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PA amp for bass?


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I have no idea if there is much of a difference between bass power amps and PA power amps, but I need one and dont have much cash (common tale for us :freak: ) And for $219 this seems like quite the deal. I'll be running an 8 0hm 2-10 and an 8 omh 4-10. Bridging them mono would give me a nice amount of juice :D

But first off, I have no separate preamp. I do have a GK amp with a good pre, but no designated output. I do have an effects loop and a direct output, would either of those work? And are there any other problems you may forsee? Thanks for the help :)

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I've heard around here that Crowns are best for what you need. They're typically used for live reinforcement, but excel at amplifying instruments lke bass and guitar. Heck, I wouldn't mind using one for a bass rig. They run cool for hours on end, and require very little maintenance. Just make sure that whatever cabs you use match the ohm rating and match or exceed the wattage you need. What's the GK amp model you use?
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PA amps work wonderfully for bass, but the amp you posted isn't a PA amp, it's a home hi fi amp. The specs on the website are sketchy, but the few they posted look pretty good.




I find it a little suspicious however that the retailer claims 600 watts into 4ohms bridged when the manufacturer makes no mention of bridging the amp into 4ohms. I've never heard of this company and how well it will perform is anybody's guess, but it doesn't seem to be intended for professional use.

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Actually, tazzola, cabs should have a wattage rating slightly less than that of your amp, otherwise you run the risk of overdriving your amp, which is worse for the speakers because of the square like waveform created by clipping.

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Originally posted by Mudbass:

I've never heard of this company and how well it will perform is anybody's guess, but it doesn't seem to be intended for professional use.

My thoughts exactly. I wish i could test it out but... Im gonna e-mail, and see if I can get more info.
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Originally posted by tazzola:

What's the GK amp model you use?

It's a GK 1200SEB. I got it used from a guy who got it used from another guy. I e-mailed GK for info and all they could tell me is that its a 200 watt amp that was discontinued in '92 :freak:
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I'm with Mudbass on this one... you need to weigh how much you're gonna be depending on this amp, and if you have any doubts, you should stick with a brand that is known for making quality amps for musicians... you can always find good deals on eBay, and for that matter, I'm sure you could find exactly what you really need down in Calgary, if you can't find it in Edmonton. When I lived up there you could always find used gear in the Herald or in the shops.


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Thanks all for the input, but does anyone know about my other question? This applys for pretty much any power amp, will either the effects loop send, or the direct out (with ground lift switch) work to send my signal post eq to the power amp without any problems?
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The direct out is intended for connection directly to a PA, and correct me if I'm wrong (theres lots of folks here that know a whole lot more than me.) but the direct out on most amps takes the signal from between the pre- and power- portions of the amp. So that being said, you should be able to use the DI of your amp into another system. The Ground/Lift switch simply changes the ground on your output if hooking into the system creates a ground loop hum.

Again, anyone feel free to step on in here to correct me if I'm wrong.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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