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Someone calls you to audition for a band. They ask you about your live playing experience and tell you tjat they arealso going to be auditioning other band members.Once you get there there is no band,no drummer and the auditor? wants you to play to a tape and have you read a chrods chrt briefly.



"Word to your mother"
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Solo si eres un completo idiota.


I wouldn't expect much enthusiasm to be inspired from playing with a group of people who can't even take time to jam a little with you and get better feel of your groovin' IMHO.

Does it hurt?


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Originally posted by conguiño:

Solo si eres un completo idiota.


I wouldn't expect much enthusiasm to be inspired from playing with a group of people who can't even take time to jam a little with you and get better feel of your groovin' IMHO.

"Word to your mother"
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First, I thought he answered it. I can't guarantee the Spanish, but he made the point that what they did was a bad idea, because the band doesn't get to see if they groove with you.


An audition is a two-way "fact finding" meeting. They get to see what you are made of. And you get to see what the band is like.


I think it was a "successful" audition, because you learned a lot about the band. They didn't bother to show up. They told you that they will not let you meet them, play with them, see what kind of people they are.


Don't go back (unless they have a good story and the whole band makes a special effort to welcome you).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Thats kinda like buying a car without a test drive!


I'd say either they don't know enough about music to realize the importance of the audition process for both sides, or they aren't serious enough about their music to make it worth your while to even talk to them again. I'd say they failed that audition miserably...


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Seems like a strange way to audition someone...but I've heard of stranger.


When Frank Zappa was auditioning bassists, he had Scott Thunes play a really difficult written piece with two other bassists. All three of them had to face each other and look each other in the eye.


Weird...but it is Frank...

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

Seems like a strange way to audition someone...but I've heard of stranger.


When Frank Zappa was auditioning bassists, he had Scott Thunes play a really difficult written piece with two other bassists. All three of them had to face each other and look each other in the eye.


Weird...but it is Frank...

That's pretty funny! But... did each one have to look at BOTH other bassists at the same time? That would have been even stranger! :freak:

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Originally posted by conguiño:

Solo si eres un completo idiota.

Translates to "only if you are a complete idiot" if i'm not mistaken. (hey that spanish class is useful!)
"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:



First, I thought he answered it. I can't guarantee the Spanish, but he made the point that what they did was a bad idea, because the band doesn't get to see if they groove with you.


An audition is a two-way "fact finding" meeting. They get to see what you are made of. And you get to see what the band is like.


I think it was a "successful" audition, because you learned a lot about the band. They didn't bother to show up. They told you that they will not let you meet them, play with them, see what kind of people they are.


Don't go back (unless they have a good story and the whole band makes a special effort to welcome you).





I might have misread the answer but the spanish sentence did sound like the guys says "they will audition you in this manner if they think YOU are a complete Idiot" he should have started with some thing like "If the AUDITOR is a complete idiot if he might ...So & So"


You guys know I never start fights here but I do know how defend myself if I fell I am being picked on.


I do take full responsibility on the misinterpretation and pologize if the guy did not mean this in spanish in the first place.


Otherwise everything is fine.

"Word to your mother"
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My Spanish was never good, but I thought it meant the same as what Penguinsarebirds - "only if you are a complete idiot".



A: Only if you are an idiot.


You are right - no slight on you.


But what happened? Did they call you back? Did you tell them to get lost?


Inquiring minds want to know....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Well...if the question is,




it would be correct to describe the auditor--"you"--in the 2nd person, & to describe the bass player in the 3rd person (he/she/him/her), in keeping with the original question. "Only if you are a complete idiot" would most naturally be interepreted, in response to THIS question, as describing the auditor, since it uses the 2nd person. If he meant that the bass player was an idiot, he should have said, "Only if HE (or SHE) is a complete idiot." Right? And doesn't Spanish work just like English on this point?

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Originally posted by dcr:

And doesn't Spanish work just like English on this point?


'Solo si eres un completo idiota.'


JK... actually, you're right on that point... the first person is actually the second person who's on third but then, who's really on first and... oh. Did I say that out loud?

¿Mi esta un completo idiota?


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

...But what happened? Did they call you back? Did you tell them to get lost?


Inquiring minds want to know....



Actually no, they haven't called back. I sat down read and played to the tape like a good lowdowner.


When I was leaving there was a drummer coming in without a set and there was no set at the audition place. (He seemed upset too)


Call it just bad luck in finding a flaky project auditioning people.

"Word to your mother"
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