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shopping for t-shirts??


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To make an ammendment to that post, any stores/chain stores you know that sell similar garb, since buying online isn't much of an option for me?

"If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table."

-Mitch Hedberg

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When I was down at NAMM I went into a 7-11 to get a bottle of water. I was wearing the t-shirt with the bass clef that I had scored from BassQuake. A guy there said "nice shirt" to me, I looked up and this guy was standing there with a shirt and baseball cap with bass clefs. He said to me, "I made that". It was Kerry Lathon from Lathon Bass Wear. His clothes were Laker colors and Jeremy asked we he would do Raiders colors, to which he answered yes. I think we all should by bass wear and teach the rest of the world what a bass clef symbol is.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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