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Sometimes I wanna throw my bass...


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Is "bass throwing" an official or unofficial event at the Highland Games?


Do they usually hold it before or after the log toss?


Do you have to wear a kilt?


Do you have to toss a Fender or Fodera, or can you toss any make, model, or weight of bass?


Do you get more points for distance or style?


Sorry, I just don't know enough about this. ;)




PS -- Please feel free to return to your regularly scheduled OT discussion about religion at any time. ;)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Okay, so I lied...here I go again...


Cornbread, I agreed with your last post a lot. People will believe/not believe in something either because they're given evidence to believe/not believe in it, or because they simply just want to believe/not believe in it.


Yelling that something is the truth with no evidence doesn't get anyone anywhere. When I present my beliefs, my first goal is to accurately represent what they actually are, then support them as best as I can.


Minor specific religious point...I'm not sure what you mean with your reference to the KJV. Mainstream versions like the NASB and NIV do not have a different message in them, the English translation is just a little less archaic.


Hopefully, everyone here is dedicated to being reasonable and finding out what the truth is, about anything...God or throwing your bass. Because if two people believe different things, either one of them is wrong, both of them are wrong, or it doesn't matter...but unfortunately they both can't be right.

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Yeah, where has this topic gone to? Well I have a very strong opinion on this. I haven't read all of the replies, so bare with me. I am a Christian. I'm not saying this to sound religious. I'm not a religious person. But I believe the Jesus dies on the cross for me. Now no one on the planet could ever change you. You have to change yourself. You have to want to change. I'm not apreacher and not trying to preach, I'm just telling everyone about what I believe and know is true. I think there are many people on this forum who will back me up on this. I don't know who throwing a bass could trun into a battle of religions. I mean, I know without a doubt in my mind that I'm right. But, it takes faith. I know it sounds like I'm preaching, but this is what I believe and since it has come up, I will speak my mind on it. If you do not believe in God or Jesus, then it is your decision. We are not trying to cram this stuff down your throat, we are merely carriers of the message and love that we have seen. I know that maybe on other posts maybe I didn't sound "Christian" like and I am sorry. But the other people and I on here who are Christian have "see the light" and want to share it with you. Don't take this so offensivly, though. We just want to help you. It sounds like we are so separted, doesn't it?



JDL-Jesus :freak:

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Cornbread: I see what you're saying and totally agree. There's a difference in disscusion and just yelling at people with your mic. I always say "Please, if you have questions, talk to me after the show" and I've had people come and say things along the lines of how can you believe that crap. I'm perfectly open to hearing someone else's opinions. There's just a very small chance that they'll change my mind. :)
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I see we all agree for the most part. There are some minor differences in our beliefs, but we agree on the major aspects, from what I can see. I hate the people that come and knock on my door wanting to tell me I'm going to hell because I live my life the way I do. From what I have read, only God can make that determination. It's funny how they don't like hearing my views on things, of course, they get a little skewed when the come around. But, who's to say who is right and who is wrong? We'll all find that answer when our number is up, which could happen if you don't throw the bass right and it whacks you in the noggin and splits it like cantaloupe.
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I wonder if any of you here are Fugazi fans?

If so you may have seen the video "We Need an Instrument To Take A Measurement".

Suffice to say that at all of their shows over the past 14 years or so, a camera crew has followed them. (A fellow named Jem Cohen i think)

Anyway last summer in new orleans i caught the chance to see them live. The 4 of us in our group were probable 12 or so foot from the stage in a packed house.

The music was incredible, but Ian, the leadsinger has to open his fu***ng mouth between sets.

He gave us a big speech about how homeless people need a place to live, we gotta get em a place to live, no one cares any more, we gotta get em a place to live.

At the very end of it, while all of these college students-high school students were looking at each other and bobbing their heads in meaningful ways I yell out YEAH SOCIALISM--LETS GIVE THEM OUR STUFF.

The bald bastard stared down at me for the rest of the show.

