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i've noticed a lot of musicians kinda "look down" at other musicians for playing in a cover band. most coverbands don't really feel that way about original bands though. i write music of my own but also play in a cover band, it's strictly fun and we consider ourselves to be entertainment, that's all. just food for thought for all the original artists who feel that way. how do you feel? hmmm.........
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There are two types of cover bands: bad and good.


Musicians who look down on a player who's in a good cover band usually aren't good enough to be able to learn anyone's songs but their own and some Blink 182 tunes.


"It stifles your creativity, man..." Whatever...

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Jesus, you people are reeeeally trigger-happy with the anti spam crap lately. Chill the f#@% out. Easiest way to get rid of spam is to hit the "Back" button.


I'm sorry if I'm stepping on toes, but this topic has far surpassed the actual spam annoyance level for me.


By the way, this seems to me like a perfectly reasonable question to ask in a forum of musicians.



...simply stating.
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Originally posted by surfmonkey:

O.K., well this topic is in all the other forums . This is definitely spam. I don't look down on cover bands, but I do look down on people who waste my time.

While I'm certainly not condoning the obvious poorly-made decision on sadworld's part, it occurs to me that if you have taken the time to read and post in his threads on those other forums, you may reconsider the cause of your wasted time problem.

Just a thought.




Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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We've talked about this before, check the archives. Unfortunately some people will see your posting as an advertisement for your band.


You've got an interesting song selection, you will be a better player for learning all that stuff. But unfortunately players in original bands and (often the audience) will not respect you. That's not your problem.


Meanwhile, if you are going to publicly print your song list you better spell check it:


Wip it?

Bob Dillan?



Your song files and picture files are pretty big, I have cable modem and it still takes a long time to get them. Try reducing the size.


Good luck.

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Originally posted by danymal_x:

Originally posted by surfmonkey:

O.K., well this topic is in all the other forums . This is definitely spam. I don't look down on cover bands, but I do look down on people who waste my time.

While I'm certainly not condoning the obvious poorly-made decision on sadworld's part, it occurs to me that if you have taken the time to read and post in his threads on those other forums, you may reconsider the cause of your wasted time problem.

Just a thought.


I have no homepage.
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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Meanwhile, if you are going to publicly print your song list you better spell check it:


Wip it?

Bob Dillan?



Also, SepArate ways


I still include cover tunes. So does every player in every major symphony. Nobody calls Beethoven tunes "cover" tunes. It only has a bad connotation in this field of music. Van Halen playing "You really got me" is a cover tune.


To me it depends on the tunes. The only "covers" I do are difficult ones that I would never be able to write myself.


In public I play strictly what is now called Prog (progressive). I proudly play the likes of Yes, Gentle Giant, and Tull in public. I find very few capable players, anyway. Many of the players I've run across that cop the "no covers" credo usually are simply incapable of playing such material.


If it's easy to play, write your own.

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Originally posted by paostby:

Originally posted by jeremyc:

Meanwhile, if you are going to publicly print your song list you better spell check it:


Wip it?

Bob Dillan?



Also, SepArate ways


I still include cover tunes. So does every player in every major symphony. Nobody calls Beethoven tunes "cover" tunes. It only has a bad connotation in this field of music. Van Halen playing "You really got me" is a cover tune.


To me it depends on the tunes. The only "covers" I do are difficult ones that I would never be able to write myself.


In public I play strictly what is now called Prog (progressive). I proudly play the likes of Yes, Gentle Giant, and Tull in public. I find very few capable players, anyway. Many of the players I've run across that cop the "no covers" credo usually are simply incapable of playing such material.


If it's easy to play, write your own.

What is the name of your band and when are you playing next? Love to check it out, as I dig that type of music a great deal.
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Hey, Bumpcity. We are working in one of two keyboard players right now. There are very few capable key players out there. As soon as we get one of them worked in, we'll be out there. And we are still taking ANY suggestions. So, if you know someone, send them my way in an e-mail!. We also have originals in the same genre. paostby@aol.com
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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

If you have a soul, and you value it, you will not join a cover band.

Yeah.. look where it got Elton John...


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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Originally posted by danymal_x:

Originally posted by CupMcMali:

If you have a soul, and you value it, you will not join a cover band.

