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Do you have Bass pride?


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Well, a reply by someone a while ago stayed in my mind and made me think, now I wanna know what you think.

Someone said:"Why do bassists always have to reassure themselves to make them self-confident that they are important?" Thats not exactly what was said, but it is an interesting, yet scarry question. I don't have a "test" to see if you actually have pride in playing bass, but please be honest.

Sometimes I see newbies that are afraid to say that they play bass because of the lack of experience. But, just be honest.

BTW, this is for ALL the time, not just in a certain situation.

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I have bass pride but I understand COMPLETELY what you mean. A bassist's importance must sometimes be reassured, especially when you get into heavier music (generally speaking).


I blame low-end hogging, drop-tuned metal guitarists. :D

Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end.

--King Crimson

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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Yeah, I'd say I do. When I'm in the mood, that is. Other times, I'm simply "a musician". Keeps it mystery-full (word?). But for real, yes. I'm full of pride that I can attempt to play the bass.

I dunno, is mystery-full a word? Hehe, you can attempt to play bass huh?


YES, 500 POSTS! Does that mean Gold Member?

Oh well, I'll see.



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Originally posted by hurricane surfmonkey:

Is this like gay pride?...should we have a bass pride parade?... :P

Yes, it's kind of like gay pride, but without the gay. Unless you're gay in the classic sense, then that's ok.


JDL, yeah, you're a GOLD MEMBER now.

{asshole mode on} Wooohoooo!!! Want a cookie? {asshole mode off} And yes, mystery-full is now a word; I just asked my good friends Merriam and Webster, and they said yes. So take that.

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Sometimes you'll see what I'll call bass-humility. There are many causes....


  • we have a healthy respect for what our bandmates contribute
  • we play an accompanyment instrument (for the most part)
  • we recognize that there are virtuoso bass players and respect them
  • we enjoy working together with others to make music, but know it doesn't always work - sometimes we're cautious
  • we're not idiots - we're the cool, the rhythmic, the bottom, the marin..... I mean, we're confident on the inside

Yes, I've been heard saying "oh my god, I'll never play that well" (I think I said it to wraub at Sadowsky's). But the truth is that if you put me with a rock or blues band, I'll handle it. And I'll be proud that I can be lowdown!



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Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I'm proud because I enjoy, am confident, and hey, it takes a certain type of person to BE a bassist. Not superior person or anything like that, just a unique mindset and outlook that make us capable of filling a role that is not meant for everyone.


But I still don't like those obcenely loud Johnny Droptune's either!

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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Originally posted by JDL:



You can make up your own words!


I guess maybe.......................


No no no, you cannot make up your own words, but I can. I'm friends with Merriam and Webster, remember? Plus, you're only Gold, not Platinum like me...nah nah nah nah nah nah....
Hey, hey hey now

what happened to one love?

Haha, your friends with the dictionary maker-people.


Bob wouldn't have said that, now would he?



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Yeah, I'm proud to be a bass player. I love this instrument. The more I learn about it, the more I love it, & respect it. I'm also very fortunate to play with other people who understand & respect what a bass brings to the table.
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Originally posted by JDL:

Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Originally posted by JDL:



You can make up your own words!


I guess maybe.......................


No no no, you cannot make up your own words, but I can. I'm friends with Merriam and Webster, remember? Plus, you're only Gold, not Platinum like me...nah nah nah nah nah nah....
Hey, hey hey now

what happened to one love?

Haha, your friends with the dictionary maker-people.


Bob wouldn't have said that, now would he?



Ok, you can do it too. But what wouldn't have Bob said?
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No no no, you cannot make up your own words, but I can. I'm friends with Merriam and Webster, remember? Plus, you're only Gold, not Platinum like me...nah nah nah nah nah nah....


Thats what Bob wouldn't have said.

Its not like I knew him(but I did)

its not like we're related(but, we are)

its not like we're blood brothers(of course we are)


i mean, that would be crazy


Thank you, your majesty-all-powerful-patrick for granting me the oppurtunity.

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I love playing music, whether I'm the bassist, guitarist or whatever. When I play or record a bassline, I want to be proud of my work -- more importantly, I want to be proud of the song I'm playing.


Now, the bassist in my band (#5) has bass pride in a big way. He's always talking about "We bass players do this," and "I'm the bassist, so I know that," etc. I think he sometimes forgets that I'm really more of a bassist than a guitarist (I pretty much always sound like I'm playing bass -- evn when I play guitar), so every once in a while, I have to grab the bass from him and show him that there are no essential barriers between the instruments. There are just musicians, songs and music. Instruments are not important... music is.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I think if you're a proud person, you'll take pride in anything that you put a lot of time and energy into.