In between songs i was beset by people saying that they thought he has a good idea, where i responded F**k him, he has a sounding board to a bunch of impressionable kids and he is doing his damndest to influence people who havent had the time on earth or experience to iron out their own ideas. And besides that im taxed too much as it is for alot of welfare programs and aid programs that shouldnt be there in the first place. Now i should just give my hard earned money to some F**king slob sitting the side of the road who isnt makeing a clear, concise determined effort to get a job?

Life is survival of the fittest, if you dont adapt and overcome, you die.

Anyway my views were none too welcome because the big rock star on stage had clearly set everyone's mind in the audience, how could any other view make sense?

Im pretty sure my outburst is going to be on the new video, the film crew was there, shining a light in the audience.


My take is this, say whatever you want at youre concert, its likely people will disagree with you. If you dont want to argue about it though, dont say it.


Second thing is that for years in the apartment next to my old one was an older budhist couple.

Not once in all the myrad conversations with them did they ever ask my views or express their views BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT CONCERNED WITH OTHERS. They knew that they were living their lives as they should in their own minds.

Double what we got o mr. roboto




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Originally posted by Mike Findley:

...for years in the apartment next to my old one was an older budhist couple.

Not once in all the myrad conversations with them did they ever ask my views or express their views BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT CONCERNED WITH OTHERS. They knew that they were living their lives as they should in their own minds.

Word to that.


I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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  • 3 years later...
Originally posted by Bastid E:

holy off topic batman.


as a veteran of the oooooooooooooold school h/c scene i can tell you that 99% of that shit is preachy. it was preachy by design. open up your favorite old albums (or mine, anyway) and look for the big black X on the back of the hands of EVERYONE in the pictures. youth of today was the worst with that shit. then all the straightedge kids "grew up" and became vegans, then krishnas, and they keep making music. oh well.

I know and ex sxe-er who got jumpeped. She isn't sxe anymore. Broke five ribs.

I knew a girl that was into biamping,I sure do miss



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Even though noone probably cares about the original topic of this thread, I'm going to chime in anyway.


Throwing your bass is really not that hard once you practice a little bit. I do not do it anymore, but I used to. It can stir up the right crowd.


These suggestions apply to a right handed person throwing the bass over his/her left shoulder.


#1 You need a slick strap. Nylon or something like that. Sometimes leather will just grab your shirt and try to take you with it.


#2 The strap needs to be adjusted so that the bass hangs at your waist at the very least. If you are wearing the bass up on your chest, you'll just hit yourself in the face with the horn when you throw. If the strap is too long, the bass will just fall off of you in mid-flight.


#3 You do not need to have a wireless, but it helps. Doing it with a cord requires some thought and preparation. Postition yourself or the cord so that as it leaves the bass it falls to the floor, trails across in front of you and to your left, then behind you toward the amp. After you make a successful toss, the cord will be positioned fully behind you. If you are using a 20-foot cord, do not stand 18-feet from your amp.


#4 At the moment when the crowd has almost reached critical frenzy, grab the bass with your right hand at the rear straplock (you do have a straplock on don't you?) and throw the bass over your left shoulder with a fair amount of force. (Don't forget to let go of the neck now, ya hear.) Inertia and gravity will do the rest. If you do not throw hard enough the bass will just land on your back and probably fly out of tune when the tuning pegs hit your legs.


#5 As the bass comes back around by your right hip, grab the neck (at the correct position marker for your next note) and guide it on around and back into place.


#6 Continue to RAWK, knowing that for one brief, shining moment, everyone was looking at you and not the g****r player or singer.


All that being said, I do not endorse this action and fully deny any responsibilty for any and all damage that may be done to you, your bass, your amp, or any other equipment or personnel on the stage with you.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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I can do it, though i usually don't becuase recently i hurt myself doing it, haha.




1.) STRAP LOCKS and a smooth strap (No buttons, pens, pictures, or sharp edges)


2.) A large open area to practice (preferably grass)


3.) a turtle neck, jacket, or shirt with high necking so the strap doesn't burn your skin (trust me, it hurts if you do it multiple times)


4.) Use a cheap secondary bass if you have one OR use a guitar with strap locks (the smaller size and lightness of it make it much easier).