Yeah.. look where it got Elton John...


yeah totally, that no-talent ass clown.. :D


I like playing in cover bands (if they are good), it's fun. I don't think I'd ever JUST play in a cover band though, gotta balance it out with at least one original project as well. ;)

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Of course I'll state why! I don't mean to offend people who play in cover bands, but I see no point in why anyone would wish to follow so blatantly in anothers footsteps.


Sure, it may be fun. Sure, a lot of cover band players are great players and yes, playing covers can only be good for a players developement. But we only have a limited time on this rock, I can't give covers too much of that time. I didn't pick up a bass to retread old steps...I wanna express MYSELF (Geez that sounds so corny :D ). I'm not a theatre goer, but if I was, I wouldn't wanna go and see Shakespeare plays repeated to death, I'd wanna go and see something new.


Sure Elton John's made a load of cash, I'd like to make a load too. Along the way I'd like to experience the thrill of creating something totally fresh. People always say everythings been done, I often get caught up in this way of thought....then I catch hold of myself! If you don't look you'll not find.


All of my ponits are totally subjective. People obviously get all they need from playing covers, I'm happy for them. I want the same contentment, only I don't believe I could get it from covers.


Maybe the music I play in my own band may not be fresh to others, but it is to me. And I play music to make Me happy.


My arguement is flawed, any arguement so personal always will be. I'd put my flame suit on only the zipper's broken, I also have total faith in the burns unit of my local hospital ;)


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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indeed your ponits are subjective. haven't you ever heard a song that you just had to learn because it expressed exactly what you thought and felt? its good that you want to express yourself but einstein wouldn't have raised the bar if he hadn't been very well grounded in newton, which was definetly "cover physics" by albert's time.
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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

If you have a soul, and you value it, you will not join a cover band.

Hey Cup:

With all due respect...

My 4/5/6 night a week cover band work in Detroit kept me off the daytime job payrolls, and allowed me to work in the studio recording jingles and original work...


Whatever pays the bills, eh?



Confirmed RoscoeHead

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If you are not a songwriter, you will be playing someone else's material. They may even tell you what bass lines to play on their song.


There are many cover tunes that I would much prefer to play over the wretched compositions of the local self-proclaimed geniuses.


My gig last night playing 60's and 70's r&b tunes with a pickup band was way more creative than some albums I have played on where I was micro-managed to death by the producer while playing to sequenced tracks.

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JBFLA, you are in an enviable position. You and many others on this forum are working musicians who don't have the need for a normal 9-5 job. Some of your work requires you to play covers and whilst you find these jobs enjoyable you still find time to work on your own original material!


Would you cut out a portion of your cover work if it dug too far into the time you use for the original stuff?


I'm not so against cover bands that I can't see why a musician would use them to make a wage. I just feel that I wouldn't feel fulfilled playing covers when I know that time could be better used with my own stuff.


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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i think that if you see covers as only a way to make a wage you're missing out on some great fun. where do you cop your licks from? are they all original? you realize that once they're out there that the souless will steal them at the first opportunity don't you? if someone did cover one of your tunes would you be flattered or insulted? guess i sold my soul but i still love that killer bass line on spanish moon- and i think that if i ever get it right i will feel quite fulfilled.
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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

JBFLA, you are in an enviable position. You and many others on this forum are working musicians who don't have the need for a normal 9-5 job.

Hey Cup: 1st of all, those were 'long ago' days I referred to. Now (as a parent, etc...), I have no time for the travel and such...But -


I still play every day, and gig on weekends. My time as a bassist is divided between being completely creative (originals and working within set guidelines, ie - studio work) and having fun playing with musicians I admire and enjoy working with. There is room for both, and each is rewarding in their own way.


There's much to be said for doing covers and listening for those opportunities and openings we practice for. Covers dictate what we play, to a certain extent, but shouldn't stifle what we feel, eh?


I understand your point, and agree to a point...but I would not be the bassist I am, had I ignored the chance to learn from playing with good players...albeit in a cover band.


We find our motivation from different sources...some situations work for a few, others find a different avenue...


My point (if I have one?) is to take advantage of every opportunity, and make the most out of it!


Nothing like Free lessons, right?




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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