (among many others).
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It must happen to everyone! Yet it rarely gets talked about here. Leave your bass collecting dust for a week. It's no big deal, your fingers won't seize up (unless arthritus moves really quick) Your mind however, the instrument you really play with! Will enjoy it's fallow state and when you pick up that bass next time? You'll scare the s&*t outta yourself!


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Personally, I find that maintaining the "groove" is very much like maintaining my relationship with my wife of 13+ years......that it definitely requires daily work, even if that work consists just in attitude and mental commitment.


I also find that, like being married, sometimes you just need time apart. You just do. Don't sweat it. Enjoy the good times, don't force yourself TOO much but remain buoyant as possible during the rough times, and don't be afraid to put it away and take a break when you need to. And don't worry.....the callouses will come back once you feel fit to resume.

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; one lick and you suck forever.
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