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Buying Bass. Need Opinion.


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Ok. So I've gone to the Guitar Center and Guitar & Keyboard City near where I live. I decided I was going to buy a better bass than the one I have. I played every bass in each store, and found that I liked the same one in both. A fretless Ibanez EDA905. I would just like to know what some of you other people who've tried this bass think of it. :thu:

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Welcome to the forums.


Well, what's the bass that you have right now? Are you really that disappointed with it?


Anyways, about that Ibanez. It's all about what you think. We all talked about this bass a couple months ago and here's how it mostly came out:


The piezo system on the bass is not so great. For some it just plain didn't work. I don't like the looks at all. Give me a real piece of wood and and nice shape to it. The neck is too wide for me. Not very comfortable. I also don't really like the single pickup option. Not a whole lot of tonal possibilites.


If your sorta a beginner, are you sure that you want to upgrade to a 5-string fretless? I've been playing a couple years now and don't like and can't get used to the way it feels. I'm happy with my Fenders.


But, if I could recommend a few other fretless basses, try to check these out.


Carvin makes some excellent basses and guitars. I really like everything that they make. You can check them out at Carvin.com . I wonder what Wickerman will suggest... ;)


I don't really enjoy the fret lines on the Fender basses, but they sound alright. Spector makes some nice fretless basses and so does Warwick.


I want to say check out the Carvins, at your price range you can get a neck-through Carvin that looks and sounds amazing for the money. They also have bolts that sound great too. But, if you tried it out and like it, get it.

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About 16 years ago, I got an Ibanez fretless (4-string model) as a Birthday present. Considering the time lapse and the modifications that are sure to have been made, I can only say that my 16 year old bass is one of the best I've ever played. It just SOUNDS good, no matter what rig I play it thru, or direct to-the-board. It's clean, VERY sweet-sounding, the neck is thin enough for quick movements, and I play it more than my '63 P-Bass, just because the tone is so sweet.


If you like the sound, go for it. I doubt you'd be disappointed, since it's all in what YOU hear from the bass, not what others perceive.


Just my .02,

_Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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Thankyou everyone :D who helped me. All I really wanted to know was if it was worth the price. Thanks to your opinions and help on this subject, I now know for sure that I am going to buy this bass.


And FYI CowbellAllen, my current bass is a Fender Squier P-Bass. Its a great beginner guitar, but I feel limited. I feel I've outgrown it. Even with the help of effects pedals, new strings, and a variety of amps, I can't get the tone I want out of it. I'm just ready to move on, and the only way I can do that is to get a new bass. Out of the many basses I've played, and the many stores I've visited, I stongly prefer this bass . Once again, thanks to anyone who cast his/her opinion.

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it sounds like you have played a lot of basses. is there a tonal quality or pickup configuration or general style that really appeals to you. and how much money do you have to work with. do you like fender style things or some of the more non-traditional shaped things like spector and warwick.


the link didn't work in the previous post but if you dug the ibanez one then a bass that I think is better but has similar stylings is the cort curbow. that might be one to look at.


here is a link: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/sid=030216215731012212000085226500/search/g=home/detail/base_id/101829

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I've played both the Ibanez and the Cort Curbow (fretted, not fretless). They share one characteristic - since their bodies are made from non-wood, there is a smell that seems to linger.


For me, I liked the Cort better. That was a feel thing - Ibanez stuff is usually OK. If you can find a used Carvin, I'd like that better....


Good luck!!



Acoustic Color


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Originally posted by Flemtone:

About 16 years ago, I got an Ibanez fretless (4-string model) as a Birthday present. Considering the time lapse and the modifications that are sure to have been made, I can only say that my 16 year old bass is one of the best I've ever played. It just SOUNDS good, no matter what rig I play it thru, or direct to-the-board. It's clean, VERY sweet-sounding, the neck is thin enough for quick movements, and I play it more than my '63 P-Bass, just because the tone is so sweet.


If you like the sound, go for it. I doubt you'd be disappointed, since it's all in what YOU hear from the bass, not what others perceive.


Just my .02,

_Tim from Jersey :thu:

We gotta problem...I'm Tim, and I'm from Jersey!


Anyway, I play only Ibanez and there's a reason for that. They're amazing, inexpensive and just all around great instruments. Most basses of mine are stock, but Ibanez leaves plenty of room for upgrades (EMG P/J's coming soon)


However, I'm not a fan of the EDA line, I play Soundgear basses exclusively, but looking at an EDB model, a little less futuristic. But if you like it, I can tell you it will hold up to years of abuse and sound and feel good in ten years as it did when you bought it.


Just my .02

The other Tim from Jersey.

\m/ Timothy Lyons
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apparently people around here don't like ibanez ergodynes. i've always liked how they felt but can't deliver any substantive tone commentary.


if it's the bass that best fits you, it's worth it. i can't imagine that it's too expensive, being an ibanez, so i wouldn't hesitate. it can feel odd liking a bass and then hearing a bunch of negative about it, but be yourself.



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Yeah, be yourself. Don't do what you think will validate you in front of others; do what's you.


Part of the problem, maybe, is that Ibanez has a spotty reputation in some circles. But they sure have gotten a lot of things right, imho. The ATK was a great bass, & lots of people swear by the Roadstar II. I was really impressed by their BTB series basses; I'd buy one in a minute. I've also been working on the "Standing in the Shadows" Jamerson book & discs, & perhaps my favorite performance--and by far my favorite tone--on that disc is Gerald Veasley's, who plays...well, the shot of him in his section of the book shows him with an Ibanez. And so on. There's a lot of voodoo about brands, so take it for what it's worth, & NO MORE.


(Can't tell you about luthite, though...thorry.)

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on a more realistic plane, stepping up from a squier P to a ken smith is ludicrous. i have been playing for nine years and i wouldn't feel comfortable playing a multi-thousand-dollar bass.


Fat-T found a bass he wants, and he wants to be certain his impressions are correct. he didn't ask for everyone to name their favorite basses so he could from someone else's list.



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I would have to say that if I absolutly had to chose and Ibanez that was fretless or 5 string, it wouldn't be a ergodyne. The neck through sound gear in cherryburst actually does look very nice for what it is though. Those Ibanezs though........I can't imagine anyone taking me seriously if I payed about $700 for it. But hey, you found a bass that you tried out and decided it was the best so I applaude
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