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looking for a smaller more portable bass head

Jay J.

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I currently have Peavey 400 watt all tube head that is a real monster. I am looking for something smaller and more portable, but that still has some good power to it. I was thinking something like the Eden WT400 or SWR 350x. or something else. anyone using any of those and if so how do you like it and do they provide you with enough power. or what is another smaller bass head that I mgiht look at.
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This may not be your cup of tea.....


I've got a Warwick CCL combo, 250 watts. Great sounding amp!


But I hate lugging it in and out of the car (it'll only fit into the back seat of my two door car, so putting this in becomes a one handed job at a point).


I have the option of leaving it as a rehearsal space, where it will be safe. But I will be missing it for home practice and I have no other amp.


Solution? Yank the chassis (which only weighs about 30 pounds or so, Toroid transformer included), build a wooden "platform" for it with handles. Turn it into a kind of "head".


For home I have a small speaker I use for practice, and I can leave the cabinet/speaker at the rehearsal space where it will be useless until I arrive.


So consider trading for/somehow getting a decent powered combo, whose chassis you CAN run independently of the cabinet, and build some way to carry it.

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; one lick and you suck forever.
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I think you'd be happy with eaither one of those heads. I just today bought an old SWR Bass 350. It's the amp I started with a few years ago, and after a bunch of experimenting (and money) I am going back to it. Simple, solid, dependable.
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Look on the web for the Acoustic Image Clarus Bass Head.


Most power for pound ratio there is.



"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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wow, thats itty bitty!

the EA iAmps are pretty small, too... never used one myself, but the reviews I've head are all good, and its one of the amps I am considering as my new main next month... 800W in such a 19lb package is pretty inviting... EA iAmp-800 page



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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I have a piar of heads that are both smal, versatile, and powerful...


My Eden WT300 only weighs 13 pounds, puts out 300 watts, and has the sweetest sounding DI in the biz.


At only five pounds more, my GK1001RB head puts out 540 watts, and is as clean and punchy as a bass amp gets...



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Originally posted by GeorgeR:

Solution? Yank the chassis....

you're aware that warwick makes heads without combos, right? i think buying a warwick head is a great idea. of course, i like the way they sound. they're hard to find.


i think the decision also depends upon your budget. i imagine the best suggestions so far (EA, eden, warwick) are all expensive ones. which is fine, but it helps to know your budget. it also is good to know what's available in your area, and what you're willing to drive to see.



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350W-450W and a 4x10 cab will give you plenty of volume for almost any application. You didn't mention what kind of cab(s) you're using, though, and at what impedance. For example, there are times when 350W and a 2x10 won't quite cut it.


Both the amps you mentioned are solid, reasonably sized, and show up on the used market fairly grequently for very good prices (if you're ok getting used gear). The SWR 350X hasn't been around quite as long, so it doesn't appear "used" as often as the SWR 350 (if you're ok not having the built-in sub-octave effect).


If you can find one, an Ashdown MAG 400 will give you 500W RMS @ 4 ohms. They're out of production now, though, so it would take some looking. I think they only weigh about 20 lbs.


What's your budget? Do you care if the head is new or used? What kind of gigs are you playing? How loud and numerous are the musicians you play with?



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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you're aware that warwick makes heads without combos, right? i think buying a warwick head is a great idea. of course, i like the way they sound. they're hard to find.
Yea, but my getting this amp was COMPLETELY a fluke, and on my budget (virtually nil, what with wife and child in tow) I can't be picky. Like buying a used car, you can't be picky about the color.


I just gotta make the best out of what I've got to work with.

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; one lick and you suck forever.
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Walter Woods amps are probably the smallest things you'll ever see for the power.


Their Mono 2-channel is 1200 watts at 4 ohms...and weighs only 7 pounds!!!! :eek:


It's also $2000. :freak:


And there's no website...I'm not even sure where one could get his number...

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I found a Japanese web-site with some info about Walter Woods Amplifiers.


walter woods in japan


And here's his phone number:


Walter Woods

(760) 772-7952


It's a one-man operation. Do you want him to spend his time answering e-mails, or building amplifiers?


His amps are not cheap and you may have to wait a year for him to build one for you.

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Why, answering emails, of course!


Why doesn't he just outsource all his manufacturing to a third-world country so he can answer emails? Especially mine?


After all, I'm an American! I pay my taxes, and the world owes me everything now!


I want my MTV, my SUV, my Big Mac, and my Walter

Woods Amps while I sit on my overweight, out-of-shape behind! Now!


I want my 7 string bass built completely out of exotic, endangered rain forest woods from the biggest, most CO2-absorbing trees they can find and destroy!


And I want the rest of that species of tree destroyed so nobody can have a bass like mine! Here's some cash, make it happen!




*Whew*, excuse me...don't know what came over me there. :D


Actually, I find it refreshing that Walter Woods takes the time to keep his shop a one-man operation. I've heard his amps, they're incredible, and worth the wait and time. They're a testament to the guy's integrity as a builder.


They should be an example of why bigger, faster, and cheaper is NOT better.

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

Why doesn't he just outsource all his manufacturing to a third-world country so he can answer emails? Especially mine?


After all, I'm an American! I pay my taxes, and the world owes me everything now!


I want my MTV, my SUV, my Big Mac, and my Walter

Woods Amps while I sit on my overweight, out-of-shape behind! Now!


I want my 7 string bass built completely out of exotic, endangered rain forest woods from the biggest, most CO2-absorbing trees they can find and destroy!


And I want the rest of that species of tree destroyed so nobody can have a bass like mine! Here's some cash, make it happen!



Another monitor sprayed with tea (I couldn't hold it in). Great post Ben !!


If you want to go with Robb's suggestion, our own bassaddik is a dealer. Try him at www.access-bass.com.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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