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EB MM Stingray


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I was indulgent yesterday and got one. Nice bass. Sounds/plays/looks great/


Question - What the hell are all the knobs. Clearly the far left if volume but three more for one p-up?


I've played about and gotten some cool tones but would rather not be shooting in the dark.


Insight? Benloy... You have one, no?



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I have a 3-band Sterling, & the active preamp is very useful. I've always played passive basses, so I've tended to run this thing with all the knobs all the way up, sometimes backing one off a little etc. But I took a tip from Bumpcity in a recent thread on this--set them all to center (the MM has those handy center detents!), & make minor adjustments up or down from there. In other words, treat flat as the default, rather than full up. This really makes a big difference--the preamp suddenly becomes so much more versatile! :idea: Thanks, Bumpcity!


Hey, a question. I really, really like the ability to switch between series & parallel on the Sterling. The StingRay 4 doesn't come with this capability, but wouldn't it be possible to rewire it for series & parallel, perhaps using a push/pull volume pot to switch between? If so, this'd be a $10 upgrade, & could be pretty sweet! Just curious.


PS The StingRay now comes in either 2-band or 3-band, & has for some time. The old originals were 2-band. The 3-band option is now by far the more popular/common.

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Yep, BenLoy is correct. Great bass, great tone.


Of course, now I am having a G.A.S. attack after playing that Lakland the other day! Let's see.......tax return plus the Stingray could equal a new Lakland. I'd still have (theoretically) the Stingray tone, but with more options with the Lakland. Damn these pains!

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Hey, a question. I really, really like the ability to switch between series & parallel on the Sterling. The StingRay 4 doesn't come with this capability, but wouldn't it be possible to rewire it for series & parallel, perhaps using a push/pull volume pot to switch between? If so, this'd be a $10 upgrade, & could be pretty sweet! Just curious.
Yep...I've been thinking about having this done for a while now...everytime I play the final chord on "Portrait of Tracy", the harmonics just dont jump out in the same way as when you're using a single coil pickup. Pity.


BUT, it needs a fret job first which I just sent it off for. I've been playing the damn thing anywhere from 2 to 7 hours a day for 7 years straight...using stainless steel strings! The poor thing was begging for mercy...

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Originally posted by dcr:

Hey, a question. I really, really like the ability to switch between series & parallel on the Sterling. The StingRay 4 doesn't come with this capability, but wouldn't it be possible to rewire it for series & parallel, perhaps using a push/pull volume pot to switch between? If so, this'd be a $10 upgrade, & could be pretty sweet! Just curious.

I would think that this would be possible and not too big a deal, but I really don't know for sure.


Why not simply get a Sterling? Unless a player really wanted the slightly larger neck and wider string-spacing on the StingRay. (Although, if you already had the StingRay, I understand that it would be cheaper to make this mod than to buy or trade for a new bass!)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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"Why not simply get a Sterling?"


Yep--that's just what I did!


File my query under purely acadmic, or maybe under hot tip....


Ben, I hadn't thought of it, but I suppose you could also use a push/pull to switch between dual & single coils? Cool. Man, at $9 a pot & the cost of some solder, a feller could do a lot.


:wave: Hi, Jack! Appy polly loggies...

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