"Sing it clear, sing it loud...We play bass and we are proud"


"uhh, what fukcin key was that sopposed to be in?!"


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Here's another reason to be proud to be a bassist: (if even just a little superficial)


When the guitarist takes his solo, the men watch;

When the drummer takes his solo, the men watch;

When the basssist takes his solo, the ladies will get up and shake their 'thang!'

...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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Originally posted by matt C:

Here's another reason to be proud to be a bassist: (if even just a little superficial)


When the guitarist takes his solo, the men watch;

When the drummer takes his solo, the men watch;

When the basssist takes his solo, the ladies will get up and shake their 'thang!'

Thats 'cause everyone knows that a bass player goes down better than anyone else!



Hey JDL when are you getting that J-Bass you're getting?



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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Originally posted by hurricane surfmonkey:

Is this like gay pride?...should we have a bass pride parade?... :P

I think we should guard against taking this phrase TOO seriously: "Bass players do it better in the bottom."


And actually, one of our esteemed fellow members and one of our mods HAVE played a bass pride parade. Check this out: http://www.musicgearnetwork.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=001511#000003

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by JDL:

No no no, you cannot make up your own words, but I can. I'm friends with Merriam and Webster, remember? Plus, you're only Gold, not Platinum like me...nah nah nah nah nah nah....


Thats what Bob wouldn't have said.

Its not like I knew him(but I did)

its not like we're related(but, we are)

its not like we're blood brothers(of course we are)


i mean, that would be crazy


Thank you, your majesty-all-powerful-patrick for granting me the oppurtunity.

Chill, it was a joke. A funny funny ha ha. Don't (ever) take me seriously.
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Yeah I think bass pride is an important part of what we do. But as bass players it is usually tempered with humility, remember we are not lead guitarists.


Like most bass players I started out by copying the rhythm guitarists chord pattern. But remember when we see these Drop Tune Jonnys with their long hair and Metalica tshirts, they are just bass players who don't have the courage or self awareness to know that they are really bass players on the inside.


Like CMDM said i consider myself as a musician whose chosen instrument is the bass,I play guitar, drums & the harmonica too (& the nose flute). But if im strummin a funky rhythm on the guitar I'm usually thinkin of a great bass line to go with it. Bass is Home. In my early years as a bass player I would tell people that i was a musician. They'd ask which instrument an I'd say bass they'd say Oh... (Id wanna say Thats right I play bass. The bass is like an amazing piece of architecture, like a pyramid or somethin, not just the cornerstone or the base but the whole damm thing I am mighty to behold and people look upon the bass and wonder how could man create something so amazing, and the friggin guitarist is just the pointy bit at the top.) But id say yeah and the person would talk about somethin else.


Now Ive been playing bass for about 12 yrs in a range of places, pubs, clubs, church & school where i work. In the last 4 yrs, since i have found my groove as a bass player, ive had lots of ppl tell me how much they appreciate how well ive played. This leads me to believe that a good bass player can't assume respect but he gets it from ppl who feel what he plays. If you wanna be an advocate for the bass: play well, love what you do and respect and pride will be yours

Providence over serendipity any day.
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Pat-I know. I like to go crazy.


danymal-Its going to take I think at least 2 weeks to get it, but it may be more. I have to wait for it to come in, and for me to get the money, so......................

I'm just gald that by this time next month I'll have a brand-new bass and pickguard. :thu:




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JDL. Sweet... don't ya just love the feeling of knowing you're about to pick up a kickass piece of gear that you know you'll get years of playing out of? I couldn't stand the wait for my current bass... It showed up at home when I was at work and I sent one of my technicians to the house to pick it up and bring it back to the shop. Didn't get anything done the rest of the day!


Patrick... I think he ordered a white pearl guard for it... that will look killer I think.

I personally don't go for pickguards at all on my own gear. I like a nicely figured top (but then don't we all.)

Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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Yes, danymal, you are right. I ordered a white pearl pickguard. Well, I wanted something to jazz/spice it up a bit. I think the bass on my link is the real one, not like the ones they show on the american musical site. What I'm saying is that, the color of the bass is more darker and more mettalic. So, I quickly out-ruled anything other than white, but I already have a white pickguard on my Squier P bass. So, I think it will look really cool.

Yes, I love that feeling. Now, I can dream about it.

Cool story danymal.

I think the plain white pickguard is OK. But, I want to spice it up, thats all.




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