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I'm the proud owner of....(fill in blank)


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Westone Rail bass


Mine was this original black color. So imagine now the body a medium blue with white flecks, the bridge/tuner, string saddle, and pickup plastic surround a darker solid blue. Volume knob and pickup are still black. That's my bass now.


Surprisingly strong, punchthru sound. Best tone for blues and country. I bought it for 15 bucks and never figured I'd play with it, but it was my main player, two bands ago.

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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WRAVE- I gotta '78 MM Stingray. Looks beat all the hell to. Does that make it worth any extra!!!

I'm the owner of the Black 4 string StingRay with a Rosewood neck & a Black pick guard. Not yet proud since I've gotta adjust it till I feel right about the feel on the bass. Not yet there.couple of dead spots and buzzes and dropped levels when slap, completely put me off.

BTW, Wrave, would u be able to help me giving a tip where I'd be able to find a StngRay Mute pad bridge similar to your model. The new StingRays bridges have a castrated look which I dont like. Recently I saw a Ernie Ball Stingray on a bass mag cover with a mute pad bride on it. I inquired from Ernie Ball and what they told me was that they also saw the mag but do not carry this bridge. :P

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A 60's VOX Hawk IV Bass. Is it worth anything? No! But, it always played good, stayed in tune, and I've had it since it was new.


My family "coat of arms" buckles in the back. Is that normal?
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I'm the proud owner of a '92 Ford Crown Victoria LTD. It is large enough to hall my URB, 4x10 cab, Peavey Mark VIII head, Peavey Axcellerator Fretless and Samick 5-string in one trip. Plus room for a moving "buddy" (hauling it from car to club is another story).

groove, v.

Inflected Form(s): grooved; groov·ing

transitive senses:1a.to make a groove in;1b.to join by a groove;2.to perfect by repeated practice;3.to throw (a pitch) in the groove

intransitive senses:1.to become joined or fitted by a groove;2.to form a groove;3.to enjoy oneself intensely;4.to interact harmoniously

- groov·er noun

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Originally posted by Brendan Orr:

I'm the proud owner of a '92 Ford Crown Victoria LTD.

Word. I don't have one, but I totally get where you're coming from.


Some time ago there was a fascinating thread about what everybody was driving...





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Ah, the joys of still being young and having parents who will do anything for you, providing you bitch and moan enough. :D


Anyhow, of all my instruments, I'm proudest of my viola, Gustav (made in Germany circa 1940... yes, he's a Nazi viola :D ). Not the highest quality instrument - but I'll be damned if I can't make him sing. Next would have to be my see-through red '95 Fender Fat Strat (MIM), Veronica, who actually does sing along with me when I play. I'm not sure if this is a desirable effect in a guitar, but heck - I like it, and that's what matters most to me (that, and she has a beautiful voice ;) ).


As this is my first post here, I'd just like to say how profoundly greatful I am to have finally found a "community" on the Internet that is musical, intelligent and types properly (for the most part). This place seems to be an oasis among the desert of internet message boards (Harmony-Central, eat your heart out!).

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bitterling, welcome to the Lowdown! Do you have any instruments with fat strings on it, even if your not proud of them? :D


All kidding aside, welcome again. This is a great community with a lot of sharing and caring. One of the most recent threads on theory by Jeremy Cohen should be recognized for the value of information contained in those post. It would take one a number of lessons with a teacher to get everything he has put up there so far.


We have a great mixture of pros, intermediate and beginner players. Every now and then someone gets slapped around. But hey, we play those thick strings and have to grow a little of that thick skin too. :cool:



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Wow, this thread is bobbing around like a sleeping, blubber-filled whale.


So, I'll post again...I'm the proud owner of a new digital camera...nothing special...Powershot A 40.


Still...maybe I can now figure out how to put pics here from time to time...


Oh yeah...and welcome to bitterling.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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im the proud owner of my dad's tune book that he made while in the navy overseas.

he is a guitar player and had a way of writing out songs that i actually understand.

simply put, he wrote out the lyrics and above the appropriate place he wrote the chord you should be playing at the time.


i also have in my collection an extensive print out of some of greenboy's technical babbling on speaker cabinets and some of the more technical discussions involving theory here.


now if i would stop playing by ear and start to learn some of this shite i would be alright


Double what we got o mr. roboto




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