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Right after playing? Right after playing I just give the strings and board a simple wipe with a soft cloth that I keep in my case/gig bag for just that purpose.


I try to have a tech do a set-up for me at least once a year, and when that happens the fellah who does it for me cleans my frets and fretboard. Also, when you change strings you can take the opportunity to oil your board (some folks use lemon oil, some use boiled linseed...).





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Mudbass:

You're supposed to clean them?

LOL, I just spent the better part of an hour cleaning the green funk off of my frets. I guess I should clean more often! :D


I usually just wipe down the strings and neck at the end of each gig.

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I have been lucky - I don't even wipe it down when I'm done playing. Fortunately I don't sweat (not my hands anyway). Maybe twice a year I used to use spray furniture polish on the body and neck, rubbing carefully along the frets (kids, don't do this at home). With my new Kinal, Mike K likes the boiled linseed oil, so someday I'll have to try that...




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