5.) Make sure the strap is the correct length. You want to make sure that you can move it around your body without the body hitting your face, but not too low for the headstock to hit the ground.


6.) Do not be scared that the bass will go flying....remember, you have strap locks, and centripital for will move the instrument around.


7.) Make sure your wireless system is tapped to your strap, though you should try it without any attachments at first.


8.) DO NOT bend your legs or move your body while the bass is moving, becuase it will cuase the bass to hit the ground or hit you, remain as still as possible.







5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Most of you will laugh at me for saying this. I'm probably a lot older than most of you and have "Old Opinions". Today, musicianship is quite different than it was back in the 1940's & 1950's. I must admit I divide modern players into groups. Fine musicians, great entertainers and stage clowns. I have never, I repeat never, seen a fine musician who could play at his finest level while jumping up and down, spinning around and dancing wildly on stage. Entertaining some mindless screaming fans is one thing, but playing music at your highest level is something else.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Bottom sxe stands for straitedge. I used to try to spin an old p bass copy, at the time my only bass, and it hit the ground. I was wearing it to low. I tried again but it crashed into my pa speaker. I'll try again now that i know more.

I knew a girl that was into biamping,I sure do miss



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Well there is that pesky Victor Wooten fellow. He has been know to ride unicycles, do back flips and throw his bass around like a hula hoop, but he's is special and was probably a little bored.
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Vic is a cool guy. Any interview with him will tell you that. His brothers and the others in his Soul Circus group are pretty chill too. I got to talk to them for a few minutes outside of their bus after a show a while back. They started the conversation!
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Originally posted by SmittyG:

Originally posted by pumpcat:

At that moment, I decided he was too stupid to play in my band.

I've been giggling over this since I read it. :)
Yes,...mucho ditto!


Yes,...Victor is very cool. Met him at a workshop he did for Ampeg at a local music store. He took the time to talk to my brother and me even to the point of walking out to the parking lot afterwards.


I have heard that a strap lined with silk is the best for the guitar/bass orbital mission.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Is "bass throwing" an official or unofficial event at the Highland Games?


Do they usually hold it before or after the log toss?


Do you have to wear a kilt?


Do you have to toss a Fender or Fodera, or can you toss any make, model, or weight of bass?


Do you get more points for distance or style?


Sorry, I just don't know enough about this. ;)




PS -- Please feel free to return to your regularly scheduled OT discussion about religion at any time. ;)

1) Unofficial.

2 Depends. It starts after massive consumption of Bushmills and Guiness.

3) yes. You must wear your kilt properly (i.e. no undies).

4) more costly the better. More of a shock factor when someone trashes a couple thousand dollar Fodera than a $100 SX.

5) more points for style. altho a win can happen if the distance was sufficient to totally destroys the bass.


Now you know :)

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It seems like a lot of people here are making the assumption that musicians can either play well or throw their guitar around. I'd like to point out that when somebody is spinning a guitar they're not playing at all. It usually comes at a break in the music when the energy is high. Why is it that somebody can't play well, spin their guitar durring a break and then play well again after catching it? Does the fact that you spin your instrument mean that you jump around like a stage clown constantly? In rock music (people are more likely to spin guitars at a rock show than most other genres), bass players are more commonly playing preconceived lines rather than improvising everything from chord changes...most of the time you don't have to be at the top of your game to play these lines well. Why is it so hard to believe that you can play your part well and jump around like an idiot at the same time?


I'm going outside to practice this spinning thing now.

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Originally posted by pumpcat:



Before you try this, get a locking strap system!


You'll probably need a wireless system too, with the transmitter taped to the guitar body to avoid strangling yourself with the cable.


... and high ceilings...


... and make sure you're standing well away from your fellow musicians...

stole the words from my mouth, so i returned the favor. oh and by the by, very funny story :D
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